About this mod
Lets you open your own Restaurant, Floral Shop, Fishery, and more. Cook, harvest, and sell to villagers
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Mandarin
- Changelogs
Run your own Floral Shop, Restaurant, Fish Market, and more.
Display your cooking and farming, and expect lots of customers browsing, making purchases,
or simply delighting in your exquisite decorations.
- Set up your store anywhere, villagers will drop by and buy your items
- Turn your Farm buildings into a store or museum by obtaining a License
- Invite friends to visit your house the next day!!! Children may ask to play on your farm too!
- Gather your customers' reviews and be the best market in town.
- Turn the island into a Paradise, and there will be visitors every day.
- Join the Paradise Island Festival Market Day!!!
How to: Setting up your first outdoor Store
- Video
- Find yourself a good location. More people passing by means more chance of having a customer.
- Place down a table. Remember to add some decoration around as well. Don't be a boring store.
- Place any item on the table.
- And that's all you need to open up your own brand. Oh! Look like Lewis is taking a break and running to our store.
- A location that has more NPC path will have a higher chance of customer ( Town > Bus Stop )
How to: Set up a Museum, a Restaurant, or a Market Store
- Video
- Meet the requirement to obtain a License: Check out Market Town welcome letter or Market Log for detail
- Visit Desert Trader to get Market License, Saloon for Restaurant License, or Adventurer's Guide for Museum License
- Place a Sign inside the Farm Building, then display the License on that.
- Buildings on Paradise Island have a chance for visitors, no requirement of License
- When > 60% of items in a Building are in the same category ( e.g. Flower ), that Building will be determined as a themed shop ( e.g. Flower Shop )
How to: Invite your first Friend
- Craft an Invite Letter, and give it to your friends
- The higher the heart level, the higher the chance for a Yes
How to: Gather your customer reviews:
- Craft a Customer Note
- After a villager purchased something, give them the note
- They will let you know their opinion, and reward some friendship points too
How to: Open Paradise Island to visitors
- Craft a Paradise Island brazier, and light it on at the special spots
- The number of visitors increases based on the Island Progress score
How to: Join Paradise Island Festival Market Day:
- The Festival only occurs when the Island is open for visitors and on a weekly scheduled
- During the festival, display your item for sale at the grange, and also check out others shops.
- Sell during Festival day will be evaluated for Island Progress score
Removed. Use Market Town - Remaster
To anable AI content, you need to enable it in Config -> Advance, and have Internet connected.Have meaningful conversation with NPC. Try it by stand close by and chat. NPC have 'some memory' about your conversationVillage comment about your items, decoration, ... will be VERY dynamic with AICurrent limit: 10 AI interaction / ingame hour.
If you want to dig into how does things work, here you are
Furniture, items explain:
- License: Is required to use a Farm Building as a business. After completing the requirement, a letter will show the next day letting you know the license is available. The license will show in the shop ONLY after the letter is opened. Buildings on Paradise Island do NOT require a license.
- Invite Letter: a letter you can give to villagers to invite them to visit your house the next day. Craft from crafting menu
- Customer Note: get the opinion about the latest item a villager purchased. Craft from crafting menu
- Market Town Storage Large/Small: Put items in there and it will have a chance to restock nearby tables after an item is sold. If you set a new table, you have to put item on there first manually. Craft in crafting menu.
- Restaurant Decor: Put this on a table and visitors will have a chance to 'sit' around the table and order food. Only valid in buildings with Restaurant or Market Town licenses, and Paradise Island houses.
- Market Log: A log that shows many details about your sales, rating, ... Can buy at Robin shop.
- Paradise Island brazier: Need to place it on a special spot on the island and light it up for visitors to arrive. Craft in crafting menu
Indoor store:
You can use any buildings on Farm as a store ( Shed, Cabin, Greenhouse, ... ). All you need is to display a License on a Sign inside:
- Museum License: Donated 30 pieces to Museum; buy at Adventurer Guild. Visitor to buildings with Museum License will pay a ticket price based on the number of gems, minerals, artifacts, and statues inside. They do not buy the display items, but they might want to special order some foods.
- Restaurant License: Sold 20 foods and earned > 10000G through Market Town way only ( not shipping bin ); buy at Gus. Visitors will buy and special order cooking items only.
- Market Town License: Sold 30 of each Forage, Flower, Fruit, Vegetable, Artisan, Cooking, Fish, Animal Product, Gems & Mineral; and earn > 30000 through Market Town way only ( not shipping bin ); buy at Desert Trader. Visitors will buy and special request every giftable item, plus clothing displayed on the Mannequin.
Customer Rating:
Customer will rate: The last item they bought today ( if the item is food, rate by the gift taste, else rate by the quality ),
the decoration of the area near the item( 17x17 centered on the item), the decoration of the area nearby themself ( 25x25 area; on Island and Farm only )
Customer rating is needed to level up Market Recognition level
- Satisfaction Score: if item is food: hate -> love = 1 -> 5 stars; if not food: normal quality -> iridium quality = 2 -> 5 stars
- Aesthetic Rating: the number of tiles that are crops or decorations in the area, increased from 0 tile found to a maximum score at above 58 tiles ( for example a chair = 1 point, coffee table = 2 points, festival dining table = 10 points )
Paradise Island detail:
- A special island that has only 3 seasons Spring, Summer, and Fall. In spring every crop and fruit tree can grow ( like a greenhouse). Trees have a chance to grow faster, have extra daily fruits, and have higher maximum fruits.
- The island can be open for visitors. Then you can set up a resort and sell items ( which return higher price than any other place ). The visitors will randomly visit the Island house and any buildings on the Island.
- When the island is open for visitors, every Saturday will be a festival Market Day that you have yourself a grange to sell items, and some other villagers also have their own stalls. The money earned during this Market Day will be counted toward your Island Progress score.
- Island Progress score is the money you earned during Market Day / 2000000 ( see Config ). A higher progress score mean more visitors to the island, unlock new shops during Market Day, higher sale prices, higher chance for crops to grow, ...
- The Villagers' shop stock can be customized ( see Config -> Advance )
- The selling price differs by location: Paradise Island house > Paradise Island > Farm Building > others. Other factors affect price: gift taste (food), quality (non-food), decoration score, customer interaction score (per customer), during rush hour, market recognition level, store theme (licensed Farm Building only), island progress score (Paradise Island only)
- Customer interactions: After vanilla dialogue, there is a chance that NPC will be given some new dialogue. Interacting with them will increase your interaction count with that villager. If they buy anything later that day, they will pay a higher price than normal
- A customer may have a chance to "recommend" your store to nearby villagers: If they are positive about the item (good quality, good taste, good decor), they will share a "positive recommendation", or "negative" otherwise. When nearby villagers receive "positive recommendation", it increases the chance they will buy something. If it is a "negative recommendation", they will not buy anything the rest of the day.
- Support Furniture Framework
- Support modded NPCs, Items, Furniture, Buildings
- Multiplayer should be good, except for some minor glitches at Festival Grange Day.
- Install / Uninstall anytime
Known issues
- There is some chance that NPC will walk out of the map border. This can be fixed by command. Type 'help markettown' into SMAPI console to learn more
- Some glitches at Island festival day in multiplayer
Translation: Español, Português, 한국인, 日本語, Vietnamese
Thanks to Mistyspring for Farmhouse Visits
Thanks to Spacechase0 for Displays
Thanks to Ophaneom for Let Me Rest

Discord: HaPyke