This page was last updated on 06 December 2024, 10:51PM
Version 1.2.0
Updated harmony patch for infinite bait and tackles for Stardew Valley 1.6.9+ compatibility.
Infinite tackles option should now work as intended, the workaround of also enabling infinite bait is no longer necessary.
Updated harmony patch for AutoLootFish option for Stardew Valley 1.6.9/1.6.14+ compatibility.
Version 1.1.2-alpha
Fixed an issue with multiplayer when overriding attachment limit. Disabled the option in multiplayer.
Added an experimental "skip minigame popup" option, which will skip the minigame from popping up at all when skipping the minigame.
Added an experimental "disable vibrations" option, which removes various fishing related controller vibrations.
Version 1.1.2
No changes since 1.1.2-alpha
Version 1.1.1
Fixed golden treasure not appearing correctly.
Fixed changing fish quality also applying to rubbish and other items.
Multiplayer fix.
Version 1.1.0
Fixed jellies not being able to be caught when the increase chance of catching fish option was enabled.
Fixed bait and tackles randomly vanishing.
Fixed certain bait not giving the extra fish, e.g. wild bait not catching two fish.
Fixed XP amount being altered when adjusting difficulty.
Fixed sliders having a bunch of digits after the decimal place.
Added an auto cast keybind.
Allow setting a minimum amount of fish required before the minigame gets skipped.
Add a chance slider for "always perfect" and "instant catch treasure" for the minigame skip, meaning you can set a 50% chance of getting perfect.
Adjust XP gain option, this will adjust the XP you gain when you change the difficulty, meaning you get more XP for higher difficulty.
Change the rate at which a fish gets caught. If you'd like to catch fish 30% quicker while it's in the green bar, you can.
Adjust the rate at which the fish escapes when it's not inside the green bar.
An option to adjust the size of the green bar.
Adjust the rate at which a treasure is caught when it's not inside the green bar.
More specific options to alter what you catch. You can now set it to catch fish, rubbish and "other" items.
Set the amount of fish you catch up to 100 fish.
Alter the behaviour of fish quality to be clearer. The tooltips in GMCM will explain exactly how they work.
Change how often a treasure is a golden treasure.
Automatically loot the fish at the end of the minigame, rather than standing there holding a fish in your hand.
Speed up most of the fishing animations.
Completely rewrite attachment logic, now allow everything vanilla allows.
Set an amount of bait to spawn.
Infinite bait and tackle now no longer constantly reset the amount on every game tick. It now simply stops the consumption of your bait or wearing of your tackle.
Overhaul of the GMCM menu, reorganised and reworded most settings to be more clear in meaning.
Version 1.0.2
Hotfix bait and tackles vanishing (when not spawning any in) after adding them to your fishing rod while having the rod in your active slot
Version 1.0.1
Hotfix to fix a multiplayer bug which would spam the SMAPI log with OnUpdateTicked messages leading to a bug in ResetEnchantments()
Version 1.0.0-alpha.20240304
Dynamically generate available bait and tackles on game launch
Changed bait, tackle and quality options to be a dropdown menu
Allow for i18n of the config menu added by GMCM
Replace AlwaysCatchTreasure with an option that allows to adjust treasure appearance rate to vanilla, never or always
Add an option to increase the change of catching fish over junk
Version 1.0.0-alpha
Instantly catch fish and treasure
Always cast with maximum power, score perfect, catch treasure and double fish