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Version 2.3.1
fix create_error_dict_file bug
Version 2.3.0
Support SMAPI's special json format.
Support custom AI model.
Version 2.2.0
1. Support upload dict to Paratranz and download to local
2. fixed extract old mod
3. Add a button in the settings interface to open the config folder.
Version 2.1.1
Add Base URL configuration to support setting the AI request address.
Support Bahasa Indonesia language
Fix the issue of i18n_extract_cp always being true.
Version 2.1.0
Support for extracting ConfigSchema
Support for checking version
Added CheckUpdateAtStartUp configuration to decide whether to check for updates at startup
Changed i18n_ignore_cp configuration to i18n_extract_cp, default value: False
Changed CONFIG_FOLDER to appdirs.user_config_dir to resolve the issue of transtar being installed on the C drive due to insufficient system permissions
Version 2.0.4
Support Vietnamese language.
Fix deepL little error(Thank you ‘屡不’ from bilibili for lending me your account for testing)
Version 2.0.3
fix AI and deepL to_language bug .
Version 2.0.2
fix generate random text error
fix TargetAssetType lowercase error
Version 2.0.1
fix generate
Version 2.0.0
1. Upgraded the UI
2. Support more setting about AI
3. Support deepl
4. Open sourced on GitHub
Version 1.7.0
Upgraded the UI components and expanded the supported ChatGPT model types.
Version 1.6.0
- Support "Data/MarriageMoviesReactions"
- Support "strings/animationDescriptions"
- Support "Data/Pants"
- Support "Data/CraftingRecipes"
- Support "Data/FruitTrees"
- Support "UnlockableBundles/Bundles"
- Fix generate translate text key error in mail.json for MFM
- Support lowercase letters for "Entry" in Changes
- Support import error dict to dict
Version 1.5.0
Add a config to Extract the specified language i18n file.
Support migration of existing translations to Transtar.
Version 1.4.2
Add an open file button in error dialog
Version 1.4.1
Support "Data/CheatsMenu"
Version 1.4.0
Support "Data/Boots", "Data/ClothingInformation", "Data/Furniture", "Data/Buildings", "Data/Minecarts"
Add an option to support extracting CP files when i18n files exist.
Version 1.3.0
support openai
support DisplayName in lowecase
support FarmAnimal
support {{Language}} in when
Version 1.2.7
Switching Google Translate API, the translation quality returned by the previous translation API was very low.
Version 1.2.6
Support multiple{{tagert}}
Version 1.2.5
dict download from platform will change \n to \\n,support recover the \\n to \n
Version 1.2.3
Support more event - splitSpeak <actor> "<text>" - question null "<question>#<answer1>#<answer2>" - question fork<answer index> "<question>#<answer 0>#<answer 1>#..." - quickQuestion <question>#<answer1>#<answer2>#<answer3>(break)<answer1 script>(break)<answer2 script>(break)<answer3 script> - end dialogueWarpOut <NPC> <"Text for next chat">
Version 1.2.2
Support translate from other language
Compared with regular machine translation, I have done a lot of special character handling such as # ,$1, etc., which can ensure that most of them will not be lost. In addition, I have provided special support for special placeholders in English-to-Chinese translation, such as %home, @, etc., to ensure the coherence of sentences.
Version 1.2.1
Add try catch for tanslate exception
Version 1.2.0
Optimize the extraction logic of Data/Events. Previously, only paired double quoted sentences were extracted, but now support three scenarios. - speak NpcName one_word - speak NpcName "multiple words" - speak NpcName "multiple words - message "multiple words", etc. - end dialogue NpcName "multiple words" ,etc. - textAboveHead NpcName "multiple words" ,etc.
Support Machine translation and add a stop button.
Fix the problem where generating a folder does not create it.
Fix the issue where dropping the folder to the area can result in the folder name having an extra / at the end.
Support dynamicToken in the 'FromFile' path.
Fix the sentence where the lack of \" would be treated as a normal sentence. Now check if it contains /.
Version 1.1.1
fix check error dict file encoding to utf-8
Version 1.1.0
Change layout
Added a validation button to check if any special characters are missing in the translated text, such as $1,$h,#,%name,etc.
Added the function to pop up the corresponding folder after execution.
Version 1.0.2
Added a new attribute "stage" with a value of 0 in the dictionary file to Fixed issue with original text in the "translation" field marking dictionary import as "translated" in the collaboration platform
Version 1.0.1
Keep the key modification rules consistent with my Java version.
Fix the issue of multiple backslashes appearing in the translation package generated for Data/event when the entry contains $, replace the entries.
Extract mod entry, therefore, you do not need to understand various framework formats.
Extract sentence in CP file and not in i18n file(The mod author can use it to check if there are any missing sentences that have not been placed in the i18n file)
The entire process from extraction to generating the final translation file.
Verify if there are any omissions or losses in the translated text, such as %farm, $1, ^, #.
Support machine translate
Who needs to use it
Mod translators or teams translating a large number of mods.
How to use
Only support windows.
Download and unzip the file to a separate folder.
Run transtar.exe and select your language.
Drop the mod folder that you want to translate into the drop area or select the folder manually.
Click the extract button, and a 'dict' folder will be generated, containing the content that requires translation.
Extract old
Do not plagiarize another author's translation by using the 'Extract old' without authorization from the original translator.
If you already have a dict file, you don't need to use this feature, you just need to click extract when updating
Click extract old button.
Select the original mod folder of the old version and the folder of the old version of the mod with the translation already installed.
When it has finished. choose a way to optimize translation First way: Open the "dict" folder, and open each JSON file in "dict" folder, replace the content in the "translation" field of each entry with the better translated sentences. Second way: upload the content from the "dict" files to https://paratranz.cn/, which is a collaborative translation platform for managing changes to our entries and facilitating team-based translation.
Tips: If one wants to use ParaTranz.First, you need to have a GitHub account to log in to the ParaTranz website, then you need to create a project of your own , and then you can upload the "dict" folder or files to this website to translate.
check that your "dict" folder exists and that its contents have been translated
click Check button
if success will notice
if error will pop a folder named error,check files in it.
fix the error in dict file until no error
click import from error button
check that your "dict" folder exists and that its contents have been translated
If you used the second way to translate, you just need to download the files you uploaded and place them back into the "dict" folder.
Drop your mod folder (not dict folder)to drop area
click Generate button
After completing the generation, a mod translation package will be generated
If my tool has been helpful for your translation work, I would appreciate it if you could consider adding a link to it on the homepage of your translation mod. This would make me feel that my efforts have not been in vain and that there are people using it.