About this mod
Small changes to various maps, including a cleaner Quarry layout, extra bridges and stairs for easy travel, removal of unbreakable rocks and stumps, and more!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Replaces the barrel on the dock (for Willy's special order) with a more attractive wooden barrel.
- Removes unbreakable rocks.
- Moves the signpost backwards to align with the fence.
- Removes unbreakable rocks and stumps.
- Moves a large bush near the Hat Mouse. Removes several small bushes.
- Adds a bridge across the river, for traveling north from the large island. This option can be disabled in the config settings.
- Removes unbreakable rocks near the Town entrance.
- Removes or moves boulders, barrels, etc. along the Quarry walls to provide a cleaner layout for players who use the Quarry for kegs, tapped trees, etc.
- Adds a bridge across the mountain lake, for traveling east from the islands to the quarry. This option can be disabled in the config settings.
- Removes unbreakable rocks around the Spa building.
- Removes unbreakable rocks and stumps.
- Removes the trash in Pam's yard. (You still need to wait for Trash Bear to upgrade Dusty's doghouse and clean up the forest sewer area.)
- Adds an entrance to Dusty’s pen, for immersion with free-roaming Dusty from SH's Domestic Animals mod. (This feature will be automatically disabled if Dusty Overhaul is installed, since that mod makes its own edits to the doghouse area.)
- Moves 2 bushes near the graveyard & sewer entrance.
- Adds a staircase near the Mountain entrance, plus 2 new bridges for easier travel across the river. This option can be disabled in the config settings.
- Moves the mailboxes near George's house and the Museum. This will cause a minor visual inconsistency with the mod Ayeisha the Postal Worker, since Ayeisha will be a few tiles away from the mailbox. George's mailbox edit will cause a similar inconsistency in Penny's 2-heart event. Each mailbox edit can be individually disabled in the config settings.
- Applies the regular map changes to the festival maps (when relevant).
- For festivals where Pierre is normally unreachable behind his shop booth, removes obstacles so that you can talk to him.
- I didn't remove literally every rock, just the ones that seem to get in the way.
- I didn't move/remove many bushes, just the ones I found most annoying. Most bushes can be removed by the player using Destroyable Bushes.
- I didn't make changes to allow the horse to travel anywhere the player can, because I always use Horse Overhaul for this purpose.
A few bushes have been moved or removed on the Forest and Town maps. If you are installing this mod on an existing save, these bushes won’t update automatically. Please do the following:
- Install ResetTerrainFeatures_NET6 - this is an unofficial update for Stardew 1.6. (The original mod page is here).
- Go to the Forest and open the RTF menu (the default hotkey is “L”). Select the Bushes checkbox and click Reset, then close the menu.
- Go into Town and repeat the same process.
- Now you should see the updates shown in the screenshots above.
- You will also need to reset the bushes if you decide to disable (or re-enable) the "Forest" or "Town" config options.
- NOTE: If you've already unlocked the special orders board, resetting the bushes in Town will cause a bush to appear on top of the board. It should go away overnight or on restart. If not, use Destroyable Bushes to chop it down.
Each map can be individually disabled in the config.json file or Generic Mod Config Menu. Some features have individual config settings as well, for mod compatibility or keeping the maps as close to vanilla as possible (see the list above for details). Festival map edits can also be disabled.
- NOT COMPATIBLE with Stardew Valley 1.5.
- NOT COMPATIBLE with mods that significantly change the vanilla maps (like Stardew Valley Expanded) unless the other mod offers a config option to disable their map changes.
- Compatible with mods that just patch the vanilla maps, e.g. to add a custom NPC's house or an entrance to a new custom map. Let me know if you see any glitches (where this mod and another mod try to patch the same area) and I'll do my best to add compatibility!
- Compatible with any recolor mods. Please note that if your preferred recolor hasn't been updated for Stardew 1.6, you will see some mismatched colors wherever the new vanilla tilesheet assets appear.
- Compatible with Early Town Shortcuts (my other map mod)
- Compatible with Dusty Overhaul
- Compatible with Valley Upgrades
- Compatible with Louis's Garage and Renault 5 Expansion
- Compatible with Ayeisha the Postal Worker, but see the "Town" section above for my note about the mailbox config settings.
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor plus VPR Temporary Fix for 1.6
Check out my other mods for Stardew Valley, which include maps, animals, crops, furniture, clothing, and more!
All donation points earned by my mods go to Doctors Without Borders.