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About this mod

This mod lets the farmer's stamina to heal or decay as time goes by

Permissions and credits
Adjustable Stamina Healing(ASH)

This mod was created to adjust game difficulty by increasing/decreasing player character's stamina (or health) over time.
And you can change the value to heal/decay in-game, even disable modifying by setting the value to zero.

That's it.
This project is Open Source and the codes are available at GitHub under the GPLv3 License
Feel free to comment, or endorse if you like it.

This mod requires SMAPI in order to work.

SecondsNeededToStartHealing (int, default:3, minimum:0) - seconds the farmer needs to stand still to start healing. If he/she is moving, healing will stop.
HealingValuePerSeconds            (float, default:0.5, minimum:0.0, maximum:2.0) - The value to affect farmer's stamina and health.
HealHealth                                    (bool, default:false) - This option toggles whether to heal also health.
StopHealingWhileGamePaused (bool, default:true) - Weather heal while game is paused (Any events, Opening menu).
IncreaseKey                                  (Keys, default:79) - The key to increase the value of HealingValuePerSeconds by 0.1 in-game.
DecreaseKey                                 (Keys, default:80) - The key to decrease the value of HealingValuePerSeconds by 0.1 in-game.