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About this mod

Revises Abigail's 8, 10, and 14 Heart Events to make her a more capable character.

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The first time I played Stardew, I went for Abigail. However, by the time I got 10 Hearts with her, I was already quite disappointed. She is unsure of herself and training to be a swordsman forever. This is in contrast to the headstrong, confident girl she is in earlier Heart Events. I have edited the 8, 10, and 14 Heart Events to improve upon this. See below for explanations.

8 Hearts (Ouija): Instead of knocking over the board in embarrassment, she owns her feelings and expresses them to you.
10 Hearts (Cave): Instead of being too scared to go to level 1 of the mines, the whole thing is rewritten to something else, with dialogue showing that she regularly goes into the mines.
14 Hearts (Golem): Instead of killing the golem and it being her first kill ever, she expresses that she fights monsters all the time.

As for the Heart Event requirements, I modified as follows:

- The 10 Heart Event works even if you are married to her - in Vanilla it doesn't. However, it requires you to have reached the bottom of the mines at least once, for the dialogue to make more sense.
- The 14 Heart Event requires the weather to be rain, 2 Hearts with Krobus, and a Slime Hutch built, again mostly so the dialogue makes sense.

The 14 Heart Event also requires the 10 Heart to be seen, and the 10 Heart requires the 6 Heart to be seen, as her capabilities progress over time.

For the Abigail you see in the screenshots, check out Abigail Revised by stanloona 420.


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Some of my other Stardew mods with a similar "simple balance" design:

Game Mechanics

Balanced Green Tea
Better Bone Mills
Better Quarries
Better Trains
Better Winter Star Gifts
Price Buffs
Simple Weapon Balance
Simple Whiskey


Dwarf Sells Cheaper Bombs (with higher friendship)
More Capable Abigail
Simple Penny Expanded
Trinkets to Treasures (Simplified) - Gives more Heart Events for Dwarf and Krobus
Willy and Wizard Heart Events


No More Missables
Panda Hat and other Unobtainables