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The first time I played Stardew, I went for Abigail. However, by the time I got 10 Hearts with her, I was already quite disappointed. She is unsure of herself and training to be a swordsman forever. This is in contrast to the headstrong, confident girl she is in earlier Heart Events. I have edited the 8, 10, and 14 Heart Events to improve upon this. See below for explanations.
8 Hearts (Ouija): Instead of knocking over the board in embarrassment, she owns her feelings and expresses them to you. 10 Hearts (Cave): Instead of being too scared to go to level 1 of the mines, the whole thing is rewritten to something else, with dialogue showing that she regularly goes into the mines. 14 Hearts (Golem): Instead of killing the golem and it being her first kill ever, she expresses that she fights monsters all the time.
As for the Heart Event requirements, I modified as follows:
- The 10 Heart Event works even if you are married to her - in Vanilla it doesn't. However, it requires you to have reached the bottom of the mines at least once, for the dialogue to make more sense. - The 14 Heart Event requires the weather to be rain, 2 Hearts with Krobus, and a Slime Hutch built, again mostly so the dialogue makes sense.
The 14 Heart Event also requires the 10 Heart to be seen, and the 10 Heart requires the 6 Heart to be seen, as her capabilities progress over time.
For the Abigail you see in the screenshots, check out Abigail Revised by stanloona 420.
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Some of my other Stardew mods with a similar "simple balance" design: Game Mechanics