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Created by

Moonshine Fox

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About this mod

A bundle overhaul mod based on the Challenging Community Center mod, which sets a moderately challenging set of bundles for the community center.

Permissions and credits
After several play throughs, I found the normal community center able to be completed almost by accident, but the bundles from the Challenging Community Center mod to be a little more then my casual self wanted, so I made the Moderate Community Center Challenge mod! I also really don't like fishing in video games, so I redid to the Fish Tank bundles to be more about things around fishing and not focus on the fishing itself. Built on the awesome Challenging Community Center mod Give them some love!

The mod needs, and has items from, Stardew Valley Expanded, Cornucopia Crops, and Cornucopia Flowers. Items from both Cornucopia mods come from the light versions of the mod so you can use them however you like. Just install it like you would any other mod, options have been preset to be ready to go. The mod folder has full instructions and a text file that lists all the items needed for the various bundles.