About this mod
Baechu-Style Wizard Portraits for Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped (RRRR) with additional edits
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Hi there!! This is my first mod and I originally created it for myself, but I decided to add it in case anyone else wanted it. I made this purely out of love for Baechu's artwork and all of the people who have made additions to Baechu's work in the past.
This includes Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Portraits for Romanceable Rasmodius Redux Revamped by Jellonip and Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE by Poltergeister.
I wanted to include the sprite I've created as well, but it's a decently edited version of the sprites from Who's High Res Wizard Portrait and Sprites, which I don't have permission to post. I'd be willing to share examples if you want to edit your own sprites (it didn't take me more than a couple hours and I was editing it from scratch), but unless I get permission I won't be posting them on Nexus.
If you want to use another sprite that somewhat matches, I suggest you use the sprites from Jello's Vanilla-ish RRRR Wizard (Now with seasonals and customizable hair) or Who's High Res Wizard Portrait and Sprites.
I'm also considering re-doing or at least updating the Seasonal Baechu Portraits for non-bachelors and for SVE, but that'll once again delve into vague territory as far as permissions go. If I do make something, it will be after I'm confident this one is okay permission-wise. Although the mod authors have long abandoned their work, I don't want to get in trouble with anyone.
Also, in case you're interested in creating your own portraits--I made this entire mod with nothing but a mouse and Medibang Paint. You got this!
Installation Instructions:
1. Download Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE by Poltergeister
2. Download this mod and place the file labeled "[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters SVE" straight in your mods folder and let it overwrite
3. If you also have Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic also by Poltergeister (which you probably do) you'll need to put the "[CP] Seasonal Cute Characters" file in your mod folder. Overwrite just like before. I sort of slapped the files together after finishing the artwork, so it might not be necessary but that's for you to figure out lol
4. Ensure the config for RRRR is set to custom portrait
Similar to AkiraE, my work is just frankensteined and edited assets from all of the creators below. I highly suggest you check them out if you for some reason haven't already!
Thank you Baechu for the original artwork!! You can find their work here on Naver Cafe. To my knowledge, they've provided use of their assets as long as you credit them.
Thank you AkiraE for the Baechu-Style Seasonal Outfits. To my knowledge, their portraits can be edited as long as permission is granted from Baechu, for which they've already been credited.