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No translation available on the Nexus
Version 3.4.1
Added Chinese translation - Thank you llluz403
Added Russian translation - Thank you Horogon
Added Starblue Valley UI theme - Thank you DylanJames
Version 3.4
Fixed Luck Skill implentation
Added compatibility for Theivery/Scary skill
Fixed main bar background being bigger than the displayed skills
Split out the icon sheets for easier skill additions in the future
Version 3.3
Updated compatibility with Sword and Sorcery (Thankyou EnderTedi)
Added compatibility for Spacecore Luck Skill
Added VintageV1 UI recolor
Added French Translation (Thankyou CaranudLapin)
Version 3.2
Added Translations:
French (by Caranud)
Added Themes:
Bogs Forest
Lavender Dreams
Natural Dark Wood
Starry Ocean Garden (by suzukiPC)
Version 3.1.1
Fixed background window not sizing correctly when hiding max leveled skills
Version 3.1
Fixed issue causing the Mastery skill to not be properly added on a second loaded saved game
Added new config options to hide max level skills from the Window and the Popup bar
Version 3.0.2
Hopefully last fixes for today
Fixed issues regarding scaling and other features being stuck to just the main window settings. Popup setting will now work independently again
Added option to show experience gain window when using the popup option
Version 3.0.1
Fixed issue with first time config having an incorrect theme name
Fixed core skills not loading correctly
Version 3.0
Removed button configuration options. I felt it wasnt needed anymore and caused more overhead than I wanted
Fixed Experience text rendering at all scales. Experience will now display an abbreviated display when the numbers get too big
Fixed Level display on all scales. It is more centered and works better at lower scales.
Compatibility with Level Forever. This mod will show the level ups as you achieve them (The actual levels will not take effect until the start of the next day)
Compatibility with Sword and Sorcery. The skills added by Sword and Sorcery will not be added until they are supposed to be. Also made some large skill icons for ones that needed it
All custom skills will now be supported by default without the need to build support. I still provide some more cohesive icons for a lot of skills though
The Mastery skill will no longer cause your previous skills to hide. I am still considering removing skills that have hit max level
When a skill hits a max level, a star will be displayed instead of the level itself
Fixed a lot of mis-alignments in the general interface
Mastery levels will now be added when the experience markers are hit
The UI will not display if you are taking a screenshot
Version 2.4.1
Fixed crash due to mislabeled texture
Fixed crash related to mouse positioning
Fixed Reset button not displaying when in config mod
Version 2.4
Redesigned entire UI to match better with the UI of the game. This includes recoloring and re-doing various elements.
Moved all individual sprites to a sheet for easier theming
New icons for skills
The ability to swap skill icons. You can choose between the Buff or Skill Page Icon. (Big and Small)
Fixed bars disappearing for a bit if one core skill were to reach level 10
Version 2.3.1
Added an option to enable/disable the level up sound
Version 2.3
Fixed crash related to multiple skills leveling up at the same time
Removed dependency on SpaceCore
Code cleanup
Changing themes should no longer require a restart
Fixed issue causing the Level Up window to display when loading save game
Version 2.1
Fixed crash related to invalid config settings
Version 2.0
Hitting 10 in all 5 core skills will now enable a new mastery track and hide the core 5 skills
Re-made all icons to fit changes made to theme boxes
Fixed a bug that would prevent skills from not loading correctly on saves
Version 1.3
Added Theme Integration. Themes are now selectable from the general mod config menu. Included several themes to start.
Added Experience Popup. Only a single skill bar will popup if experience is gained and last for a set duration
Description This mod was updated, and quite heavily rebuilt, for 1.6. I re-designed it with the intention to make mod added skills easier to add. I've also built in a GMCM menu so you can edit the mod in-game much more easily. Added some additional skill support and also added a few minor features such as a level up sound that plays with the level up pop up
To add new interface options. A folder with the name of the interface and the appropriate files needs to be added to assets/ui/themes. It will be detected by the mod on the next run.
GMCM Integration. All options can be edited in the game menu.
Experience Bar Popup. This new option will show a single experience bar whenever a skill gains experience. It will only display for a set amount of time
Theme Integration. Themes are now integrated into the mod and select-able from the menu.
New Level Up sound played (from UI Info Suite)
Once you level Farming, Fishing, Mining, Combat and Foraging to level 10 they will be replaced with a new Mastery bar. This will track your mastery experience for the next 5 levels.
You can now switch between 2 different sets of icons (Buffs or Skill Page icons)
Special support for Sword and Sorcery
Support for Level Forever
Mod Original Features
Shows each skill level, with support quite a few custom skill mods