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About this mod

Cute pink and green matcha-themed clothes for fashion sense!

Permissions and credits
My second Fashion Sense collection. Matcha-themed pink and green clothes! 6 shirts, 4 pants, and 3 hats.
See the images for details.

This mod REQUIRES Fashion Sense to work. I also recommend using GH's peach body type with it, as that's what it's designed for, but it'll *probably* work
without it. I *think* this will work for 1.6 and 1.5.6, but if I need to
make a seperate version for 1.6 please let me know!! I'm still new to
this :-)
Hairs in the preview images are from this mod by churpix

If you have any issues, please contact me on here, tumblr, or on 小红书 (ID:6159772224)

There's also a coffee cafe themed version of this mod!
FAQ: please read before commenting!

How do I get these clothes in my game?
You need the fashion sense mod. From there, you need to obtain the mirror item, which you can
either start with by toggling that option on character creation (it will
be in your mailbox on spring 1 year 1) OR by purchasing it from
Pierre's store. I recommend checking out the FS modpage for more info.

Where do I put the files?
Directly into your mods folder! No need to put them in the Fashion Sense mod's
folder, as that won't work. The game needs to read this as it's own mod.

How do I get the sleeves?
For the sleeves shown in the images, you need GH's Peach Body Type, and from there, open the config with generic mod config menu. There are
quite a few settings to play with, so I recommend looking at the mod
page on naver to see what the options are.

The peach body type has misaligned shoes / red sleeves / the wrong skin and eye colours
This happened to me before!! The way I fixed it was by disabling the "horse
wings body" option, and any other options relating to the horse body.
Sometimes with the red sleeves you just need to reload the mod. Try
opening the mod config and hitting "save and close" without changing
anything. This usually works for me.

What are your settings for the peach body type?
Here's an imgur link to 3 screenshots of my settings. (I couldn't figure out how to make it look nice on here...)