About this mod
Several walking mushrooms for your coop. They make regular mushrooms, and some new ones.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
(native) Walking Mushrooms, they produce vanilla forage mushrooms.
"Runnin' Mushroom", // red mushroom
"Prancin' Mushroom", // purple mushroom
"Canterin' Mushroom", // common mushroom
"Wanderin' Mushroom", // chanterelle
"Meanderin' Mushroom", // morel
"Lumberin' Mushroom", // magma cap
"Shamblin' Zombieshroom", // moss
Imported Walking Mushrooms, these make new mushrooms added by this mod, inspired by the Mother games
"Ramblin' Mushroom", // Edible Mushroom, a simple food.
"Exercisin' Mushroom", // Energizing Mushroom, it's food.
"Galavantin' Mushroom", // Naughty Mushroom, it's real bad for you.
"Scamperin' Mushroom", // Steamy Mushroom, a stronger food item.
"Struttin' Mushroom", // Baneful Mushroom, bad for you.
I'd like to give the Energizing Mushroom some weird screen effects / color shifting buff but I couldn't figure out how to do that yet. Hit me up if you know how or know a good example in another mod.
As usual, I dunno how to balance prices and such so lemme know if anything seems terribly wrong, or if you'd like to send me some more intelligent numbers there. I just copied the ones from my previous mods again. Lumberin' should probably cost more I suppose, maybe the others cheaper? dunno.
Version 2: added a new shroom that provides moss. fixed sleep frames. added i18n support, feel free to translate. redid code and stuff. added some new headwear, maybe you should get one for your co-op friends. this mod now has a C# component written by ichortower, thank you very much! If desired, that portion may be disabled. But it's more fun with it.