About this mod
A modified version of the Mountain map with the gorge filled in with water.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
9/25/18: Fixed a few tiles and built a version that doesn't give you a path across the islands to the adventurer's guild. To choose which version, change the option in the config file after "Shortcut" to either "true" or "false" depending on your preference.
9/6/18: Fixed a few tiles and added more tile fixes for the bridge supports. Now includes the option for vanilla, toned down, Starblue Valley and Eemie's new map recolor. Since Eemie's new map recolor has an orange and green fall grass option, you will have to change the file name for that file in the eemie new folder to fall_bridge_tilefixes.png for the one you want. I think the orange one is named that by default, so if you want to switch to green, change the name of the orange one and then remove the "green" part from the green one. Sorry if that's confusing. Sometimes it's hard to describe things. Keep letting me know in the posts if you see anything out of place that I missed.
9/4/18: My husband showed me the area where the water overlay would show through the bridge in its fixed state. I uploaded a new version which fixes that area (I had to create a lower area of land under the bridge). Also, I was bothered after all about the bridge supports looking wrong with the red earth, so I made a fix for that. There is a vanilla version and a compatible version for Toned Down Stardew Valley map recolor. Running your game with the mod the first time will produce a config file. If you use Toned Down, change "none" in the config file to "toneddown."
8/30/18: I somehow managed to screw up those update keys and the version number on the mod files (14.0? really?). Uploaded the fixed file now. Sorry to anyone this affected.
Original post follows:
At my husband's request, I edited the mountain map and put water in the dry, cracked gorge and made the edge different so he could put crab pots along it. He's obsessed with those things.
You could also use it to fish. I tested it and that works.
It does not allow you to cheat across the bridge. Not that I object to doing that, just saying that's not what this mod is for. Also, I did intend to put in bridges to increase access from across the lake, but I couldn't get them to work yet. If I go back to work on the problem, I'll post that as an alternate download. For now, I have a few other irons in the fire (projects I want to do).
If there are any things spawned in an annoying place, you can get a handy mod to fix in the downloads on this mod's page: Even More Secret Woods.
That is a temporary fix until Entoarax Framework is updated, though, so if you are coming in later and the file has been removed from that mod, search for that instead.
This mod requires Content Patcher and SMAPI.
If you spot any problems, let me know and I'll try to fix them. I did spend a while making it, so hopefully I caught everything. I did notice a slight amount of the red soil around the bridge supports. I can't really fix that without changing the tilesheet itself and having to include it and writing a patch for that tiny part of the tilesheet in the content.json. I thought about doing it, but again, I have other things I want to do right now. I'll upload the new file if it ever bothers me enough to do it, but it's barely noticeable.