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About this mod

Retextures the tools with sparkly rose gold variants, with lower tier reskins too! Sparkles optional :D

Permissions and credits

1) Install SMAPIContent Patcher, and Generic Mod Config Menu
2) Download the file and unzip it; extract it into your Mods folder

1) Retextures the tools in different materials;
✨ Basic tools -> Stone tools
✨ Copper tools -> Tarnished Brass tools
✨ Steel tools -> Titanium tools
✨ Gold tools -> White Gold tools
✨ Iridium tools -> Rose Gold tools

2) Toggleable skins located in Generic Mod Config Menu :)
✨ Whole tier sets can be turned on and off for when you prefer base game or a different mod
✨ The sparkles for Rose Gold can be turned off and on
✨ Advanced Iridium Rod can be switched to Advanced Rose Gold Rod and vice versa 

Starry Ocean Garden UI Theme -Available in Different Languages-
Theme Manager
Custom Menu Background

✨Version 1.0.0 
-Initial release

Lynneaura for making Lynneas Witchy and Purple Tools and Scythes, I studied their mod as a jumping off point
✨crashhanndicoot for the suggestion they made in my Rose Gold Cursors mod 
✨NJ and Eden my partners, for being supportive of my hyperfixation
✨The lovely people at Stardew Valley server :)

If you enjoyed this mod, you can support me on my Ko-fi c: