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About this mod

Turns Mr.Qi into a fully friendable and marriable NPC with heart events, gift tastes, and much much more!

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Ever since I started playing Stardew Valley in 2018, and discovered Mr.Qi, I've wanted him to be an NPC. He's genuinely my favorite character in the game despite the minimal content. And since I started modding in 2022 I realized that I could, in fact, make that dream a reality. And so I did! Now you too can actually interact with the blue man!

PSA: I only realized that someone ALSO made a Mr.Qi mod about 75% of the way through development of this one... honestly that didn't deter me from making this in the slightest. I only know the other mod exists, I haven't looked at it yet aside from being told and confirming it's a thing. You can check it out Here

When reporting bugs PLEASE include a SMAPI log and a description of what's wrong. Just saying "it's not working" isn't going to help me fix it!

This mod adds a lot of stuff. It honestly might be more accurate to call it "Mr.Qi Expansion" or something like that, but honestly I chose the name at the start, and it's a teensy bit too late to change that now.

What it adds:
  • One (1) Mr.Qi NPC (that you can marry!)
  • 22 Heart Events - Plus 1 Heart Event with SVE
  • Alternate versions of all 8 heart events (Aka the ones where you need 8 hearts with Qi) based on being in a relationship with Qi
  • Responses/reactions to player death if you're married
  • Custom children sprites
  • Over 810 Dialogue Lines (or 848 with SVE) (In part thanks to Jazzybee <3)
  • 2 New Cooking Recipes
  • 2 New Crafting Recipes
  • 3 New Crops
  • A new Scarecrow
  • A new set of end game weapons
  • A 'new' item
  • 10 New Quests
  • 6 New Special Orders (3 are repeatable)
  • Two New Locations
  • A new (small) shop
  • Extensive Configuration Options
What it does not add/do:
  • Make Mr.Qi a redeemable person
  • Add the cure for depression

Side Note: I mention this later but Qi will spawn the day AFTER you go into the Casino for the first time!



Book of Mysteries, Book of Stars, Purple Slime Egg, Tiger Slime Egg, Tea Set
Ancient Cactus Fruit, Blue Berries Pie, Celery, Green Tea, Magic Rock Candy, Mystic Syrup, Qi Fruit, Rice Bowl, Strange Bun, Treasure Chest
All other books, Dinosaur Egg, Rainbow Shell, Sweet Gem Berry, Tea Leaves, All Trinkets, Trout Derby Tags
Nearly Everything Else
Prismatic Shards, Golden Pumpkins, Rabbit's Foot

>He will NOT accept your Stardrop Tea... y'didn't think it'd be that easy, did ya?

>His gift tastes do not account for modded items aside from SVE - the true experience is to struggle befriending this man because let's be real, it would be hard, but if you have mods that add a bunch of universal loves... well I suppose that's easier for you then :)

Loves: Black Licorice, Rock Candy, and Stardrop Sorbet
Likes: Jasmine Tea, Truffle Popcorn
Dislikes: Everything Else

Wumbus: Love
Mysterium: Love
The Brave Little Sapling: Like
Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World: Like
Journey of the Prairie King: Like
It Howls In The Rain: Like
The Miracle at Coldstar Ranch: Dislike
The Zuzu City Express: Dislike

0 Heart Event/Intro - Casino: Go into the Casino the day after unlocking it (and going into it) between 9AM and 11PM
50pts Friendship Event/Dangerous Mines Special Order Complete: Complete the mentioned special order, and go into the mines anywhere from 5pm to 1:30am.
50pts Friendship Event/SVE [Void Shard]: Must have seen Marlon and Magnus' event regarding the Void Shard, go into the Casino between 10am and 12am.
1 Heart Event 1 - Railroad: 8AM to 5PM in the Fall.
1 Heart Event 2 - Joja: Must have completed Joja, go into town between 9AM and 4PM on a rainy day in any season but Winter.
1 Heart Event 2 - Community Center: Must have completed the CC, go into town between 9AM and 4PM on a sunny day in any season but Winter.
2 Heart Event - Desert: Between 8pm and 1am while Qi is in the desert.
3 Heart Event - Casino: Between 2pm and 11pm.
4 Heart Event - Skull Cavern Entrance: Any time between 9am to 8pm.
4 Heart Event 2 - Oasis/Sandy's Shop: 4 hearts with both Qi AND Sandy, between 11am and 8pm.
5 Heart Event - Secret Woods: It has to be Spring or Winter and the weather must be sunny - between 2pm and 8pm.
6 Heart Event - Cindersap Forest: Weather must be rainy and it must not be winter, it also must be before year 3, while Qi is in the forest, between 1pm and 9pm.
7 Heart Event - Room: Between 4pm and 11pm, Qi must be there.
7 Heart Event - Museum: Must have completed the museum collection, between 3pm and 6pm.
8 Heart Event - Beach: Between 9pm and 1:30am during a sunny day in any season except Winter
8 Heart Event - Secret Woods:
 Between 9am to 10pm, had to have seen Qi's 6 heart event, must have 8 hearts with Qi and 7 with Rasmodius.
8 Heart Event - Office: Between 8pm and 11pm in his Office.
8 Heart Event - Walnut Room: Between 8pm and 1:30am, Qi must be in the Walnut Room, had to have already completed his Briefcase quest.
10 Heart Event - Forest: Between 1pm and 7pm, 8 hearts with the Wizard and 10 with Qi, must have seen his 8 heart event with rasmodius in the secret woods
11 Heart Event - Saloon: Between 5pm and 12am, the day of the week is not Friday
13 Heart Event - Town: Between 5pm and 11pm in Winter
14 Heart Event PT1 - Farm: Between 6pm and 9pm on a Wednesday
14 Heart Event PT2 - Bus Stop: Must have said yes to PT1, between 1pm and 4pm, weather is sunny, within 28 days of PT1

Note: There are a lot of 8 heart events because I origionally had intended not to make him date/marriable... and then I changed that and had to make it so the events were attainable for crafting recipes and such.

Qi's schedule is a bit complex, and he has a lot of things he does. But here is a basic outline so that you can try and find him (I highly reccomend NPCMapLocations as it will make it far easier to find where he goes)

These two alternate every other day:
Main Schedule 1: In his room -> 10:30am In the club -> 9pm In his room
Main Schedule 2: In his room -> 9:30am In the Walnut Room - > 11:30pm In his room

Other/Specific Day:
Raining 1: In his room -> 7:30am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 7pm going to/In his room
Raining 2: In his room -> 7:20am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 7pm going to/in his room
Green Rain: In his room -> 8:30am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 7pm going to/in his room
Desert Festival (Day 2): In his room -> 7:30am going to/in the Desert -> 1am going to/in his room

Every Spring Friday: In his room -> 8am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 11pm going to/in his room
Every Spring Sunday: in his room -> 9:30am in the Walnut Room -> 11:30am in his room
Spring 9th: in his room -> 11am in the Desert -> 1pm in the Skull Cavern Entrance -> 10pm in his room
Spring 13th: in his room -> 8:30 in his Office -> 12am In his room
Spring 15th: In his room all day
Spring 18th: in his room -> 1:30pm in the Desert -> 11pm In his room
Spring 24th: in his room -> In the secret woods all day
Spring 27th: in his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room,

Every Summer Thursday: In his room -> 8am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 11pm going to/in his room
Every Summer Sunday: In his room -> 8am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 11pm going to/in his room
Summer 3rd: In his room -> 1:30pm in the Desert -> 11pm In his room
Summer 9th: In his room -> 11am in the Desert -> 1pm in the Skull Cavern Entrance -> 10pm in his room
Summer 12th: In his room -> 8:30 in his Office -> 12am In his room
Summer 19th: In his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room
Summer 24th: In his room all day
Summer 27th: In the secret woods all day

Every Fall Tuesday: In his room -> 8am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 11pm going to/in his room
Every Fall Sunday:  In his room -> 9:30am In the Walnut Room - > 11:30pm In his room
Fall 3rd: In his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room
Fall 6th: In his room -> 1:30pm in the Desert -> 11pm In his room
Fall 10th: In his room -> 11am in the Desert -> 1pm in the Skull Cavern Entrance -> 10pm in his room
Fall 17th: In his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room
Fall 19th: In the Secret Woods all day
Fall 20th: In his room all day

Every Winter Saturday: In his room -> 8am going to/in the Cindersap Forest -> 11pm going to/in his room
Every Winter Friday: In his room -> 9:30am in the Walnut Room -> 11:30am in his room
Winter 3rd: In his room -> 1:30pm in the Desert -> 11pm In his room
Winter 4th:  In his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room
Winter 9th: In his room -> 11am in the Desert -> 1pm in the Skull Cavern Entrance -> 10pm in his room
Winter 10th: In his room all day
Winter 18th: In the secret woods all day
Winter 25th: In his room -> 8:30 in his Office - 12am In his room

2nd of Every Season: 11am Skull Cavern Entrance -> 10pm home/bed
18th of Every Season: 9:30am Beach -> 5pm home/bed
Spring 1st, Summer 9th, Fall 25th, Winter 13th: ~12pm His Room (Casino) -> 8pm home/bed
Mondays: 8am Walnut Room -> 10:30pm home/bed
Wednesdays: 10:30 Club/Casino -> 9pm home/bed
Fridays: 8am Forest -> 11pm home/bed
Sundays: 8am Walnut Room -> 10:30pm home/bed

Qi's Slime Challenge: 
Requirements: 3 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Visit the Skull Cave at least once, Combat Level 3+ 
Objective: Slay 50 big slimes.
Reward: 10k

Qi's Pepper Rex Challenge: 
Requirements: 4 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Visited the Skull Cave at least once, Combat Level 4+, the season is Winter, Must have completed 'Qi's Slime Challenge'
Objective: Slay 35 Pepper Rexes
Reward: 15k

Qi's Serpent Challenge:
Requirements: 5 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Year 2, Visited the Skull Cave at least once, Combat Level 5+, Must have completed 'Qi's Pepper Rex Challenge'
Objective: Slay 45 Serpents
Reward: 20k

Qi's Royal Serpent Challenge:
Requirements: 6 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Year 3, Visited the Skull Cave at least once, Combat Level 6+, Must have completed the Hard Mode Skull Caverns Special Order, Must have completed "Qi's Serpent Challenge"
Objective: Slay 55 Royal Serpents in the Hardmode Skull Caverns
Reward: 25k

Qi's Iridium Challenge:
Requirements: 6 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Visited the Skull Cave at least once
Objective: Collect and Deliver 100 Iridium Bars to Mr.Qi
Reward: 155k

Prismatic Rock Candy Request:
Requirements: 6 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Visited the Skull Cave at least once, Mining Level 3+
Objective: Bring Qi 5 Magic Rock Candies
Reward: 33k

Winter Greenery: 
Requirements: 7th day of Winter, have to have gotten Qi's Celery mail
Objective: Cultivate and Harvest 100 Celery
Reward: 5k

Testing Your Culinary Skills:
Requirements: Fall Year 3, have to have gotten Qi's Rice Bowl recipe
Objective: Cook and Deliver a Rice Bowl to Mr.Qi
Reward: 1k

The Spare Hat:
Requirements: 5 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Spring
Objective: Find Mr.Qi's lost spare hat and return it to him
Reward: 1k, your very own Qi Hat

Missing Briefcase:
Requirements: 8 hearts with Mr.Qi, Summer
Objective: Find Mr.Qi's lost briefcase and return it to him
Reward: 7k, unlock for one of his 8 heart events, A Qi Mask, 5 Fairy Dust

Special Orders:

Descent Into The Depths: 
Objective: Reach level 200 in the skull caverns
Reward: 75 Qi Gems, 10k, the ability to buy Iridium Snake Milk from his office shop

Qi's Very Hungry Challenge: 
Objective: Reach level 50 in the dangerous skull caverns without eating or drinking anything
Reward: 55 Qi Gems

Blue Mania:
Objective: Get 20 blue minerals, 20 blue plants, 20 blue fish, and 20 blue dishes and put them in Qi's collection box
Reward: 50 Qi gems

One Time:
Radioactive Rush
Objective: Collect and Deliver 50 Radioactive Bars to Qi
Reward: 50 Qi gems, 1 heart of friendship, auto-petter recipe

Qi's Special Cuisine:
Objective: Cook 20 rice bowls and 20 blue berries pies and put them in Qi's collection box
Reward: 50 Qi gems, 1 heart of friendship, 10k

Qi's Exotic Items Request:
Objective: Deliver 5 fairy dust, 5 truffle oil, 5 sweet gem berries, 5 prismatic shards, and 5 dragon's teeth to Qi's collection box
Reward: 50 Qi Gems, 40k


Qi Seasoning Recipe:
Requirements: Complete the Qi's Cuisine Special Order
Note: Bought in the Walnut Room

Blue Berries Pie Recipe:
Requirements: 2 Hearts with Mr.Qi

Fried Rice Recipe:
Requirements: 5 Hearts with Mr.Qi, have the Celery Crop unlocked

Celery Crop:
Requirements: 1 Heart with Mr.Qi, Winter
Note: Bought at the Casino

Ancient Cacti Crop: 
Requirements: 3 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Sold 150 Ancient fruit
Note: You can get more of these seeds later on in his Office

Qi Crows (Scarecrow): 
Requirements: 2 Hearts with Mr.Qi, 3.5 million g earned, Visited the Walnut Room at least once

Qi Gem Weapons: 
Requirements: 10k Qi gems, access to his Office

Qi's Office:
Requirements: 8 Hearts with Mr.Qi, Visited the Walnut Room at least once

Iridium Snake Milk (re-statted):
Requirements: Completion of the Descent into the Depths Special Order, Have seen his 7 Heart Event, Access to his Office.

Random Gifts:
At 2 Hearts there is a random chance he will send you a letter in the mail with a nice gift.
At 4 Hearts there is a (lower) random chance he will send you a letter in the mail with a rare gift, or craftable.


Stardew Valley Expanded: All Festivals were tested to make sure they had compatibility with SVE locations and NPCs. In addition, there are alternate schedules and events that go based off of SVE's maps. I also added events that are specifically SVE adjacent to the game, and dialogue that relates to ... certain events that happen in SVE.

Ridgeside Village: Should be no conflicts - I made sure to modify his Festival positions if the mod is included. He also shows up at both ridgeside festivals!

East Scarp: Friendable Mr.Qi also provides patches for the vanilla NPC's textures so he should look sparkly in all events that reference him... even if they seem a bit out of character (or maybe its in character to you who knows) 

Other expansion/NPC mods: I also did basic testing with most expansions, should be compatible - his festival positions are out of the way and I moved them if I saw he overlapped with an NPC.

NPCMapLocations: His sprite should show up on the map!

CJB Cheats: I added warps to his room, his office, and to outside his Walnut Room for those who want ez pz access.

Rokugin's Exclusions: Makes it so Cooking and crafting recipes don't count towards perfection!

SpaceCore: Adds descriptions to the furniture items.

Anime Portraits for Mr.Qi: CapMita has created absolutely spectacular portraits for this mod! :D 

Event Lookup: Unfortunately Event Lookup hasn't been updated to use the new 1.6 preconditions for events - I have a detailed list above that you can look at to figure out what you need to do to trigger them - as they won't show up in his little window :(

Mr.Qi Dialogue Expansion:
 Not compatible as the default Qi Npc Is rendered invisible and moved, however I got permission from Jaz to include as much of the dialogue within my mod as I want as well as to use it as inspiration - so the mod is essentially built in (thank you Jaz! <3) 

Qi Portraits: NOT compatible with any that presently exist, this mod adds 13 new portrait expressions for Mr.Qi (as well as two that aren't him but are used for something else) and therefore other portraits will not work. If you have portrait mods that change him you will have to disable them.

Mx.Qi: Due to some of the config options I have for my mod, you get to choose what honorific Qi goes by. As such, my mod edits all references to Mr. Qi to follow whatever you select it to be. This means it probably edits the stuff that this mod edits - so it will not be compatible nor will you need it - my mod also edits those areas to make sure he does not call you 'kid' if you choose to switch that too. 

Craftable Qi Seasoning: This is a mod that I made that is now integrated within Friendable Mr.Qi - do not install both, you dont need them and i have no clue what that would do or if it would break anything. This also applies for any other mods that add a recipe for the seasoning.

Mister Qi Is A Real NPC: Honestly I have no clue if this is compatible, I don't know how they edit Mr.Qi or turn him into an NPC, but the likilhood is that it's not, so don't install them both.

Any mod that adds Craftable Auto-Petters: Technically they might work if they name the recipe something else, but for the most part avoid those as well.

Misc: Any other mods that edit the right side of the casino
Any mod that edits the Walnut Room... I couldn't find one but if it does it won't work with mine

Recolor mods will technically work but I have some custom tilesheets so the wallpapers in his room will look weird, it is possible for mod authors to target these assets to recolor them as well for recolor compatibility, but I do NOT have the time or patience for that B')

Other than that it should not conflict with anything else but if you find anything let me know :)

  • Add Qi to Ridgeside's festivals + add dialogue for conversation topics the mod adds, and gift tastes for Ridgeside Items
  • More alternative events for those who somehow marry him without seeing them first
  • Add dialogue for Jorts and Jean's conversation topics
  • Add EVEN MORE more cutscenes... (if I decide I don't hate Events with a burning passion anymore)
  • Add Qi's Museum for aesthetic purposes
  • Add Qi's Arena
  • Maybe make an alternate portrait for Qi with the Mermaid Pendant if I decide pixel art isnt going to kill me
If you have any ideas for mod integrations that you would like to see I would love to hear them! 

Configs: I HIGHLY suggest using Generic Mod Config Menu to edit these
Perfection and Achievement Section:
Perfection Friendship: True/False - Toggles whether or not Friendship with Qi counts towards perfection
Perfection Crops: True/False - Toggles whether or not the crops are excluded from perfection
Monoculture Crops: True/False - Toggles whether or not the crops count towards the Monoculture achievement
Polyculture Crops: True/False - Toggles whether or not the crops count towards the Polyculture achievement

Special Orders Section:
Blue Mania Special Order: True/False - Toggles whether or not the Blue Mania Special Order repeats
Descent Into The Depths: True/False - Toggles whether or not the Descent Into The Depths Special Order Repeats
Descent Into The Depths Level: [Number] - Sets what level Qi challenges you to get down to for the DITD Special Order
Very Hungry Challenge: Toggles whether or not the Very Hungry Challenge Special Order Repeats
Very Hungry Challenge Level: [Number] - Sets what level Qi challenges you to get down to for the VHC Special Order

Item Amounts Section:
Amount of Lemon Stone: [Number] - Sets the amount of lemon stone to be used in the Qi Seasoning Recipe
Amount of Ancient Fruit: [Number] - Sets the amount of ancient fruit to be used in the Qi Seasoning Recipe
Amount of Truffle Oil: [Number] - Sets the amount of truffle oil to be used in the Qi Seasoning Recipe
Amount of Ancient Cactus Fruit: [Number] - Sets the amount of ancient cactus fruit to be used in the Qi Seasoning Recipe
Amount of Qi Seasoning: [Number] - Sets the amount of Qi Seasoning that's crafted from the recipe
Amount of Radioactive Bars: [Number] - Sets the amount of radioactive bars to be used in the Auto-Petter Recipe
Amount of Hardwood: [Number] - Sets the amount of hardwood to be used in the Auto-Petter Recipe
Amount of Gold Bars: [Number] - Sets the amount of gold bars to be used in the Auto-Petter Recipe
Amount of Cloth: [Number] - Sets the amount of cloth to be used in the Auto-Petter Recipe

Qi Edits Section:
Qi Farmer Reference: Kid/Farmer/@ (looks like an arrow, this just means your name) - Changes what Qi refers to you as in his dialogue
Qi Title: Mr./Mx./Ms. - Changes what honorific Qi uses
Qi Internal Gender: Male/Female/Undefined - Changes the internal gender of Qi (This will affect how you have kids, and technically what sprites Qi uses during the wedding (though his outfit remains the same either way as I felt it fit - this might change in the future if someone makes him a different set of sprites/outfits)
Qi Farmer Endearment Reference: My dear/My heart/My love/My angel/My treasure/My star - What endearment term Qi uses for you when you're dating/married (I couldnt choose which one he would use so now you have all of the ones I thought of.)
Qi Child Adoption: True/False - Toggles whether or not the farmer and Qi can have children or only adopt them.
Qi Child Question: True/False - Toggles whether or not Qi will ask for children/wants children.
Qi Children Sprites: True/False - Toggles whether or not the children will use custom sprites to look like Qi. (They're blue)

Other Section:
Sparkly Qi Hat: True/False - Toggles whether or not the hat the player can get in game (and put on their pet) has sparkles
Qi Themed Pets: True/False - Toggles whether or not the Blueberry and Iridium cat and dog show up in the game to adopt

> Qi will spawn in the day after you enter the Casino! (This was to make sure he didn't start wandering around the Valley before you met him)

Known Bugs + Bug Reporting:
  • If you cheat into Qi's Walnut Room you will not be able to purchase the Gem Weapons... don't cheat, Qi is watching
  • On the first day of unlocking the Casino, if you try to click on his door it'll spam red into your SMAPI Console. This is technically because he doesn't exist yet, and will go away on day 2 (I could not, for the life of me, fix this)
  • Qi will still kill you if you cheat onto the Summit while married or dating... I can't fix this, and even if I could I wouldn't because it's kinda funny and also, don't cheat
  • Qi's dialogue in other mods will be funky fresh and will not match up.

Again, when reporting bugs PLEASE include a SMAPI log and a description of what's wrong. Just saying "it's not working" isn't going to help me fix it! There is no feasible way I can test everything in this mod or every dialogue line so I'm sure some of it's broken, I'll fix it ASAP when bugs are noticed.

This mod is fully and completely translateable! If you would like to translate this mod feel free to upload it to Nexus with this one as a dependancy (DO NOT upload any code, ONLY your translation file) for more info on how to do that see This webpage.

Thank you wholeheartedly to the SDV Discord community as well as the SVE Discord community for putting up with my questions and crying while developing this. Without you all this genuinely would not have been possible.

And a VERY special thank you to Button for making a mod for something I really wanted for this mod, and Jazzybee for allowing me to use their Mr.Qi Dialogue Expansion content IN my mod.

If you like the stuff I make, consider sending me a ko-fi - never required of course, I do this stuff for fun, but it does make it easier to focus on making things.