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Midnight Voyager

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About this mod

Tilesheet, adds FUNCTIONAL vanilla tilesheet couches that face in directions that vanilla couches do not. Also adds a TV facing up and some fire extinguishers. Recolor compatible!

Permissions and credits
Have you ever been building an interior and realized that a couch you want to use only faces towards you or to one side? Realize that flipping it doesn't flip the direction you sit on it? Yeah, I've been there. So I've flipped the couches for you. I had the same experience wanting a TV that faces away from you, so that's in there as well.

The fire extinguishers are furniture from a mod I'm working on, though I wanted them to be usable on tilesheets for modders, so they go in the bin too.

These do nothing on their own, they are for modder use.

Red, blue, and black couches. They match the vanilla couches, but the black and blue face left and the red one faces right. SITTABLE like the vanilla couches.
Upward facing versions of all three couches. SITTABLE in three places.
A forward facing TV without the pixels that hook them to a game system. Tiny change, but I wanted it.
A backward facing TV.
A fire extinguisher.
A fire extinguisher in a wall cabinet.
Recolor support for Earthy Interiors, VPR, and Skyblue.