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File credits
Tile Sheets are from cajcbell's mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21024 on their mod page they have also credited Elle's mods, Green's mods, and avalitor's mods.
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Hey Howdy! This is just a simple mod dedicated to adding natural colors of horses to the game. The tilesheets are from Unique Horses by CC and their mod is required for this to work and behave. I have not tested this on the non AT version of their mod, and as such I do recommend using that version instead of doing it manually.
I will be putting these in separate file packs just for the sheer volume planned out. You may add as many as you'd like! Just download the asset pack. Extract the files into the CC's Unique Horses > Textures > Horses folder (Extraction may not be required atm until I have more colors uploaded) And enjoy! The files should be labeled to not interfere with the naming scheme CC originally began, and the texture will appear with the scissors tool from AT. Keep in mind you can also just add one or two, you do not need to add the entire folder of designs for this to work!
Bear with me though as this my first ever attempt at this.
Colors Added: Black Tobiano (Medicine Hat)
Colors Planned: more Tobianos Splash Additional Roans Mushroom Pangare Single Creams (Probably not Smoky Black) So many different duns Possibly champagnes
Let me know if you have any colors you'd specifically like! They may or may not be added, I will not use real life references or personal horse characters, only phenotypes like 'Black Dun' or 'Grey on Bay' etc!