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About this mod

Ever notice Shane seems to fall a teensy bit flat once you get hitched?
Wish he retained a little bit more substance and Shaney-ness we all know and love?
This one's for all you folks, with 95 lines of dialogue.

Permissions and credits
!!! UPDATE JULY 2022: Hi guys. I'll be honest, there were a few circumstances that pretty much kept me away from games altogether. My old laptop died and I lost all of my mod files for all of my games, including Stardew, which was so demotivating. I want to start playing again, and I don't want to play without this mod, so I'm going to try my best in the next week or two to get this updated. I had no idea how many people liked it so much and I would love to fix it up for all of you who like to use it.

If anyone wants to help, feel free to message me, I would definitely appreciate it.
(I'm not even going to lie, I have no idea how mods work in the updated versions of the game now lol) 

A fix is coming soon!!!!

Ever notice Shane seems to fall a teensy bit flat once you get hitched?
Wish he retained a little bit more substance and Shaney-ness we all know and love?
This one's for all you folks, with 95 lines of dialogue for Shane.

➝ To download, ensure you have content patcher installed, and simply place the unzipped file into your mods folder.

 About this mod:
So I was looking for a mod that added a little bit more of that shaney-ness to the game once you married him, as I feel like the dialogue he has doesn't put the most loveable bits of his character on display, but I couldn't find one. So I eventually made one myself, aiming to enhance the interactions between the player and everyone's favourite sad chicken man. Includes lines that change depending on the gender of the farmer, with no config needed. 

So I also wrote two add-on mods for Marnie and Jas. These mods add extra dialogue that references your marriage to Shane, a few more lines unrelated to this that make their characters a little more interesting and just establish more of an in-law relationship with these two lovely ladies. Consider adding them along with this mod to add a bit more to your game.

➝ Better In-Law Jas (TBA) ←
➝ Better In Law Marnie (TBA) ←

UPDATE: I've been experiencing some difficulties with the line priority as I test these two out. Not sure what's happening, but the mod seems to be playing the wrong line for the particular circumstances, which is frustrating as I have triple checked that everything is formatted correctly and that they are written with the proper prefixes. I'm going to get started on the other bachelors and work on perfecting these in my spare time as it's taking longer than expected to find the issue. I could release them as is, as they are fully written and partially functional, but I'd rather wait until it works perfectly. If you'd like to test them and help out, just let me know. 

Currently, I have the anniversary date set to Summer 23rd. On this day, Shane makes a comment regarding your anniversary. If you have a date you'd like to set it to, go into the content folder and, using command-F, locate this line and change the season and number date. This should work fine, and if for whatever reason messes with your game (which would only be caused by a formatting error), feel free to reinstall the mod and ask for help.

What I changed:
➝ Shane coming off the wrong way in some lines. I noticed that many people feel like Shane became a tad lazy or overly mopey once living on the farm, and I feel like this was especially exaggerated in particular lines. I pulled, changed, or replaced a few of these lines from the game, to make him seem a little bit more enthusiastic about life on the farm.
 ➝ I included some lines that reference his seeing a therapist. (Though I was careful not to overdo this)
➝ Definitely a bunch more affectionate lines. Not anything overly gushy, because that just isn't in his character, but just some cheeky or cute lines here and there that enhance the whole you're-actually-in-a-relationship thing.
➝ Shane calls you babe. Why? Because Shane is the scruffy, sexy boyfriend who calls you babe. Just is.
➝ There are a few suggestive lines that I thought would be fitting to add. Not anything explicit at all, but just some quips here and there. 
 ➝ A whole lot more variety in his dialogue. Tired of hearing that 'goodies in the fridge' line 100 times a month? Great, because I've got like 70+ lines that include day-to-day possibilities (dependant on weather or time of day) as well as date-specific lines throughout the year (such as references to festivals and Jas's birthday.

What I did not change:
 ➝ I did not make him sober. If that's what you're looking for, you aren't going to find it here. I felt strongly about this as Shane suffers from alcohol dependence as a result of his depression, not alcohol addiction. His issues were not due to his drinking, they were his mental health issues and this is reflected in the mod.
 ➝ The fact that he isn't happy-go-lucky or overly head-over-heels for the player. I knew this from the get-go and again this is why I liked the game's depiction of him, Shane isn't a 'share your feelings' kind of guy and I hope I retained some of this in the mod.
➝ The fact that he still gets into a slump sometimes. Though they are a tad less aggressive than the vanilla game, I included a couple of these because I wanted to retain his character.
➝ I didn't include any extra lines for when your relationship falls below neutral, as I'm assuming since you're downloading this mod you have a generally decent relationship with him. This would also conflict with the date specific lines, as they reflect a generally positive relationship and wouldn't work with negative day-to-day lines.
➝ Shane ! Loves ! Chickens !

Enjoy this mod? 
Consider buying me a coffee :)

Portraits by DCBURGER
(It has recently come to my attention that the original portrait mod is no longer available. Thank you to ONMYOUJIN who made this conversion!)

pls, excuse that all the example screenshots are from the same day lol. This isn't how they are in the mod, I just needed to get all of my pictures in a timely manner.