About this mod
Ayeisha is a custom NPC who works for the Ferngill Postal Service. Who has a number of delivery events of vanilla and some custom characters.
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There are currently 8 mail delivery events for the characters in Stardew and plan to add one event per character.
There is also 4 additional delivery events for the custom NPCs, Mister Ginger by Lemurkat. and Jacob from East Scarp, Juna and Jorts and Jean.
1 Trash bear related event if you have got to year 3.
There are also "Love Token" events where NPCs you are dating will send a special deliver to you.. This supports the vanilla NPCs and 40 other custom NPCs. This can also be disabled if desired.
The amount of dialogue at the moment is not as fully fleshed out yet as I would like. Future updates will improve on that.
The mod does modify some maps very slightly, it adds mailboxes to NPCs that do not have them currently.
There are some tile changes which will stand out with texture mods. I have added some basic compatibility with the following, to make them fit in.
- DaisyNiko's Earthy Recolour by DaisyNiko
- Stardew Foliage Redone - A Nature Toned Map Recolour by DustBeauty (VERY minimal support due to the mod no longer existing/being supported)
- Starblue Valley World Recolor by Lita
- A Wittily Named Recolor by Acerbicon
- Flower Valley by Jina2ya (who kindly helped with the flower valley version of the van)
- Vibrant Pastoral by GrapePonta
- Way Back Pelican Town by Gweniaczek (who kindly helped with the way back mail slots)
- The new modular Yellog does work but some configurations may look wrong, so it's best to turn off the mail slots that are a problem.
- Yet Another Recolour by Narianka
- Gloomy Recolor by KittenTyme
- Elle's Buildings by Elle (but you will have to Manually change Pierre, Harvey, Gus and Clint's mail slots to use Elle to make them fit in correctly)
- Seaside Valley by Rainkius
- A custom option to let you make your own fixes/custom art!
The base design of her portrait was designed by fellowclown. Then it was modified/altered by me with my limited art skills to get the other needed emotions. (Hat was also altered by me slightly.)
There is also now an alternative portrait design as an optional download. Designed by AirynS.
You can also download
- Talkohlooeys Style Portrait by Marioguy28.
- Nyapu Style Portrait by Aelinore
- Lingchuan's portraits by LingChuanysz
- kTT Portraits by K1nTT
The mod also adds a -tiny- map, walking east of the BusStop Road which contains her van, which she ends her day on.
She also has a randomised schedule and will visit locations in the following mods (if they are installed):
I have included a basic schedule maker which you can use to create your own schedule for her if you want her to visit a custom NPC that she currently doesn't.
She also has wears longer trousers/pants during colder weather and shorts during warm/sunny days. ;)
2 Small simple quests are available if you have Quest Framework installed.

"000000000/preconditions/t 600 800/c 1": "music/-200 -200/farmer 2 2 2 Ayeisha 3 3 0/pause 1500/speak Ayeisha \"Good Morning @. I have a special delivery for you today.\"/pause 500/showFrame Ayeisha 19/pause 800/playSound pickUpItem/speak Ayeisha \"Here you go. [itemid]$h\"/showFrame Ayeisha 8/pause 400/message \"A note is attached:\"/message \"'some kind of message'\"/end",
If you need something more elaborate then feel free to discuss.