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About this mod

Allows you to add more cats and dogs to your farm in 1.5. Compatible with Multiplayer. (Not 1.6 compatible)

Permissions and credits
Note: Adopting multiple pets is part of vanilla gameplay as of 1.6, so Cats and Dogs will no longer be maintained.

Are pets in 1.6 too expensive? I made a mod for that Cheaper Pets

Files will remain available for those who want to play 1.5 version of Stardew Valley.

Optional file adds helper for 1.6 so you can remove pets from old saves. Pets added from this mod do not work correctly in 1.6, so if you want to play an old save, please remove them.

  • Remove pets from your farm in-game
  • Bring Sap to the water bowl and right-click to remove a pet
  • Added readme files to /cats and /dogs folders to make compatible with download manager

  • Add pets to your farm in-game!
  • Bring Fiber to the water bowl and right-click to adopt a cat
  • Bring Wood to the water bowl and right-click to adopt a dog
  • Have as many different pet breeds as you want
  • Host can choose the pet owner
  • On rainy days, pets stay in owner's house
  • Pets go to sleep in owner's house

  • Install the latest version of SMAPI
  • Download and unzip the mod into Stardew Valley/Mods
  • Add image files to /assets/cats and /assets/dogs
    > popular asset files: Elle's dog replacements and Elle's cat replacements
    > download the optional files instead of the mod and add the skins to CatsAndDogsMod asset folders
  • Run the game using SMAPI

  •  Pet Spawn Location mod required to fix outdoor spawn issue.
    >> With the Pet Spawn Location mod you can toggle pet collisions to fix pets stuck together
  • The pet portrait in player inventory menu sometimes displays wrong pet type
  • Unexpected results if multiple farmers have the same name in your multiplayer save.

Reveal spoiler to view SMAPI commands

In this first version of the mod, adding and removing pets can only be done with SMAPI commands.
  • list_pets : Lists the name, id, type and owner of all pets on your farm.
  • add_cat : Adds a cat. This command gives in-game confirmation and naming dialog box
  • add_dog : Adds a dog. This command gives in-game confirmation naming dialog box
  • remove_pet : Remove's specified pet from your farm, requires pet name as parameter. This command gives in-game confirmation dialog box
  • list_farmers : Lists all farmers and multiplayer ids
  • give_pet: Assigns a new owner to a pet. Requires 2 parameters, the pet name and the farmer name

Example SMAPI Commands

Adopt a cat

Adopt a dog

Removing a pet, where PetName is the name of your pet
* Note, If pet has a space in their name, add quotes around their name: "Pet Name" *

remove_pet PetName

Giving a pet to a multiplayer farmhand, where PetName is the name of the pet and FarmerName is the name of the farmhand
* Note, if pet or farmer has space in their names, add quotes around their name: "Pet Name" "Farmer Name" *
give_pet PetName FarmerName

  • Windows, macOS, Linux
  • single player, multiplayer

If you've made it this far and you install the mod, thank you. I hope you enjoy it.
Also I would like to thank Shaklin for the Pet Spawn Locations mod.
And I would like to credit junimods for the pet replacement assets that are in my screenshots.
And of course a big thank you to Pathoschild for SMAPI

I am not sure how this mod affects the Friendship Score in the Farm Evaluation.

If you like this mod, you might like my other mod: Multiplayer Horse Reskin

the source code for this mod is available on github