About this mod
This mod adds a new area to visit, with everything you could expect : events, npcs, items, secrets, recipes, flowers, and more.
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A fresh wind is coming from the mountains. Put a good jacket and come Visit Mount Vapius.
An entire new area with NPC, dialogues, events, flowers, forages, fishes, recipes, minerals, secrets, and more.
Get the joy of experiencing the feeling of discovery in an entire new area, featuring vanillaness art-style.

Between Célestine at the Inn and Adélaïde at the Train station, you're sure to be well welcomed.
Glimsap is a small hamlet hosting a market twice a week. An opportunity to buy unique goods and trade the local coins for useful or exclusive things, including machines that will let you craft new artisan goods.

There's several people living in and around Glimsap. Learn more about them and how they connect to each other and to the valley. And see how Glimsap is bringing change to the lives of familiar faces, giving them too the opportunity of getting some changes in their lives.

Fight monsters and progress in the forest, discovering more about it and its secrets. Mariam may even give you some guild goals to complete once you reach a certain place. With rewards, of course.

Find new, exclusive Bundles and their own set of rewards. Complete them at your own pace, as they are fully separate of the Community Center Bundle.
Get a new purpose to collect items and discover what changes you'll bring to the place with the completion of this set of Bundles.

With quests, guild goal, interactions with the people, you can progress and unlock new features, including the ability to build exclusive constructions, buy animals, get crafting recipe for machines and more.

Moïra will sell recipes at the market once a week, and some inhabitants will be happy to share their own recipe with you once you're friend enough. Gather the ingredients, by foraging, growing crops or fishing.

Return to Pelican Town with a bag full of delicious dishes, learn to make candy, find rare treasures, and enjoy the pleasure of finding who would love them. Discover the special reactions of the inhabitant of Glimsap when bringing them their favorite gifts.

You may notice some news or unusual frameworks! With 1.6 additions, there's a lot of change in term of framework use.
Content Patcher can now add items, and a lot more.
My Indoor Tilesheet allows me to have more option while mapping.
Unlockable Bundle allows me to have new, cool bundles for you to complete, with rewards once done!
Items Extension is used to make nodes, clumps and mixed seeds.
Farm Type Manager is a classic you may already be familiar with, used to spawn the forages and monsters
Spacecore, classic too, allow me to get a warpy warpy totem, and some cools details. You want to have a warpy warpy totem, trust me.
Esca's Modding Plugins is used to add special orders in Mount Vapius.
Optional :
Extra Machine Config allows machines to have extra fuel, and colored output. It's used to make some production rules more in line with intended vision. It's strongly suggested too.
Secret Note Framework : more lore, information and maybe a way to get some things a bit earlier...
Bush Bloom Mod : get extra forage as bush bloom. It's pretty too.
Central Station : alternative to the train system.
Don't be intimidated by frameworks because they all bring really cool stuff on the table, and it's worth having them!

While creating is always taking the chance of going in a different direction than vanilla, this mod does its best to be canon-friendly!
Since this mod adds the majority of its content in a separate area of the game, compatibility with other content mods should be high, feel free to report issues you may encounter.
If you have questions about compatibility with a specific mod, i encourage you to look at the comment section AND remember that this mod should be fine with other mods by default. If nothing is listed here as incompatible, then you should be good to go :)
Currently has special compatibility with :
Lumisteria Serene Meadow : Find the seeds in the shops, and some additional small details.
Cornucopia - More Crops : Find the seeds in the shops, and some additional small details.
Atelier Wildflour crops and forages : Four of its flowers can be traded for local coins at Naveen's stand.
East Scarp : Someone may visit East Scarp on occasion.
Creative Difference : Rodney : Aster will have a custom line when gifted the autograph. More to come in the future.
Forest Amber : Use amber to make resin!
Dwarven Expansion has a special VMV patch.
DaisyNiko's Earthy Map for Visit Mount Vapius for a seasonal map in Daisyniko's recolor.
Planned : Sunberry Village (once it's out)
Want to have compat with VMV? Send me a message, and if Nexus show it to me, we can discuss the details! Or message me on discord.
Come discuss the mod on discord ! Find VMV discord here.
Special Thanks :
Friends at Sunberry Village, SMC, ES, Krobus, and Maincord!
Alpha-Testers of VMV
Frameworks authors for their works that allow cool stuff
This mod took me years to make : and lot of people helped along the way. The list isn't complete. They have my gratitude too.
The banner and mod image are made by Tori Cleia (Twitter - Instagram . Some images may be slightly NSFW)
The different images on this mod page were made with the help of Kdau tool : https://www.kdau.com/scrollish/
One area has a unique theme made by The French Dodo (see their kofi!).