- Refine results Found 18 results. 21692 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Lavril - East Scarp NPC (King's Raid)
Adds Lavril to East Scarp. A mysterious young girl and her haunted toy rabbit wake up in total darkness, where evil monsters and specters of the past haunt the realm of the living... Vincent also happens to wander in by mistake. A cute Indie horror RPG.
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Lavril - East Scarp NPC (King's Raid)
Adds Lavril to East Scarp. A mysterious young girl and her haunted toy rabbit wake up in total darkness, where evil monsters and specters of the past haunt the realm of the living... Vincent also happens to wander in by mistake. A cute Indie horror RPG.
The villagers are dead, but they don't know it.
A Complete Halloween design for the Valley for the fall season or for all seasons u can shoose u can even get halloween music as extra!!its a Content Patcher Modwhen you use the Music Mod i will Load a bit longer before it starts so dont worry ^^ i put some personal recomadations mods in the Requirements section ^^ (for a better
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A Complete Halloween design for the Valley for the fall season or for all seasons u can shoose u can even get halloween music as extra!!its a Content Patcher Modwhen you use the Music Mod i will Load a bit longer before it starts so dont worry ^^ i put some personal recomadations mods in the Requirements section ^^ (for a better
Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)
Yandere Penny: Obsessively devoted, manipulative, and dangerously in love. Her words hold hidden threats, revealing a twisted obsession. Beware her sweet facade, for her love knows no bounds.(all Dialogues i could get my hands on got changed, and a lot were added)
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Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)
Yandere Penny: Obsessively devoted, manipulative, and dangerously in love. Her words hold hidden threats, revealing a twisted obsession. Beware her sweet facade, for her love knows no bounds.(all Dialogues i could get my hands on got changed, and a lot were added)
Yandere Penny (Events Expansion)
The "Yandere Penny (Events Expansion)" mod builds upon the "Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)" by reimagining Penny's 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Heart Events.
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Yandere Penny (Events Expansion)
The "Yandere Penny (Events Expansion)" mod builds upon the "Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)" by reimagining Penny's 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Heart Events.
(1.6 VER) Yandere Elliott English Version
An updated 1.6 version of the ENGLISH translated Yandere Elliott mod, originally translated by Kxgarashii, and originally made by KatherineC4.
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(1.6 VER) Yandere Elliott English Version
An updated 1.6 version of the ENGLISH translated Yandere Elliott mod, originally translated by Kxgarashii, and originally made by KatherineC4.
New horror styled hats available! Well technically they are masks.
(CP) Creepy Forest Druid Rasmodius
Turns the Wizard into a strange and creepy forest druid covered in moss and mushrooms.
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(CP) Creepy Forest Druid Rasmodius
Turns the Wizard into a strange and creepy forest druid covered in moss and mushrooms.
Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion) (PT-BR)
Yandere Penny: Obsessivamente devotada, manipuladora e perigosamente apaixonada. Suas palavras contêm ameaças ocultas, revelando uma obsessão distorcida. Cuidado com sua doce fachada, pois seu amor não tem limites.
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Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion) (PT-BR)
Yandere Penny: Obsessivamente devotada, manipuladora e perigosamente apaixonada. Suas palavras contêm ameaças ocultas, revelando uma obsessão distorcida. Cuidado com sua doce fachada, pois seu amor não tem limites.
Yandere Penny (Events Expansion) (PT-BR)
Yandere Penny (Events Expansion) baseia-se no "Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)" reimaginando os 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 Coraçãos em Eventos da Penny.
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Yandere Penny (Events Expansion) (PT-BR)
Yandere Penny (Events Expansion) baseia-se no "Yandere Penny (Dialogue Expansion)" reimaginando os 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 Coraçãos em Eventos da Penny.
A unique, bright halloween-themed kitchen. Perfect for making spooky meals and treats!
Shadow People Wear Familiar Faces
Shadow Brutes use villager sprites
Custom NPC Arknights Qui'sartustaj
Qui'sartuštaj, a new npc from Arknights.奎萨图什塔,白角魔王,赦罪师,曾是萨卡兹的“魔王”之一,曾击败过无数强敌,在晨昏倒影下建起一座不灭的卡兹戴尔。名字含义为,不灭的希望。
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Custom NPC Arknights Qui'sartustaj
Qui'sartuštaj, a new npc from Arknights.奎萨图什塔,白角魔王,赦罪师,曾是萨卡兹的“魔王”之一,曾击败过无数强敌,在晨昏倒影下建起一座不灭的卡兹戴尔。名字含义为,不灭的希望。
A brand new quest for Stardew Valley, introducing a new location and two new characters!
Replaces a few portraits with my personal renditions of them, drawn with my art tablet.Intended to be dropped into Portraiture. Does not work as a standalone Content Patcher mod quite yet.
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Replaces a few portraits with my personal renditions of them, drawn with my art tablet.Intended to be dropped into Portraiture. Does not work as a standalone Content Patcher mod quite yet.
Gives Krobus a spooooooky~ ghost costume. (He put a sheet over his head)