Here are several commands that you can add to your own hotkey collection.
If you've created your own feel free to share them.
Replace 'F1' with your own preferred keys for these actions.
Open Photo Mode
F1=showmenu photomodemenu
Wait Anywhere
F1=showmenu sleepwaitmenu
Equip Item
F1=player.equipitem <item_id_here>
Toggle HUD
Freeze Time
Slow Time
F1=sgtm 0.2
Normal Time (reverses "Slow Time")
F2=sgtm 1
Toggle showing spacesuit in settlements (same as the UI toggle in the inventory)
F1=if player.getav B120C != 0; player.setav B120C 0; else; player.setav B120C 1; endif
Toggle showing spacesuit in breathable environments
F1=if player.getav A73F8 != 0; player.setav A73F8 0; else; player.setav A73F8 1; endif
Toggle showing helmet in breathable environments
F1=if player.getav B120B != 0; player.setav B120B 0; else; player.setav B120B 1; endif
Equip fists / unarmed "Actor.EquipItem" 1F4 0 1
Save Game Hotkey that makes an autosave
Save Game Hotkey that creates new saves in a new save slot
F1=cgf "Game.RequestSave"; cgf "Debug.Notification" "Saving..."
Toggle freecam:
Toggle freecam and stop time:
F1=tfc 1
Toggle clipping / collision:
Play Animations:
F1=player.playidle <idle_animation_name_here>
Enter Outpost/Workshop Mode
Reload Hotkeys from Hotkeys.ini
reload console (two words)
Help me!
Let me know if you have some of your personal favorite hotkeys that you want me to try out. I'd love to give them a shot :)
I'll add new useful hotkeys when I get the time so check back whenever your hotkeys fell lacking in game immersion.
Have fun out there in the stars Starborn :)
* UPDATE * *Minor Change to Player selector now set to "14"*
> "Priority Care" [Hotkey]=C
; [ Priority Care ]
;Prioritize Healing items from least to most effective.
hlsw=if check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; elseif check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; else ; echo "I'm out of Aid Consumables!? Need to stock up on those!" ; endif ;
;Prioritize Trauma Packs, then Med Packs, and only use Emergency Kits if you have neither of those.
hlft=if check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; elseif check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; else ; echo "I'm out of Aid Consumables!? Need to stock up on those!" ; endif ;
;Prioritize Emergency Kits, then Trauma Packs, and only use Med Packs if you have neither of those.
hlbt=if check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; elseif check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; else ; echo "I'm out of Aid Consumables!? Need to stock up on those!" ; endif ;
; [ Priority Care ]
C=if ghp < 0.45 ; hlbt ; elseif ghp < 0.65 ; hlft ; elseif ghp < 0.875 ; hlsw ; elseif ghp < 0.95 ; echo "I need to eat food or drink something instead!" ; else ; echo "I don't require Priority Care at the moment, I'm good to GO!" ; endif ;
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
; [ Shift ]
; [ Throwables ]
; Equip Frag Grenade
Shift-1=if pge 000115EF == 1 ; echo "I already have a Frag Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 000115EF < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Frag Grenades!" ; else ; equip 000115EF ; endif ;
; Equip Impact Grenade
Shift-2=if pge 0026D89F == 1 ; echo "I already have a Impact Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89F < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Impact Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026D89F ; endif ;
; Equip Shrapnel Grenade
Shift-3=if pge 0026D89D == 1 ; echo "I already have a Shrapnel Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89D < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Shrapnel Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026D89D ; endif ;
; Equip Incendiary Grenade
Shift-4=if pge 0026F180 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Incendiary Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026F180 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Incendiary Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026F180 ; endif ;
; Equip Particle Grenade
Shift-5=if pge 0026D89E == 1 ; echo "I already have a Particle Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89E < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Particle Grenades!" ; else ; equip 26D89E ; endif ;
; Equip Cryo Mine
Shift-6=if pge 00389F34 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Cryo Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F34 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Cryo Mines!" ; else ; equip 389F34 ; endif ;
; Equip Inferno Mine
Shift-7=if pge 00389F33 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Inferno Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F33 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Inferno Mines!" ; else ; equip 389F33 ; endif ;
; Equip Fragmentation Mine
Shift-8=if pge 0004A41A == 1 ; echo "I already have a Fragmentation Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0004A41A < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Fragmentation Mines!" ; else ; equip 4A41A ; endif ;
;Equip Stun Mine
Shift-9=if pge 003C23E3 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Stun Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 003C23E3 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Stun Mines!" ; else ; equip 3C23E3 ; endif ;
; Equip Tesla Pylon
Shift-0=if pge 00389F37 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Tesla Pylon equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F37 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Tesla Pylons!" ; else ; equip 389F37 ; endif ;
; Equip Toxic Gas Mine
Shift--=if pge 003C23E4 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Toxic Gas Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 003C23E4 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Toxic Gas Mines!" ; else ; equip 3C23E4 ; endif ;
* UPDATE * *Minor Change to popup messages
*pms 29591b 1 > uses a magic shader to inform what the current selected REF is
>With the ability to manipulate selected REF positioning and rotation.
Hotkey layout is setup as X Y Z > Two rows are used to manipulate corresponding X Y Z coordinates and angle for selected REF
P hotkeys: Alt-U = -XAlt-I = X
A hotkeys: Ctrl-H = -XCtrl-J = X
P hotkeys: Alt-O = -YAlt-P= Y
A hotkeys: Ctrl-K = -YCtrl-L= Y
P hotkeys: Alt-[ = -ZAlt-] = Z
A hotkeys: Ctrl-; = -ZCtrl-' = Z
Pressing Shift-Alt with hotkey will use the Super Fine controls.
A very intuitive setup imo. Set it to whatever hotkey you want if your using that key for something else.
>Added hotkey to spawn a Decoration Terminal anywhere. Best used inside your home ship workshop hab.
Spawn one terminal and look at newly spawned terminal, usually spawns on the floor right under the player character
Make sure its sort of in the center of the screen usually works better in first person, then using the SelectREF hotkey, keep pressing till terminal is selected
Use Position and Rotation hotkeys to move terminal to your desired location. Preferably somewhere easy to see, reach and activate.
*other small changes to make strings work better
Selected REF placement controls
sdt="14".placeatme 00024DC7 1
SelectREF=pnr; pms 29591b 1; echo "Target Selected"
UnselectREF=sms 29591b 1; prid; echo "Target Unselected"
; Spawn Decoration Terminal
; Item Position Controls
; [ Fine Control ]
Alt-[= modpos z -0.1;
Alt-]= modpos z 0.1;
Alt-U= modpos x -0.1;
Alt-I= modpos x 0.1;
Alt-O= modpos y -0.1;
Alt-P= modpos y 0.1;
Alt-H= modangle x -1;
Alt-J= modangle x 1;
Alt-K= modangle y -1;
Alt-L= modangle y 1;
Alt-;= modangle z -1;
Alt-'= modangle z 1;
; [ Super Fine Control ]
Shift-Alt-[= modpos z -0.025;
Shift-Alt-]= modpos z 0.025;
Shift-Alt-U= modpos x -0.025;
Shift-Alt-I= modpos x 0.025;
Shift-Alt-O= modpos y -0.025;
Shift-Alt-P= modpos y 0.025;
Shift-Alt-H= modangle x -0.75;
Shift-Alt-J= modangle x 0.75;
Shift-Alt-K= modangle y -0.75;
Shift-Alt-L= modangle y 0.75;
Shift-Alt-;= modangle z -0.75;
Shift-Alt-'= modangle z 0.75;
; [ Rough Control ]
Ctrl-[= modpos z -1;
Ctrl-]= modpos z 1;
Ctrl-U= modpos x -1;
Ctrl-I= modpos x 1;
Ctrl-O= modpos y -1;
Ctrl-P= modpos y 1;
Ctrl-H= modangle x -45;
Ctrl-J= modangle x 45;
Ctrl-K= modangle y -45;
Ctrl-L= modangle y 45;
Ctrl-;= modangle z -45;
Ctrl-'= modangle z 45;d
MOD Item Support
> 100% sure others will encounter hotkey issues due to MOD load order for certain hotkeys for equipping items from other MODs
So you should use latest version of SF1Edit to check for correct load order if you are not sure about the exact numbers.
Launch SF1Edit you don't need to load the .esm's.
Find the Items correct corresponding MOD in the list.
Look at the FormID Prefix Code on the right side next to load order and replace XX with the corresponding Prefix stated for that mod.
[ Deadly Hazards ]
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
pcfaei="14".CF "Actor.EquipItem"
o2cef=if gav OxygenSupply < 10 && check XX000800 > 0 ; pcfaei XX000800 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 10%, I don't wanna waste a Full Oxygen Tank! I'll try a Used one instead." ; o2ceur ; endif ;
o2ceur=if gav OxygenSupply < 44 && check XX00080B > 0 ; pcfaei XX00080B 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 44%, I don't wanna waste a Used Oxygen Tank either! I'll try again later." ; endif ;
o2ceu=if gav OxygenSupply < 44 && check XX00080B > 0 ; pcfaei XX00080B 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 44%, I don't wanna waste a Used Oxygen Tank! I'll try again later." ; endif ;
; Restore Oxygen Pressure
T=if gav OxygenSupply == 100 ; echo "Oxygen Supply is currently Full, I'm good to GO!" ; else ; o2ceu ; endif ;
Shift-T=if gav OxygenSupply == 100 ; echo "Oxygen Supply is currently Full, I'm good to GO!" ; else ; o2cef ; endif ;
; Apply NanoBot Environmental Cure
Alt-T=if gav EnvDmg < 1 ; echo "I'm not affected by Environmental Damage at the moment!" ; elseif gav EnvDmg == 1 ; echo "I need to administer a Nanobots Injector to cure my Environmental Damage!" && if check XX00082D > 0 ; pcfaei XX00082D 0 1 ; else ; echo "I need to restock on Nanobots Injectors!" ; endif ;
Shift-Alt-T=if gav EnvDmg < 1 ; echo "I'm not affected by Environmental Damage at the moment!" ; elseif gav EnvDmg == 1 ; echo "I need to administer a Nanobots Injector to cure my Environmental Damage!" && if check XX0009A2 > 0 ; pcfaei XX0009A2 0 1 ; else ; echo "I need to restock on Reinforced Nanobots Injectors!" ; endif ;
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
pcfaei="14".CF "Actor.EquipItem"
; Starvival Character Status
; For the box type message
,=if check XX00095A > 0 ; echo "Box > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei XX00095A 0 1 ; else ; add XX00095A 1 ; echo "Box > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095A 0 1 ; endif;
; For the corner message
.=if check XX00095C > 0 ; echo "Corner > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei XX00095C 0 1 ; else ; add XX00095C 1 ; echo "Corner > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095C 0 1 ; endif;
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
pcfaei="14".CF "Actor.EquipItem"
; Initiate SmartDoc
X=If check XX000801 > 0 ; pcfaei XX000801 0 1 ; elseif check XX000801 < 1 ; echo "SmartDoc Unavailable! Save & Reload to Reaquire!" ; endif ;
* UPDATE * *Made more changes to popup messages adding slight humor fitting the MOD features better = More immersive 1st person experience.
Added a backup check for Full Oxygen Tanks to be used instead if Used Oxygen Tank stock is empty when gav OxygenSupply > 44
But will only administer the Full Oxygen Tank if gav OxygenSupply < 10 so that the Full Oxygen Tank isn't wasted when player character has a higher OxygenSupply level. Since Full Oxygen Tanks restore 100% of depleted OxygenSupply levels.
Full Hotkey.ini
cm=showlooksmenu player 2
wm=showmenu sleepwaitmenu
pm=showmenu photomodemenu
rc=reload console
; [ ROOT ]
sdt="14".placeatme 00024DC7 1
pcfaei="14".CF "Actor.EquipItem"
pcfauei="14".CF "Actor.UnEquipItem"
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
SelectREF=pnr; pms 29591b 1; echo "Target Selected"
UnselectREF=prid; echo "Target Unselected"
# Please do not use the ResetReferencee command on Actors!!
ResetREF=If IsActor!=0; echo "This is an Actor REF! Aborting"; prid; endif; If IsActor!=0; ResetReference; endif
# Even when unlocked with this command, fixed object REFs will remain locked until saved and reloaded.
slpd=CGF "SeeYourselfSleep.DisableMod"
slpe=CGF "SeeYourselfSleep.EnableMod"
slpt=CGF "SeeYourselfSleep.SetWakeUpTimerTime" 2
o2cef=if gav OxygenSupply < 10 ; check 0E000800 > 0 ; pcfaei 0E000800 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 10%, I don't wanna waste a Full Oxygen Tank! I'll try a Used one instead." ; o2ceur ; endif ;
o2ceur=if gav OxygenSupply < 44 ; check 0E00080B > 0 ; pcfaei 0E00080B 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 44%, I don't wanna waste a Used Oxygen Tank either! I'll try again later." ; endif ;
o2ceu=if gav OxygenSupply < 44 ; check 0E00080B > 0 ; pcfaei 0E00080B 0 1 ; else ; echo "Oxygen Supply still above 44%, I don't wanna waste a Used Oxygen Tank! I'll try again later." ; endif ;
; [ Priority Care ]
;Prioritize Healing items from least to most effective.
hlsw=if check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; elseif check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; endif ;
;Prioritize Trauma Packs, then Med Packs, and only use Emergency Kits if you have neither of those.
hlft=if check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; elseif check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; endif ;
;Prioritize Emergency Kits, then Trauma Packs, and only use Med Packs if you have neither of those.
hlbt=if check 002A9DE8 > 0 ; equip 002A9DE8 ; elseif check 0029A847 > 0 ; equip 0029A847 ; elseif check 0000ABF9 > 0 ; equip 0000ABF9 ; endif ;
; [ Function Keys ]
F1=CGF "Debug.Notification" "Mobile [CallingYourShip]"
F2=CGF "Debug.Notification" "Here [CallingYourShip]"
F3=CGF "Debug.Notification" "Here & Check [CallingYourShip]"
; Order of modifiers is important - use them in this order: Shift, Ctrl, Alt
; [ Key Modifiers + Single Keys ]
; [ Multiple ]
; Edit Character Menu
; [ AID Consumables ]
; Restore Oxygen Pressure
T=if gav OxygenSupply == 100 ; echo "Oxygen Supply is currently Full, I'm good to GO!" ; else ; o2ceu ; endif ;
Shift-T=if gav OxygenSupply == 100 ; echo "Oxygen Supply is currently Full, I'm good to GO!" ; else ; o2cef ; endif ;
; Apply NanoBot Environmental Cure
Alt-T=if gav EnvDmg < 1 ; echo "I'm not affected by Environmental Damage at the moment!" ; elseif gav EnvDmg == 1 ; echo "I need to administer a Nanobots Injector to cure my Environmental Damage!" ; elseif check 0A00082D > 0 ; pcfaei 0A00082D 0 1 ; else ; echo "I need to restock on Nanobots Injectors!" ; endif ;
Shift-Alt-T=if gav EnvDmg < 1 ; echo "I'm not affected by Environmental Damage at the moment!" ; elseif gav EnvDmg == 1 ; echo "I need to administer a Nanobots Injector to cure my Environmental Damage!" ; elseif check 0A0009A2 > 0 ; pcfaei 0A0009A2 0 1 ; else ; echo "I need to restock on Reinforced Nanobots Injectors!" ; endif ;
; Initiate RM PrioriCare 2.4
X=If check 11000801 > 0 ; pcfaei 11000801 0 1 ; elseif check 11000801 < 1 ; echo "RM PrioriCare Unavailable! Save & Reload to Reaquire!" ; endif ;
; Equip Med Pack
Shift-X=if ghp == 1 ; echo "I'm currently at Full Health!" ; elseif check 0000ABF9 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Med Packs!" ; else ; equip 0000ABF9 ; endif ;
; Equip Trauma Pack
Alt-X=if ghp == 1 ; echo "I'm currently at Full Health!" ; elseif check 0029A847 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Trauma Packs!" ; else ; equip 0029A847 ; endif ;
; Equip Emergency Kit
Ctrl-X=if ghp == 1 ; echo "I'm currently at Full Health!" ; elseif check 002A9DE8 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Emergency Kits!" ; else ; equip 002A9DE8 ; endif ;
; Equip Heart+
Shift-Alt-X=if check 0029CAD9 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Heart+ Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 29CAD9 ; endif ;
; Equip JunkFlush
Shift-Ctrl-X=if check 00143CB1 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Junk Flush Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 143CB1 ; endif ;
; [ Priority Care ]
C=if ghp < 0.45 ; hlbt ; elseif ghp < 0.65 ; hlft ; elseif ghp < 0.875 ; hlsw ; elseif ghp < 0.95 ; echo "I need to eat food or drink something instead!" ; else ; echo "I don't require Priority Care at the moment!" ; endif ;
; Equip Battlestim
Shift-C=if check 002A5024 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Battlestim Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 002A5024 ; endif ;
; Equip Recon Stim
Ctrl-C=if check 0029A855 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Reconstim Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 0029A855 ; endif ;
; Equip Frostwolf
Alt-C=if check 002C5885 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Frostwolf Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 002C5885 ; endif ;
; Equip Amp
Shift-Alt-C=if check 0029A856 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Amp Cartridges!" ; else ; equip 0029A856 ; endif ;
; [ Shift ]
; [ Throwables ]
; Equip Frag Grenade
Shift-1=if pge 000115EF == 1 ; echo "I already have a Frag Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 000115EF < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Frag Grenades!" ; else ; equip 000115EF ; endif ;
; Equip Impact Grenade
Shift-2=if pge 0026D89F == 1 ; echo "I already have a Impact Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89F < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Impact Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026D89F ; endif ;
; Equip Shrapnel Grenade
Shift-3=if pge 0026D89D == 1 ; echo "I already have a Shrapnel Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89D < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Shrapnel Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026D89D ; endif ;
; Equip Incendiary Grenade
Shift-4=if pge 0026F180 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Incendiary Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026F180 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Incendiary Grenades!" ; else ; equip 0026F180 ; endif ;
; Equip Particle Grenade
Shift-5=if pge 0026D89E == 1 ; echo "I already have a Particle Grenade equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0026D89E < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Particle Grenades!" ; else ; equip 26D89E ; endif ;
; Equip Cryo Mine
Shift-6=if pge 00389F34 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Cryo Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F34 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Cryo Mines!" ; else ; equip 389F34 ; endif ;
; Equip Inferno Mine
Shift-7=if pge 00389F33 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Inferno Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F33 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Inferno Mines!" ; else ; equip 389F33 ; endif ;
; Equip Fragmentation Mine
Shift-8=if pge 0004A41A == 1 ; echo "I already have a Fragmentation Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 0004A41A < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Fragmentation Mines!" ; else ; equip 4A41A ; endif ;
;Equip Stun Mine
Shift-9=if pge 003C23E3 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Stun Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 003C23E3 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Stun Mines!" ; else ; equip 3C23E3 ; endif ;
; Equip Tesla Pylon
Shift-0=if pge 00389F37 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Tesla Pylon equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 00389F37 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Tesla Pylons!" ; else ; equip 389F37 ; endif ;
; Equip Toxic Gas Mine
Shift--=if pge 003C23E4 == 1 ; echo "I already have a Toxic Gas Mine equipped, I don't need another!" ; elseif check 003C23E4 < 1 ; echo "I need to restock on Toxic Gas Mines!" ; else ; equip 3C23E4 ; endif ;
; [ Alt ]
; Toggle HUD
; Equip fists / unarmed
Alt-2=if pge 1F4 != 1 ; echo "Just putting this weapon away for a second." ; pcfaei 1F4 0 1 ; else ; echo "I'm already unarmed!" ; endif ;
; Equip Cape / Armor
Shift-Alt-2=if pge 89000846 != 1 ; echo "Let me put on this cape, for more cover." ; pcfaei 89000846 0 1 ; else ; echo "Just putting this cape away for now." ; pcfauei 89000846 0 1 ; endif ;
; Wait Anywhere
; Toggle freecam
; Open Photo Mode
; Save Game Hotkey that makes an autosave
; Toggle showing spacesuit in settlements (same as the UI toggle in the inventory)
Alt-7=if gav B120C != 0 ; sav B120C 0 ; else ; sav B120C 1 ; endif ;
; Toggle showing spacesuit in breathable environments
Alt-8=if gav A73F8 != 0 ; sav A73F8 0 ; else ; sav A73F8 1 ; endif ;
; Toggle showing helmet in breathable environments
Alt-9=if gav B120B != 0 ; sav B120B 0 ; else ; sav B120B 1 ; endif ;
; Toggle clipping / collision
Alt-0=prid ; tcl ; echo "Clipping/Collision Toggled" ;
; Clear Console Hotkey
; Reload Hotkeys from Hotkeys.ini
; See Yourself Sleep (Wake Up) : Disable, Enable, Time
Alt-M=echo "Disabling SeeYourselfSleep MOD" ; slpd ; endif ;
; Starvival Character Status
; For the box type message
,=if check 0600095A > 0 ; echo "Box > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095A 0 1 ; else ; add 0600095A 1 ; echo "Box > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095A 0 1 ; endif;
; For the corner message
.=if check 0600095C > 0 ; echo "Corner > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095C 0 1 ; else ; add 0600095C 1 ; echo "Corner > Starvival Message" ; pcfaei 0600095C 0 1 ; endif;
; Check Selected Reference And Reset
Shift-L=ResetREF; LockHavok
; Spawn Decoration Terminal
; Item Position Controls
; [ Fine Control ]
Alt-[= modpos z -0.1;
Alt-]= modpos z 0.1;
Alt-I= modpos x -0.1;
Alt-U= modpos x 0.1;
Alt-O= modpos y -0.1;
Alt-P= modpos y 0.1;
Alt-H= modangle x -1;
Alt-J= modangle x 1;
Alt-K= modangle y -1;
Alt-L= modangle y 1;
Alt-;= modangle z -1;
Alt-'= modangle z 1;
; [ Super Fine Control ]
Shift-Alt-[= modpos z -0.025;
Shift-Alt-]= modpos z 0.025;
Shift-Alt-I= modpos x -0.025;
Shift-Alt-U= modpos x 0.025;
Shift-Alt-O= modpos y -0.025;
Shift-Alt-P= modpos y 0.025;
Shift-Alt-H= modangle x -0.75;
Shift-Alt-J= modangle x 0.75;
Shift-Alt-K= modangle y -0.75;
Shift-Alt-L= modangle y 0.75;
Shift-Alt-;= modangle z -0.75;
Shift-Alt-'= modangle z 0.75;
; [ Rough Control ]
Ctrl-[= modpos z -1;
Ctrl-]= modpos z 1;
Ctrl-I= modpos x -1;
Ctrl-U= modpos x 1;
Ctrl-O= modpos y -1;
Ctrl-P= modpos y 1;
Ctrl-H= modangle x -45;
Ctrl-J= modangle x 45;
Ctrl-K= modangle y -45;
Ctrl-L= modangle y 45;
Ctrl-;= modangle z -45;
Ctrl-'= modangle z 45;
Thanks for making a cool mod!
if player.isweaponout > 0; 46BAF; else; 132AF; endif
This first determines whether or not you have a weapon out (player.isweaponout returns either 0 for sheathed weapon, 1 for unarmed fists being "drawn" and 2 for actual weapon being drawn) then plays either the action ActionSheathe (46BAF) or ActionDraw (132AF).So for example if you wanted to have Mouse4 as that dedicated button you'd put this in your Hotkeys.ini:
Mouse4=if player.isweaponout > 0; 46BAF; else; 132AF; endif
cgf "Game.ForceFirstPerson"
To switch to 3rd person view:cgf "Game.ForceThirdPerson"
edit: it's
showmenu ShipCrewMenu
Unfortunately not all menus can be pulled up without first pulling up the data menu; for example,
showmenu StatusMenu
crashes the game unless the data menu is upI wish at least there was a way to have one hotkey that would perform two commands subsequently: 1- open data menu 2- open status menu, and prevent the crash.
To be more precise: By default the mousewheel controls the camera zooming in and out, but I had to change that to Numpad+ and Numpad- keys. This is due to the mouse wheel now controlling my character's speed. This is done in the StarfieldHotkeys.ini. Now I would like to have Ctrl-MouseWheelUp and Ctrl-MouseWheelDown control the camera as before but I do not know what to write after the = sign
This did not work sadly:
I want to add a toggle command to F8 that runs a bat command. So it would be like this:
press F8 > run console command bat mats500 ; cgf "Debug.Notification" "Materials Added"
press F8 > run console command bat unmats500 ; cgf "Debug.Notification" Materials Removed"
That way I can add the mats and then remove the mats by just pressing F8. How would I write this in the console ini file?
Equip fists / unarmed "Actor.EquipItem" 1F4 0 1
did not work for me, changed to:
F1=player.EquipItem 1F4 0
that works! Have fun boxing...
Greetings sirb42