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This user's image description contains 2 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. sushisamuri
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    GJ these are amazing! I didn't know about tcl, I've been jumping around getting the characters to glitch into each other...ugh. I love these!
    1. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,144 kudos

      Just be sure nothing is selected in console if you use tcl or it won't work.

      You can also keep NPCs perfectly still by clicking on them in console and using tai 
      That turns of AI and they will just stand there.
    2. sushisamuri
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Awesome! I know what I'm going to be doing for the next 2 hours. I swear it's way too easy to get lost in photo mode. Thanks for the tip!
  2. idrmorris
    • premium
    • 9 kudos

    You've changed her hair style, I like both.
    Still wish for a preset, prefer FO4 now, or Starfield. (we'll get here eventually) lol
    I'm sorry Bugthesda screwed up your mods, I'm glad I've got a bunch of them saved before the update.
    Take your time, breathe deep, we'll be here waiting to download when they're done.
    You are appreciated, THANK you.

    Love long and prosper.
    1. ghostmaker00
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      While it's fine to be supportive of a modder...Bethesda really isn't beholden to modders to make their lives easier. All of us who mod know that we are doing aftermarket bolting on and repurposing. Also...I think people exepct too much from any kind of software these days to work perfectly on the millions of different endpoint configurations. So disagree with the design but to take aim at Bethesda specifically for bugs is immensely hilarious in showing how much of a narrow viewpoint the one who utters that is. Especially since Starfield has been the smoothest launch I have remembered for a Bethesda game throughout their history and even then there hasn't been showstopping bugs that grabbed more than a minority of the user base all the way back to Daggerfall. 

      So as a mod author or user, you either plug away (i.e. troubleshoot, troubleshoot, troubleshoot), ask for help, or wait until the tools are ready.

      Maybe that's an old school mod perspective but I think alot of these new mod authors and users are incredibly uh....entitled. There I said it. ugh. I sound so old.
    2. Aurelianis
      • premium
      • 1,144 kudos
      While I agree with you when it comes to Starfield and modding not being officially supported yet, idrmorris was referring to my Fallout 4 mods. Beth released an update for FO4 that introduced a bug that broke almost all my mods. The bug breaks material swaps on exterior references that are not part of precombined meshes. Of all the things to break... lol. Stuff happens though. No game will be without its issues and pretty much no update will either. Hopefully Beth will fix it soon. If they fix the bug, I won't have to modify thousands of references to use material swaps in a different way that isn't broken. Fortunately for me, my mods only broke due to a bug (which hopefully Beth will fix) and not because of a change in the engine. Lots of other modders are having to fix some pretty major stuff due to engine level changes.