About this mod
This mod fixes an issue, where companions and other NPCs can steal your kill and you get no XP for it.
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What does this mod do?
A minor tweak to a game setting that ensures you receive the XP you rightfully earn. In the base game, when you engage in combat with NPCs, you must deal a certain amount of damage to qualify for XP upon defeating them. The default setting is rather stringent, at 25%. This mod, however, significantly reduces it to less than 1%. This means, in the original game, that even if you throw a grenade and damage several enemies, but some of them receive less than 25% damage due to the explosion radius, and your companions finish off the enemies, you won't receive any XP. This change is ensuring that your efforts are always rewarded and you don't waste valuable resources like grenades. This mod fixes that for you!
How to install?
Check out my other mods:
Less Spongy Player - Adjustable Player Health
Everytime the player levels up, the player gains a health boost of 20.
This mod has various settings for you to choose from and prevent the player becoming a bullet sponge on the higher levels.
Keeping gameplay fresh and unpredictable.
Less Spongy Enemies
Gets rid of Starfield spongy enemies in the best possible way.
No XP Kill Steal Fix
This mod fixes an issue, where companions and other NPCs can steal your kill and you get no XP for it.
Better out of LOS Sneaking
This mod decreases enemy hearing accuracy when you're hidden behind obstacles, improving your stealth by reducing their ability to detect you out of sight.
Enemies won't have supersonic ears anymore when you're playing hide-and-seek behind walls.
No Combat Music
Enjoy Starfields atmospheric music without interruption. Immersive yourself into the world with this mod.
Check out more of my mods