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About this mod

Relocation of electionis007' Star Wars ships from Vectera to locations in Expanded Cities and beyond.

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Now that indexes won't be an issue, it's not that far-fetched to want every ship mod from electionis007 installed. They're all awesome. This patch removes the ships from Vectera (besides the falcon) and scatters them across the galaxy, with 2 of their locations being dependent on my Expanded Cities mod.

Each ship has a switch nearby that you use to claim the ship, just like the original mods. THIS MOD ONLY CHANGES THEIR DEFAULT SPAWNING LOCATION. It does not change anything else, such as landing zones, etc

J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship 1999 - New Atlantis/Coruscant Expanded Cities launchpad
Star Wars The Mandalorian N-1 Starfighter 2021 - Neon/Nar Shaddaa Expanded Cities Spaceport upper area (kinda hidden check the pics)
Star Wars TIE Advanced 1977 - New Atlantis/Coruscant Spaceport
T-65B X-wing Starfighter (NEW) - Akila/Dantooine Spaceport
Millenium Falcon -  Default Vectera location
Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter - On top of the big Akila/Dantooine building

Naboo Starfighter - ?? (not in mod YET)

Star Wars Genesis