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Original upload

Created by

Delver Rootnose by way of Gilibran and Joe Coolinsc

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About this mod

This is a cut down version of the SMSEX plugin by Gilibran and then updated by JoeColinsc. Ver. 1.1.3d
The Purpose with this plugin is to allow compatibility to work alongside with the Better Flips and the Better Snaps plugins, This plugin is standalone and will replace SMSEX Series All in One plugin. and is used best with Better Flips by Rux6

Permissions and credits
Version 1.1.3x UnSafe on Certain Spaceship Builds.  

You may have to re-set yout Hab Snaps after updating. from prior to version 1.x
If they are many and deeply buried, You'll hate me. Let's be honest. You hate me anyway.

See Change Log or Forum Post

Gilibran created the mod, SMSEX a long time ago. About the time that Starfield was updated, this mod became defunct. With Gilibran's permission, JoeCoolinsc modernized it using Nifskope and uploaded it as a All in One mod.  Times have changed and the Better Flips and Better Snaps mods have become a sort of standard, being made with the Creation Kit. Better flips here:

At issue is that while Better Flips is a more elegant mod, using much less data, than SMSEX, there are certain things SMSEX has that make it a good mod. I have attempted to re-cut the SMSEX mod, remove structural items and data that interferes with the proper working of Better Flips and Snaps and allow it to coexist, more or less,  peacefully. This plugin should be loaded AFTER  Better Flips and Snaps.    Some caveats

First, if updating to this version (SMSEX Series Recut) structural items unique to SMSEX will be lost and must be replaced in the ship builder. This is due to the unique name this mod has in comparison to the old SMSEX.

Second, this plug in is a work in progress. Some items deep in the guts of the ESM need working on. It shouldn't affect your ships at all but they are messy.   Because of how Vortex works, I could not just release the ESM file alone. I had to release this mod with a subset of the mesh files, created by Gilibran to allow it to be compatible with Vortex. If Gilibran or JoeCoolinsc demand I take it down, then in that case I'll only be able to post the ESM, and it will have to be a manual process to install.

Third, recent changes in Better Flips and Snaps necessitates SMSEX now be loaded after. Better Flips and Snaps has updated to add Deimos Wing B, with only one snap per side. SMSEX Wing B has three snaps on one side.

Fourth,  as Gilibran has left the Starfieldmodding scene, Hopefully not for long, some aspects of the structures may have some quirks, like reversed weapon hardpoints.

Requirements, None. But if you download this file alone, without downloading Better Flips and Snaps, , then you are wrong.