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Created by

Kryo Zet

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About this mod

Adds standalone spacesuits, outfits and weapons to the game.

Permissions and credits
  • French

Gel's little side hustle on Niira. Adds spacesuits, outfits and weapons to his inventory.

All stats are on par with strongest vanilla spacesuits, and almost all of them and outfits have additional skins, crafted at Spacesuit Workbench.

Level 1 - Basic
Level 15 - Calibrated
Level 30 - Refined
Level 50 - Advanced
Level 75 - Superior

Spacesuits and Outfits:
(and craftable skins)

Bought from Gel. Inventory refreshes every 48 hours UT. Item quality and tier is random every refresh.

  • Graviton Reaver Spacesuit, Helmet and Boostpack - Salvation, Reaper (Red Mask)
  • Graviton Marauder Helmet - Salvation
  • Graviton Reaver Outfit - Salvation
  • Aphelion Assault Exosuit, Helmet and Boostpack - Stealth, Infiltrator, Black Neutron, Opaque Visor
  • Aphelion Assault Helmet - Infiltrator, Black Neutron
  • Aphelion Bodysuit Mk1 - Stealth, Infiltrator, Black Neutron
  • Aphelion Bodysuit Mk2 - Stealth, Infiltrator, Black Neutron
  • Aphelion Mask
  • Aphelion Assault Mask
  • Interloper Assault Spacesuit and Helmet - Infiltrator, Cerulean, Camouflage
  • Interloper Recon Spacesuit, Helmet and Boostpack - Infiltrator, Cerulean, Camouflage
  • Interloper Tactical Outfit - Infiltrator, Cerulean, Camouflage
  • Mechanized Assault Amp
  • Mechanized Assault Regalia
  • Mechanized Assault Outfit - Camouflage
  • Mechanized Assault Skirt - Camouflage
  • Mechanized Assault Bodysuit
  • Mechanized Assault Spacesuit, Helmet and Boostpack - Camouflage
  • Voidtrooper Outfit - Darkfall, Lightfall, Camouflage
  • Voidtrooper Suit  - Darkfall, Lightfall, Camouflage
  • Voidtrooper Spacesuit, Helmet and Boostpack  - Lightfall, Camouflage
  • Voidtrooper Tactical Spacesuit, Helmet and Boostpack  - Lightfall, Camouflage
  • Voidtrooper Recon Spacesuit  - Lightfall, Camouflage


  • Graviton Bolter
    Modified Maelstrom. Hits a lot harder, a lot slower rate of fire, smaller ammo size.

  • Voidfall Zephyr Sniper Rifle
    Modified Hard Target, retrofitted for 6.5mm MI ammo. Hits harder, slower rate of fire.

  • Voidfall Tanto
    Modified Tanto

  • Aphelion Nadir Pistol
    Modified Eon pistol. Hits harder, can reach advanced quality unlike the original.

  • Aphelion Blade
    Modified Katana.


Use any working mod manager or drop the files to your Steam Starfield\Data directory and enable from Creation menu.

This is standalone from my AIO pack and they do not share any assets.

Install any nude body texture mod, as shown in pictures for the outfits, to remove the vanilla underwear, for example: CRT - Skins or Starqueen textures. This is optional, works fine without.


Some spacesuits and outfits are from my AIO pack Aggregation of Scraps. Update that mod if version prior installing this.

Probably anything that affects Gel or LC042BattleofNiira -cell. Probably still fine though, as edits are minor.

This mod is not designed around any body mod out there, so they do not affect my outfits at all and can create gaps on skin.