About this mod
Some material edits for leaves, branches, canopies, and trunks of the New Atlantis Mesa Trees to make the leaves more translucent and the branches less shiny aiming to make the trees more beautiful and realistic in the process.
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There are TWO versions of this mod:
BOTH VERSIONS: Edit the roughness of the trunk, branch, and canopy materials to mitigate the odd "shining" effect the branches and leaves get when in indirect light, and make the main leaf texture of the tree far more translucent, resulting in sunlight catching leaves and illuminating them in a visually appealing way. Also makes the color of the leaves a bit more green and less yellow.
FULL VERSION: This version makes the "core" leaf material of the tree completely transparent, allowing sunlight to peek through branches and leaves. This can leave some branches visually unattached to anything, though you can usually only see this if you look for it.
LITE VERSION: This version leaves the "core" leaf material alone apart from the roughness edits mentioned above. So basically just the roughness edits mentioned above. You won't get the same pretty god rays and light leaks you'd get from the first one, but this one retains the "thickness" of the canopies, which some may enjoy. The main problem with this one is that in direct sunlight, as seen in the pictures (though I promise on day-to-day gameplay you will not see it like you do in the pictures, I took them when the sun is highest on a clear day just for the sake of showing what the mod does) , you can get a visible dark ring around the tree canopy. This is the "core" leaf material; made transparent in the full version. Again, it's only visible in certain lighting conditions so you won't notice it unless you're looking right up at certain trees at a certain time of day. The full version was made to solve this problem, but I thought I'd include this version anyway in case people prefer the fuller, shadier trees.
I can't imagine this would be incompatible with anything that doesn't also edit materials, and I've seen no mods that edit materials as long as I've been watching the nexus, so you should be alright. I'm unsure if it'll work with foliage texture edits like Luxor's flowered Mesa's that just released or SavrenX or MonstrrMagic's textures. But let me/others know if it does with a comment if you try it, please!
Note From Author/Closing
I know it's been a while since I posted Neon Vertigo and I've been kind of away since, but I promise I've been reading comments from across the internet about that mod and it brings me so much joy to see people enjoying it so much. I was pretty proud of it when I posted it but the response to it, getting on hot mods and all that, people making videos about it, even seeing people recommending it on random reddit posts I come across, it's truly awesome. So thank you to all of my downloaders and supporters!
Since Neon Vertigo I've actually been quite hard at work in the creation kit. You may hate me when I admit that I actually have multiple massive City Overhauls more or less complete that I have not posted. While I've been learning a ton over the past few months through brutally slow trial and error and wonderful tutorials made by the community, it seems like when you learn 1 new thing 10 new problems rear their heads. All this not to complain about the CK as bugged up as it is, but to say progress can be very difficult, and ironically demotivating. Finally figuring something out just to realize it borks something else, or doesn't show up in game like it does in the CK. So yeah, all to say, while things can seem very close to being finished, they often need more work, and I don't want to release anything, especially a big mod like a location overhaul, that is broken, even in one tiny place.
I also, as I've been working with the material editor more and more, have some more material mods coming. One is my favourite mod I've made yet, and something I was trying to get working since the game came out. CK made it sooo easy, and I'm very excited to release it soon. It's something you're probably not thinking of too often but it's constantly in the background so this mod can genuinely be a game changer. More info soon.
Note to nexus: why the hell is there no way to re-select the default font size? only way to keep a consistent font size is to do all formatting right at the end. bruh.
...minutes later... this continues to annoy me as I make this.
fr why are is your default font size ... wait. .. look its put me back at the default size again. omg. NEXUS!!!!!