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About this mod

Ever looked at those Laredo cowboy guns and wondered how do they even function? It's almost like they weren't even designed to fire bullets, but maybe something a little bit more... exotic. Plasma Laredo turns most of the Laredo firearms into Plasma weapons with their own unique visuals, dealing energy and heat damage.

Permissions and credits
The Laredo firearms look like they are meant to be a different sort of sci-fi weapon than they are. Plus, we're missing a staple of sci-fi weaponry that even Fallout gave us, Plasma weapons! Why not kill two birds with one stone? This mod changes most of the Laredo firearms except the Bridger and the Razorback into energy weapons, dealing energy and heat damage. It gives the Laredo weapons custom projectile and hit effects using green plasma and green flames. It also gives them sounds more fitted to their new role as plasma weapons.

  • The Regulator, Rattler, Lawgiver, Tombstone, and Coachman have all been changed into plasma weapons.
  • Plasma uses the Laser Weapons skill, and deals a mix of energy damage, as well as heat damage (like environmental fire effects deal).
  • Weapon mods (such as quality mods, and certain internals) have been changed to increase energy damage. The silencers were slightly changed, and each weapon has a number of new magazine mods to replace the old ones.
  • Whitehot Rounds -> Whitehot Plasma (Can set the target on fire, and different projectile.)
  • Penetrator Rounds -> Excited Plasma (Still a pass through projectile.)
  • Armor Piercing -> Payload Additive (Still armor piercing type.)
  • High Powered -> Amplifier (Like laser weapons have.)
  • Coachman and Lawgiver EM-Charged Shot -> EM-Gas Fuel (Electric projectile deals EM damage.)
  • Coachman Flechette -> Whitehot Plasma (Like the others.)
  • Coachman Slug -> Concentrated Plasma (Same effect.)
  • Coachman Hornet's Nest -> Dragon's Breath (Shoots a gout of flame out.)
  • There's three new ammunition types - Plasma Cartridges (Q-35 used in Rattler and Tombstone, P-94 used in Regulator and Lawgiver, and Z-43 used in Coachman).
  • All three are integrated into leveled lists using scripts.
  • All three are craftable, with Gameplay Options for compatibility with my Aid and Ammo crafting.
  • Uses Lithium, Argon, Helium, and Magnetic Primers for crafting.

Warning: NPCs who were already spawned with a Laredo firearm may not have the new ammunition for it until a cell reset occurs.

To see the Laredo weapons in action with their new Plasma features, I have a handy video for you:

My Other Mods:
TN's Ship Modules All In One
TN's Class M Ship Building
TN's Space Mining and Salvage
TN's Hab Shells
TN's Supplemental Thrusters
TN's Hab Tweaks 
TN's Useful Ship Structure 
TN's Expanded Cargo Holds
TN's Supplemental Reactors
TN's Supplemental Cockpits
TN's Weapon To Module Snapping
TN's Separated Categories
TN's Aid and Ammo Crafting
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications
TN's Power Tools 
TN's Plasma Laredo
TN's Modular Starborn Suits
TN's Outpost Storage
TN's Realistic Oxygen Meter
TN's Textile Perk Restored