This page was last updated on 01 October 2024, 11:40PM
Version 1.3
Updated interface files to latest game version (Shattered Space)
Added item sorting for new Shattered Space items
Version 1.2
Added new settings iLootOMeterMinValue and iLootOMeterMinShowValue to fine-control the Loot-O-Meter range and visibility. The bar will range from the new min to max value, and will be hidden if the V/M is below one of these settings. (Defaults: iLootOMeterMinValue=0, iLootOMeterMinShowValue=250)
Added new setting to define a min-mass for the V/M calculation, so items like pens are no longer shown as "very valuable" (fLootOMeterMinMass, default: 0.2)
Added setting to control the loot list entry height and font size ([LootList]iListEntryHeight and iListEntryFontSize, default: 30 and 16)
Added error messages when loaded files are overwritten or wrong version
Added mines to item sorting (allows mine detection for stealing)
Added setting to prevent the steal prevention for mines (bHudPreventStealAccidentIgnoreMines, default: On)
Updated interface files to game version 1.7.36 (2023-10-09)
Change steal protection no longer uses HOLD button. Instead the action is only allowed when sneaking. This is necessary, as the game update to eat things by holding take-button is already active for some users (and it will be for everyone at some time as stated by Bethesda)
Change action "Take All" no longer uses HOLD. Instead there is a new action called by holding SHIFT (or SPRINT button on controller) and then pressing TAKE.
Change slightly adjusted the rarity color Rare to match the color tones of the other rarity colors
Fixed list display when looting last entry
Fixed typos
Version 1.1
Added new preset: Author's Choice (No Colors)
Added filled versions of vanilla category icons for usage as item tags
Added watch settings: Enable/disable compass markers: enemy markers, mission markers and special markers (ship)
Added watch settings: Enable/disable various watch features: compass, o2 bar, planet icon, location text
Added watch settings: Enable/disable various scan mode watch features: temperature, oxygen, gravitation, bio alert, env alert
Added crosshair setting: Crosshair replacement mode. Allows you to define which crosshair type is displayed (sReplaceMode, default:Default, available modes: Default, DotOnly, DotWhenNotAiming, None, Custom)
Added crosshair settings: A whole bunch of individual replacement settings for the "Custom" replacement modes. Let you define any crosshair type you like for any situation (aiming, 3rd person and for every crosshair type)
Added crosshair setting: Show crosshair when aiming in first person (bShowInIronSights, default: off)
Added crosshair setting: Enable the spread animation (how far bullets go from the crosshairs center) (bEnableSpreadIndication, default: on)
Added crosshair setting: Show if a weapon/tool is effective by changing the color (bEnableEffectiveIndication, default: on)
Added crosshair color settings: Colorize your crosshair based on the current type (for every type: sColor...)
Added crosshair scale settings: Change your crosshairs size based on the current type (for every type: iScale...)
Added item card max height settings to prevent clipping into other widgets
Added new coloring technique to item card to allow colorisation without changing the already colored elements.
Added setting to control the tag icon color in item card (bItemCardItemTagColored, default: on)
Added setting to control the tag icon color in loot list ([LootList]bItemTagColored, default: on)
Added new anchor definition: You can now specify the anchor freely as [HorizontalOffset]% [VerticalOffset]%, e.g. "0% 25%"
Added setting to define the reticle line attach point for item cards in single item display (sItemCardReticleLineAttachAnchor, default: none)
Added color settings for widget Stealth Meter to override the color of the bar background: sBarColorHidden, sBarColorCaution, sBarColorDetected, sBarColorDanger
Added color settings for the default label (mostly used in Vanilla/Vanilla Extended): sLabelColor, sLabelStealColor
Added color settings for rarity colors (sRarityColorRare, sRarityColorEpic, sRarityColorLegendary)
Added color settings for contraband items in item card, standard label and Tag Label (sItemCardContrabandColor, sLabelContrabandColor and sHudTagLabelContrabandColor)
Change adapted the rare rarity color to a slightly more bluish color in preset Author's Choice
Change unified the item card settings into separate sections with same structure (ItemCard_SingleItem, ItemCard_SingleItemScanMode, LootList.ItemCard and LootList.ItemCard_ScanMode)
Change default sort is now GAME instead of TAG (e.g. sorts special items to the top)
Change recommended FPS in FOMOD is now 30fps (increase performance on slow computers, and the difference for the HUD is barely visible)
Fixed unable to sort by first column with ALT key when having item tags disabled
Fixed untranslated texts in item card
Fixed clipping label for long key names whiel using small buttons option
Fixed display of hold button indicator (underline) too near at the key
Fixed overwritting game setting for hud transparency for watch and player status widget
Fixed slightly moving position of watch on loading