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  1. SKKmods
    • premium
    • 1,427 kudos
    ********** NEWS **********
    The first ever new Papyrus script published for Starfield is now sadly out of date.
    It all still works, but you should be looking at the comprehensive ESM solutions:

    Universal Stash (for unlimited storage).
    Starfield Stalkers and Followers (for spawning).
    Craftable Ship Tool (for ship stuff).
  2. Azhtral
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Cross posting from a forum, realized this might be a better place! Sorry for the dupe question if not!

    SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.GetInfo BaseObject [Form < (########)>]worked great to get the ID! But do you have any idea about how to keep a texture on it? The ID I used here is the floor I want, but the floor has a wood texture. Using player.placeatme 00195D78 1 I can get the floor, but it's default texture, and if I spawndupe with the original Wood Texture Floor selected in the console it does dupe it with that texture, but once I restart the game it reloads and defaults to base texture.

    Thanks for everything you do, your mods are incredible tools!

    Panel with wood texture:
    Panel with default texture:
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      That is likely a material swap issue.

      How the game handles dynamic material swaps is apparently still not fully understood.
  3. idunnonothin
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can it spawn enemy spaceships?
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      No not yet.
    2. idunnonothin
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Finished the main quest and uninstalled the game. But thx for your mod.
  4. Brehanin
    • premium
    • 927 kudos
    Thank you!
    Is it possible to have this:
    cgf "SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.GetInfo" ReferenceIDalso create a popup or even a "Debug.Notification" to show baseid?

    The log is useful but it would also be nice to see the baseid on screen.
    All the best!
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      No it is not practical to display hexadecimal form ID values in messages. 
  5. Citadel535
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    Thanks for making this. Getting base objects to put in my starship has had me spending a bunch of time on decorating.
  6. Zanity03
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    If you want to do 40 vs 40, you need to console code the AI combatant limit to 80, the game default is only 20. I'm at work so I can't remember the code, but you can look it up. Anyway, this amazing mod is an absolute game changer. 
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      Combat is a complex AI package.

      The game naturally limits the number of complex AI packages that can be active at once because time and CPU cycles are finite.

      Always amusing to see youtubes spawning 200 actors for mass battles and 80% of them just stand around idle.

      Even more amusing to see someone trying to load a game with 400 actors in the active uGrids.
  7. StackEmHigh
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Excellent mod.  Endorsed.

    Is there a way to get NPCs to retain their animation habits after recruiting them as followers?
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      What are "animation habits" ?
    2. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      What might be referred to as "sandboxing"...what an NPC would normally do when one first sees them, eg. sweeping a floor.
    3. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      Unlikely as the "sandbox AI package" is replaced with a "follow player AI package" by the game when an actor becomes a follower.

      Companions AI packaging is a little more smart/complex with more frequent updates allowing for sandboxing during idle following time.

      That compute load is why you have less complex companions than simple followers before the game falls over. No free lunches.
    4. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      It's too bad there wasn't a way to have NPCs revert back to their normal sandboxing upon unrecruitment.  I tried it with no luck.  Disabling and re-enabling does not work either.  EDIT:  I did so hoping that their original sandbox animations were restored as I noticed that their original outfits are, but no.
    5. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      As a platform issue its probably best to notify your Bethedsa support representative.
    6. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      Not sure I follow.  I don't see it as a platform issue, just the mechanics of the game itself.  I've never had the need to speak to a Bethesda representative.  Sometimes silly things trigger great discoveries.

    7. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      The game engine is "a plaform". 
    8. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      Do you mean "platform"?  Yes.

      I'll be shortly revealing a great discovery soon.  The video is baking.  I hope you like it.

      It is, after all, possible to remove all those pesky bloodstains.
  8. StackEmHigh
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    I know that there are some textures that are (for me anyway) unselectable, these being bloodstains and footprints, mainly (and some terrormorph claw marks).  I would love to know how to isolate and remove them.  I have had some luck, but very limited.  I managed to clean a floor tile, but when I left the game and re-booted later on, the stains were back. (see image).

    Is there a way to remove these stains?

  9. IDontLikeNexus66
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Is there a proper way to obtain faction ID's with this? I did a SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.GetInfo with an NPC ref ID (hostile Spacer) and at the bottom of the Papyrus log there is no data for faction ID. I want to find the ID's for Ecliptic, Va'Ruun Zealots, Spacers, etc.
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      There is no script function for that. The best way is to look up the factions in xEdit.
  10. StackEmHigh
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Thanks very much, SKK50, for this amazing utility!

    I am, however, encountering a problem when trying to employ its functionality.  When I open the console and enter:

    SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.GetInfo BaseObject [Form < (refID of the object I'm trying to identify)>]

    I get this error:

    Unknown Referenced Object: SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript

    I've double checked and I have housed the .pex script in the proper location.  I have other mods working.  Has anyone else any idea of why this could be happening?

    I appreciate your time.
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      You need to copy/paste the full commands as published in the description:

      (a) missing CallGlobalFunction or cgf at the beginning.
      (b) missing quotes.

      Please just copy and paste rather than DIY hand rolling.
    2. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      this is what I copied and pasted:

      SKK_ConsoleUtilityScript.GetInfo BaseObject [Form < (00000007)>]

      I changed the 00000007 to the refid of the object I'm trying to identify.

      Thanks for your quick reply.

      EDIT:  just in case, I tried it again without changing the 00000007 with the same result:

      Could not parse this line
      Unknown referenced object...

    3. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      That is not the command from the description page ... unless your trying to copy the example debug log output for some reason ?
    4. StackEmHigh
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      Hi SKK50,

      I have now gotten it working - thanks a lot!  This is a treasure trove indeed.  :-D
  11. Zanity03
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    i must say, this is the most underrated mod for this game, I can create scenarios of 40 vs 40 anywhere, had a blast defending vlad's villa from seige of 40 crimson fleet
    1. SKKmods
      • premium
      • 1,427 kudos
      It has been suggested that since its not made of 5,000 individual bat files, you know one for each possible option combo, it is just too hard for folks to use.
    2. Zanity03
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      most PC users are comfortable using the console. My steps are:

      1.) create 40 followers
      2.) remove all followers (they stop following, but still are allies and will defend)
      3.) create 40 enemies

      Do this anywhere, in cities, outposts for a blast, I'm surprised the base game doesn't even have one large scale ground battle and this fills the hole