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    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    Update: I've just released a test version of my ADS FOV Removed. You can find it in the files section of this mod page.
    Please, please, please, provide feedback on whether it works.
  2. GPUPassthrough
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Attempted to use Native Ultrawide Menus - SFSE at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) but when adding .dll and other files to Scripts folder it doesnt override the menu files. 
  3. RaidersClamoring
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'm a little confused. Does this enable reading papyrus scripts? You posted a link to an example script but that link leads to a c++ repo.
  4. Freeulster
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Amazing that SFSE said this was nearly impossible to do but one month later out pops SFSH..

    Mod works fine btw, I don't get very many issues and I'm on gamepass, thank you hero.
    1. Colll
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      normal mods that require SFSE steam verion ?
  5. tootallcody
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so I got the hooks to work all ship building it says but the limits are the same still
  6. RicoRedstar
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    ok so I got this to work, found a compatible mod that lets me use console commands without losing acheivements, works great. but I can't get any other mods that require SFSE to work. is there a way to get them to ply nice with eachother?
  7. Colll
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Yes maybe Some actual Modding than with Batch files
  8. urmomgay23
    • supporter
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    When i start the game  it says it cant sync data with the cloud so it will start in offline mode, but if i close the launching window and open it again it doesnt say that
  9. CPTkaneki616
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    • 0 kudos
    finally shiet been chasing this for gamepass since starfield dropped, def be having a suss, will let ya'll know if i run into any errors
  10. killjoy73au
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    You are doing God's work for those of us not willing to pay $120 on Steam. However, I get the following message.

    Starfield Script Hook - By ACCESS_DENIIED
    Game process not found. Attempting to start the game...

    It does start the game but won't load your FOV mod.
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      You're the first person to provide me with feedback, thank you!
      Can you try re-launching the tool while in-game and getting back to me on whether it works?
    2. SlyFoxR31
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey bud, can confirm the scripts wont load from the Starfield Script Hook exe but it will inject the scripts if you try again once in game. That being said, the ADS mod didnt actually work for me sadly

      like i get it, the way Microsoft and Xbox handles its games on PC isnt fantastic or intuitive, but for people to act the way they do and say things like "yOuRe NoT a ReAl GaMeR iF yOu DoNt SuPpOrT sTeAm" is just putrid, honestly. As such, I appreciate the work your doing, cheers!
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Thank you very much for the feedback. Okay so by the sounds of it, game pass is using different addresses. Strange but not unexpected. I'll take deeper look into this when I get back in soon. Thanks for reporting this! Really appreciate it :) 
    4. killjoy73au
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So I launched with script hook, gave me the same message, got into the main menu, closed script hook, relaunched scripthook and got this...

      Starfield Script Hook - By ACCESS_DENIIED
      Detected: AdsFovRemoved (Starfield Script Hook).dll
      Injecting 1 script(s) into Starfield.exe...
      Injected 1 scripts successfully.
      This console will close automatically in 5 seconds...

      However the ADS FOV mod didn't work. Same as SlyFox, I also tested running scripthook again while in game/

    5. Ozamataz
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @ACCESSDENIIED I'm not sure if it would be useful, but someone that was trying to get SFSE working with gamepass wrote a python script to update the offsets from the steam version to the gamepass version, he posted a link at the bottom of this comment:
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Ozamataz Thanks for pointing me in this direction. I've just messaged the user. Hoping to get a response back. Could be really helpful :)
      • premium
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      SlyFoxR31 killjoy73au Ozamataz 
      Thanks for the help guys! It's been confirmed that the latest release I've just pushed is now working on game pass! :)
      I've updated the tool so that there is a delay if you're starting the game with my program to allow the data to load first before injecting the scripts and I've also updated the script which has been confirmed to be working on game pass! Again, thank you all :)
    8. tazzkiller
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      in main menu game, launch the script with admin right apply the fov mod with success
    9. tazzkiller
      • member
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      the delay is too short for my gamepass version ( cloud save sync check on launcher take time), maybe it's better to add a check for starfield.exe every second and apply mod after the exe detection  ?
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      How long does your cloud save sync take to complete?
      Edit: I've increased the delay to 30 seconds to account for Game Pass Save Sync.
    11. tazzkiller
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it really varies from a few tens of seconds to minutes sometimes
    12. SlyFoxR31
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah still wont load the scripts if i attempt to start the game with your .exe, can't find the game while xbox/GamePass is doing its thing, as tazzkiller said, it tends to vary, the 30sec delay should be fine, I dunno if its something on my end but the exe looks for the game straight away then says its exiting.

      Same as before, if I run the exe whilst in-game it works, and now the ADS mod works! 

      Seriously i dont mind having to run the script hook after booting the game, if thats the best we can get, im happy with that, thanks for all the work youve put into this! 
  11. Circonianas
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    Doing God’s Work man, hopefully we can get some support soon 👍