(Outdated) Alliance H9 Pistol - Sidestar Replacer
(Outdated) Pistol Attachment Framework - PAF
(temporarily unsupported) Ship Combat Overhaul - CN Installer
Actually Protecting SpaceSuit
Actually Useful Cargo Habs (with Optional Relative Mass)
Adhesive Vacuum Tape
Adhesive Vacuum Tape - Francais
(seulement si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Adhesive Vacuum Tape ESM'd
Adhesive Vacuum Tape ESM'd - Francais
(seulement si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Admmersive Adhesives
mandatory |
Adoring Fan Enhanced
Adoring Fan Named
Adoring Fan Picture
Aerospace Casualwear 2.0
Affinity Reworked
Required if using a mod manager. |
for the .esm to work or else youll have wonky iron sights |
Alien Reanimation Parallel Self and Sense Star Stuff now last longer and excluded companions
All Trilogy Lightsabers - Francais OUTDATED
(si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
All Trilogy Lightsabers - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Alle Hintergrund-Dialoge Freigeschaltet (Deutsch)
Alternate Outfit (Sarah inspired)
Alternative Cockpit Access From Ladders
and SFSE |
Always Transparent Starborn Visor
Andreja - Affinity Tweaks And Dialogue Fixes
Andreja Reperked
Aneutronic Fusion Plus
If you want to do it the manual sTestFile way, that's up to you to figure out |
Annihilator Assault Rifle
Needed to install this mod! |
Another Space Adept
APOGEE - Starship Combat Overhaul
Aqueous Hematite stuck in inventory fix
mandatory |
Armored Hats
Astral Lounge - Enhanced
Astral Lounge Liquid Silver Dancer Outfit
Astroneer - Become a Starship Designer
Required for loading ESM |
Aurora Duration And Effects
Safe method for using plugin files. Please switch if you still use StarfieldCustom.ini! |
Auto Door Closer
mandatory |
Auto Loot Asteroids - With configurable Xp Reward
Auto Loot Kills
Automatic Plugins.txt updater
Avontech Castershots - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Avontech Deployables - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Avontech Munitions - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Avontech Plasma Rifle - Chinese Translation
esm建议使用 |
Avontech Suit Power Cores - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Avontech Weapon Upgrades - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
B.A.S.E. - Better container snapping
Require to run any ESM file including this one |
B.A.S.E. - Building Advanced Space Encampments (walls foundations etc for your BASE outpost or settlement)
Required for all ESM mods |
Badass Constellation Companions (Added Starborn Version)
Badmagic - EXP Buffs
Please install and follow the instructions for Plugins.txt Enabler, I can't support Beth's nonsensical and painfully limited testfile setup. |
Baka Starborn Armor Refit
Ballistic Orion (LMG)
Needed to install this mod! |
Banshee - Starfield Extended Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Barret Reperked
Barrett clothing --updated
Beefy Backgrounds and Traits
Beefy Skills
For ease of installation |
Belt and Holster (Patch)
Belts and Holster Standalone Russian Loc
Bespin Security Uniform (Trident Security Replacer)
highly recommended |
Better Apparel Effects - Simple
Optional for Steam users only, see Pre-Requisites and Installation section |
Better casing ejection
(optional) makes loading .esm files alot easier |
Better Companion Gifts
Better Crowd Citizens
Must |
Better cutter - standalone
For esm activation. |
Better Death Physics
Better EM Weapons (One-Shot Stun)
If you are still using the testfile method of loading ESM, it is not required but recommended. |
Better Full Auto Turret- Enhanced turret firing rate
Required if you want to easely install .esm files |
Better NPCs
Better Recruitable Russian Loc
Better Ship Camera
Better Ship Part Flips - TN's Useful Ship Structure Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Bigger Ship Limit plugin
Biometric IDs - Crimson Fleet Edition
Biometric IDs - Neon Edition
Black Upscale Uniform
Bleached Hair
Boba Fett 1313 (Star Wars)
highly recommended |
BodyMesh with Bikini - Standalone (6 Variations)
Books Revamped
BoostR - Improved Tech Habs and Ship Stat Booster Equipment
Breaking the Bank - Ask Once
Brig Door Terminal
Bugfix - Better Banglawala
Bugfix - Graviplas and Hazmat Suit Facial Hair Bug
Build Outposts with Credits
Buy Swimsuits
Add "*BuySwimsuits.esm" to the plugins.txt file |
Cad Bane (Star Wars)
highly recommended |
Cad Bane (Star Wars) (Ukrainian Translation)
Необов'язково, але рекомендується |
Cargo Hab Modules Give Cargo Space
Required to make ESM file load. |
Cargo Hold Filter
CHAINSSSSSSSSSSSS (replaces nightlife skirt)
Champion Armor Set - Stelden Ring
Character Creation Unchained
Cheaper Ammo
ChopShop - Organ Harvesting
Cloaking Shield Equipment
Cob's Starship Customs
Commerce Perk Increases Vendor Credits
Also install SFSE or ASI loader |
Companions use Ammo
mandatory |
Configurable Armor Presets And Quickslot Equip
Constellation Fleet Uniforms - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
Constellation Fleet Uniforms Expanded - Simplified Chinese Translation
esm必需 |
Constellation Tweaks - ESMified
Required |
Constructible Outpost Faction Guards
Contraband - Expanded
Required File |
Conversational First Person Notifications and Messages
CoreTech Spacesuit
Cortana Bodysuit
Coruscant Police Uniform (Neon and Ryujin Security Replacer)
highly recommended |
Cowgirl - Standalone with VBB Option
CP's Menagerie
CPunk - Standalone with VBB Option
Craft Adhesive from Vacuum Tape
Required |
Craft Missing Materials
Craftable ' Va'ruun Snake Optic' Spacesuit
Craftable Chasmbass Oil
CrEaToXx Hardcore Tweaks
mandatory |
Crew and Companion Overhaul
Crew Companion Skill Overhaul Chinese Translation
原mod的前置 |
Cropped top - standalone
Culinary Greenhouses - Simplified Chinese Translation
Cutter Ahegao Skin (not replacement)
Don't forget to add .esm to plugins.txt |
Cyberpunk Errata Standalone - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Dark Stubble
Required |
Darkstar Manufacturing - Compatibility Patch for Boostpack Mods and Workbench Framework
Deception Challenge - Sell Contraband
Decorate Starborn
Required |
Decoration Panel on Cabot C4 bridge
Defense Depot - NEW Expert Social Perk
Needed to install this mod! |
Demolitions Perk Overhaul
Required for mod installation! |
Denizens Legendary Crafting
Tested on v1.2 |
DerreTech Legacy
DerreTech Legacy-Simplified Chinese Translation
Desert Eagle (WIP)
Required |
Dilated Timescale
Required if using a mod manager. |
Doorway placeholder
Recommended |
Doorway placeholder - Simplified Chinese Translation
DracTech Weapon Systems - EM Missile Launchers
Dream Home with Clean Water_Nesoi WaterType is Safe now
Drinks on the House-Fix
Drug Manufacturing Extended
Needed for ESM mods |
Drydock Blues Improved - Profitable Staryard Contracts
Easy Lockpicking (ESM)
Mandatory |
Easy Persuasion
Easy Tweak Collections(ESM)
Eat.Sleep.Drink - Spanish Translation
Elektra - Standalone with VBB Option
Elysion Spaceship Weapons
EM Beamers
Needed to install this mod! |
EM Ship Missiles
Needed to install this mod! |
EM Turrets
Required to load mods. Gamepass users check the Installation section for alternative method. |
Emma Wilcox Fix
Enemy Weapon Randomizer
Engines Reactors and Gravdrives
Engines Reactors and Gravdrives FR
Enhanced Crew
Enhanced Landing Gear
Enhanced Ship Modules
Entangled - Give Rafael Food
Environmental Hazards Expanded - Resistances affect Suit Protection
Esm |
Essential Ship Parts
Every Ship Scares Spacers as Mantis
Exile - Starfield Extended Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Expensive Repair Parts - SSEO
Enable ESM with this and/or Mod Manager |
Expensive Vending Machines
mandatory |
Experimental Chems and Mutations
Explosive Legendary Effect Tweaks
for the esm, obviously |
Exquisite Parents
mandatory |
Extended Outpost Builder Categories
Extract or mine everything in one outpost
Eyewitness Quest Fix - Fireteam NPC Ammo
Hard requirement. |
Eyewitness Startup Fix
Hard requirement |
EZ's Crime Pays a Pirate's Life
EZ's Digipick
EZ's Discount and Commerce Mod
EZ's Emotional (in)Security MOD
EZ's Extended Captain's Locker
EZ's Extended Captain's Locker -
EZ's FarTravel Mod
EZ's New Atlantis Transit FastTravel Mod
EZ's OverEncumbered FastTravel
EZ'z Target Comspike and Conduction Grid
Faction Clothes - Unlock Traits Dialogue Options
Faded Memories - A Combat and Exploration Music Replacer
Required to use the .esm file included with the non-combat version of this mod. |
Fast Planet Trait Discovery (FPTD)
Follow instructions on this page |
Fast Resource Production
Fast Spacesuit Deployment Kit
Faster Ships overhaul
Needed to load mod |
Firefly VTOL Engines
Firefly VTOL Engines-Fixed and ReUploaded for your flying pleasure
I mean, all mods seem to require this lol |
First Person Messages
Fix HopeTech Hab Spine Cross Brace Weight
Fixed Particle Beams
FMR - Fire Mode Rebalance
You need it in order to run ESM mods |
Following Asteroids Fix - Stalking Objects Solution
Free Default Mods - Weapons and Armor
Free Traits - The Fun Stuff
Freight Fright Door Transition Fix
mandatory |
Frenzy Legendary Effect Tweaks
Full Tutorial - Add New Weapons and Armor to Starfield with xEdit
Fully Automatic Orion Rifle
Needed to install this mod! |
Functional Brigs
Functional Brigs Spanish Translation
Functional Ship Infirmaries
Functional Ship Infirmaries Spanish Translation
Game Tweaks
Needed to use with MO2 or Vortex |
General World Interactor
mandatory |
Genghis Khan Unique Boss Mod
Needed to install this mod! |
Glacialiser - New Standalone Weapon Mod
Needed to install this mod! |
Glasses - Spanish Translation
Gloo Cannon
Gloo Cannon Simplified Chinese translation
Gotta Run Fast - an xEdit ESM Mod
Grav Drive Boosters
Greedo - Star Wars Companion
highly recommended |
GrindTerra Gameplay Overhaul Russian Loc
GRiNDTerra Industries - Universe Terraformed 2.0 Russian Loc
Gunsmith Workshop
Needed to install this mod! |
Habz - Spanish
Halo 5 Spartan Locke's Hunter armor standalone
Han Solo Outfit (Star Wars)
highly recommended |
Hand Scanner Utility
Happytime Gunz - 3 New FullAuto Explosive Rifles
Or a similar method required for this mod and any using .esm |
Harvest with Scanner
Health Regeneration Visual Effect Removal
Heller Reperked
Helmet Collection
Helpful Activity Objectives
Hephaestus Hound - New Boss Enemy By Inquisitor
Needed to install this mod! |
Higher Outpost Production through Perks
Hoth trooper inspired space suit
Human Activity on Earth - Man-made Points of Interest
Huttslayer Outfit Standalone (Vanilla and VBB)
This mods uses an esm file which require this plugin to work. |
HyperGuardian Mass Effect armor - Standalone
Hyperion Hammer
Needed to install this mod! |
Immersive Bounty System
Immersive Cargo Access
Required if using a mod manager. |
Immersive Contraband
Immersive Contraband - Stolen Artwork - Simplified Chinese Translation
Immersive Contraband - Va'Ruun Heretic Writings
Immersive Landing Ramps (RUS)
Immersive Landing Ramps - Simplified Chinese Translation
Immersive Landing Ramps Russian Loc
immersive less caseless ammo and ammunition rename
needed to load .esm |
Immersive Love Perk
Needed to install this mod! |
Immersive Shell Casings
Needed for ESM Version |
Immersive Ship Battles
Required |
Immersive Ship Damage (Damage Control)
Immersive Ship Systems - German (Immersive Schiffsysteme - Deutsch)
Incendiary Armor Legendary Effect Tweaks
Incendiary Legendary Effect Tweaks
Increase Pickpocket Cap
Increased Cargo Link Capacity
ESM Mod |
Increased Crew Capacity - Simplified Chinese Translation
Increased Mission Rewards
Increased Nutrition Perk Effect
Infiltrator Spacesuit
Inflated Ship Cargo
To use the ESM |
Inflictor Enhanced
Essential |
Inflictor Enhanced - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
INQ 19-61 Salvo Cannons
Needed to install this mod! |
Inquisitor Buildable Flags
Needed to install this mod! |
Inquisitor Cannons
Needed to install this mod! |
Inquisitor Defense Systems
Needed to install this mod! |
Inquisitor Image Decorations
Needed to install this mod! |
Inquisitor Storage Expanded
Needed to install this mod! |
Instant Melee Stealth Kills - Concealment
Inventory Filter Sorter
It is Aluminium and not Aluminum
v1.1 or more recent |
Item Filter Framework
Item Filter Framework - Added DarkStar Manufacturing Quality Tiers
esm mod |
ItemFilterFramework - The Lodge containers as sorting destinations
esm contained in mod |
Items Dont Decrease Mod
must have |
Just Be a Pirate - Immersive Crimson Fleet Start
Kid Stuff Trait With No Payments
Kitten - Standalone with VBB Option
Knife to Gunfight
Lacerate Legendary Effect Tweaks
Lando Calrissian Outfit (Star Wars)
highly recommended |
Larger Captain's Lockers
Laser Sights Expanded
Needed to install this mod! |
Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO) - Crafting - Improvements - Bugfixes
v1.1 or more recent |
Legendary Module Recycler - Boss Chests Always Contain Legendaries Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Legendary Module Recycler - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Legendary Module Recycler patch for Infiltrator Outfit
Legendary Module Recycler patch for Sith Lord Robes
required |
Let me solo her.....an homage to a true legend
Level 1 Savegame and M-Class Ship
Leveled Vendor Credits
Highly recommended for installing plugins, as the sTestFile method is risky. |
Lexingtons Turret Targetting Radius
Liara outfit and spacesuit
Liara's Spacesuit (DISCONTINUED)
Lin Reperked
Lively's Enhanced Skills
Lively's Leveled Mannequins Bug Fix
Lodge Decorator
mandatory |
Loop Stabilization - Grav Drive Cooldown
Only needed for game versions < 1.12.30 |
Looter Shooter - Shooter Looter
Lower Challenge Repetitions for Diplomacy Instigation Intimidation Manipulation Fitness
Lower Landing Pad Russian Loc
LuxuryLines Habs
LuxuryLines Habs - French Translation
LuxuryLines Habs - Spanish
Required |
MagKet Launcher
Needed to install this mod! |
Magnus the Magnate's Outpost Production Shenanigans - Sorters Splitters Skimmers Sellers
Make Food Useful
Mark M
Marked Landmark Books
Currently required because the current game version otherwise won't load plugins. |
Marked Landmark Books Russian Loc
MarkM - Starfield Extended Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Masako Outfit
Mask in Helmets
Max Grav Drive 145
(Recommended) |
Med Pack
Medical Expanded
Needed to install this mod! |
Mei Devine's Outfit Reward
Needed for MO2, not sure about Vortex. |
Melee is back
Melee Weapons Revised - CHS
Micro Modules - Equipment Mounted Engine-Grav Drive-Reactor-Fuel-Shield-Cargo
Microgun Skins - 5 New Standalone Workbench Skins
Required for this mod and any using .esm |
Mighty F35 - Drum Beat Improved Rifle (Standalone)
Mini Rocket Launcher By Inquisitor
Required for mod installation! |
Minibot Vasco (Standalone Race)
Minx's Grendel Skins - 3 New Standalone Workbench Weapon Skins
Or a similar method required for this mod and any using .esm |
Mirrored Legendary Effect Tweaks
for the esm, obviously |
Misc NPCs - Biometric IDs
Mission Boards Anywhere - Also Bounty Clearance
Read the god damned instructions in this mod's description. |
Mission Boards Anywhere - Also Bounty Clearance - Spanish Translation
Missions Galore
Mjolnir mark 6 gen 2
for the esm |
Required for standalone version. |
Modular Clothing. Wear any of these with ANY dress in the game
Modular Extraction Greenhouse - Spanish Translation
Monster Outfit Plus
Required to use .esm mods |
MONSTERaider - Adorable Followers
Required for activating the mod |
MONSTERaider - Andreja Brackenridge
Required for activating the mod |
MONSTERaider - Sarah Brackenridge
Required for activating the mod |
MONSTERaider - Weightless Items
Required for activating the mod |
Moo Rage in Space(Actor Push)(Move)(Get out of the Way)
More Background Skills
More Boostpack Xplosions
Esm mod |
More Credits for Vladimir
More Dramatic Grav Jumps
More Fantastic Star Powers
More Immersive Landings And Takeoffs
More Mission Board Quests
More Player Backgrounds
More Ship Storage
More Vendor Credits and Vendors Sell More Resources
Needed for proper .ESM loading |
More Visualized Docking
My Basic Ship Improvements ESM
(Recommended) |
My Habs Tiny Habs - Living Quarters - Unsupported
My Habs 2 Tiny Habs - Armory
My Habs 2 Tiny Habs - Armory - Spanish
My Habs No Ladders Captain's Quarters
My Habs Tiny Habs
My Habs Tiny Habs - French Translation
Nades - Spanish Translation
Naked Guard and Other NPCs Fix
Neon Dancer Outfit
Neon Entertainer's Outfit
New Legendary Effect - Rapid Reload
New Photomode Textures
mandatory |
New Workbenches Essential Framework NWEF
Nix's Stellar Tanktops and Croptops - Standalone
No Contraband Items (With Weightless Option)
No Contraband Scans
No Experience From Cooking-Crafting-Discovery-Research
For the ESM version. |
No Helmet Facelights
No legendary creatures
No Locks on Dung and Rock Piles
Until BGS unlocks modding for Starfield. |
No Scary Space Music - The Far Reaches Music Replacer
No Slouch Mathis
Not required If you are still using the testfile method of loading ESM, but recommended. |
No Vendor Resources
mandatory |
No Weapon Mod Research
Non-Lethal Framework - Simplified Chinese Translation
Not a noob (Experienced Background)
NSFW Nude Babes Outpost Image Decorations
Needed to install this mod! |
Old Earth Beverages
Old Earth Hunting Rifle Full-Auto Unlock
Must |
Omari Hassan Reperked
Oola Outfit Standalone (Vanilla and VBB)
Organic Resource Inventory Decluttered
Original Trilogy Lightsabers (Standalone) - Francais
Original Trilogy Lightsabers - Spanish Translations
Mod para activar más de 10 mods a la vez. |
OUT - Outpost Ultimate Tweaks and add-ons
OUT - Outpost Ultimate Tweaks and add-ons - Simplified Chinese Translation
OUTDATED TN's Melee Weapon Modifications and Tiers - Francais
(seulement si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Outpost Add On - Custom Framed Photos
Outpost Addon - Hazard Clearing Bulldozers
Outpost Construction Expanded (Even More Outpost Objects)
Outpost Construction Expanded (Even More Outpost Objects) - Spanish
Outpost Construction Expanded (Even More Outpost Objects)-Simplified Chinese
Outpost Foundation Engineering with Landing Pad Mods
Outpost Overhaul
mandatory |
Outpost Shipbuilder Unlocked ESM
Outpost Shipyard-Wholesale
or Mod Organizer |
Outpost Showers
mandatory |
Outpost Toilets
mandatory |
Outpost Tutorial after NG Plus Fix
mandatory |
Outpost Ventilators
mandatory |
Outpost- less is more
Parallel Self - Starborn Power Tweaks
Particle Beam Weapons No Crit Kill Annihilator Effect
Particle Weapon Annihilator Companion Immunity
Pathfinder - Starfield Extended Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Pathfinder armor - Standalone
PEAK - A Hardcore Combat Overhaul Experience Spanish Translation
PEAK - Enemy Combat AI
PEAK - Enemy Combat AI - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Perk Up - Quality of Life Improvements (ESM)
Personal Atmosphere - Starborn Power Tweaks
Piloting Class M Ships
If not using the sTestFile1 method of enabling this. |
Place Doors Yourself
Place Doors Yourself - Spanish Translation
Mod para poder activar más de 10 mods a la vez |
Playable Civilian Clothing
Required to load plugin files (such as this one) |
Plushies Maker 5000 - Outpost Fabricator
Required |
PoI - Interessante Orte Fraktionsvielfalt (Deutsch)
Poptart's Constellation Suit
Required just for the .esm portion. |
Posers Incorporated - 1 pip Ship Engines and Weapons
Power from Beyond Missing Anomaly Marker Fix - SFCP Canary
Power Ranger Suit Armor - Standalone
Prequel Trilogy Lightsabers - Francais
(si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Prequel Trilogy Lightsabers - Spanish Translation
Mod para activar más de 10 mods a la vez. |
Project FPS Plus - Deciduous Forest Biome
Needed to install this mod! |
Project FPS Plus - Frozen Biome
Needed to install mod! |
Protectors Of The Stars
Needed to install this mod! |
Prototype Grendel Workbench Skin Russian Loc
Pucque's Weapon Tweaks
Quality of Star-Life
Quasar Career Solutions - A Background Overhaul
Quick Power from Beyond - No Vlad Talk
mandatory |
Quick Trade
mandatory |
Raging Rampage
Needed to install this mod! |
Ramses II Boss
Needed to install this mod! |
Randomised Or Levelled Vendor Credits
Optional for Steam users only, see Pre-Requisites and Installation section |
Ranged Sneak Attacks count for Concealment Perk Challenge
ESM mod |
Rapid Legendary Effect Tweaks
Rarity Fixes
Reactive Shield Effect Removal
Realistic Consumables - Food Drink Chems - Addictions and Hunger
Really full auto weapons
Mandatory to load .esm files (easy method) |
Rebalanced Ship Weapons
Highly recommended for installing plugins, as the sTestFile method is risky. |
Recoil Overhaul
Red Mile Powerplay
mandatory |
Reduced Gas Vents
Rejuvenation BUG FIX
HARD REQUIREMENT, the old sTestFile method will not work. |
Research Redone
to load without manually adding to the custom.ini |
ResourceJunk Spanish Translation
Rested XP lasts 45 minutes (up from 24)
Ricardo Bosch Slate Fix
mandatory |
Richer Vendors - 10x merchant gold and 1 day restock
Robotics Outfit (VBB with morphs)
Robs Ship Upgrades
Rocket Engineer Outfits
Needed to install this mod! |
Rosie Tannehill Reperked
Royal Aliens - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
Royal Arena - Leveled Enemies - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm文件必需 |
Royal Starborn - Leveled Starborn Bosses With More Magic
To allow .esm mods. Manually edit plugins.txt to add any new plugins. |
Royal Unique Human and Robot NPCs And Factions - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
Royal Weapon Balance - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Royal Weathers - An Immersive Starfield Climate Overhaul - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Sam Coe Reperked
Same Cargo For Home Ships - No blocked ship inventory when changing ships
and SFSE |
Sarah Morgan Zen Master
As long as this is needed/useful for installing and running plugin mods. |
Sasha's Starborn Guardian Weapon perk fix
Scared of Shootings - NPCs react to shootings
Scarfield - a Comprehensive Difficulty Overhaul
non optional - for the esm |
Scouter - Skins
Required to use .esm mods |
Scrap Vacuum Tape For Adhesives
Security Checkpoints Dialog Fixes
Seeking out Stores - Navigate Using City Info Kiosks
Seeking out Stores - Navigate Using City Info Kiosks - Traduction FR
Select Fire Old Earth Assault Rifle (AK)
Sense Star Stuff Immunity for Companions and Crew
Sephs Re-Balance - Android
Sephs Re-Balance - Gameplay
Sephs Re-Balance - Starborn
Sequel Trilogy Lightsabers Standalone - Francais
(si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Sexier Collectors Outfit
Sexier Formwear and Poncho
Sexier Khan Outfit
Sexier Operator Outfit
Sexier Striker Gang Outfit
Sexier Trashbag Outfit (fishworker outfit)
Sexy Female Stormtrooper armor Replacer
SF Civis Chems Effects Stack Bug Fix
SF Civis Experience Gained Gradually Increased
SF Civis Fallout 3 New Vegas Leveling Curve
SF Civis Food Healing Duration Restored
SF Civis Guards Banter Fix
SF Civis Low Level Weapons Damage Increased
SF Civis No Exploding Canisters
SF Civis Perk Boxing Buffed
SF Civis Perk Concealment Pacifier Fix
SF Civis Perk Faster Movement Speed Cheetah
SF Civis Perk Stealth Speed Gradually Increased
SF Civis Perk Weight Lifting Pack Rat
SF Civis Perks Fixed
SF Civis Vendors More Credits Gradually Increased
SH Armor
Please read the description of this mod carefully. Very important. |
Shades Added Skills (More Skills More Perks) - CHS(zh-hans)
所有模组的前置,必需。 |
Shades Bonus Backgrounds and Traits (Immersively add multiple Backgrounds and more Traits)
Shades Immersive Looting (strip and loot equipped armor) - Simplified Chinese Translation
Shades Stealth Takedowns (Knock-out or Lethal) - Simplified Chinese Translation
所有模组的前置,必需。 |
Ship Cargo Hold Storage (x10) - No Replacer
Ship Cleanup
Ship Colorize
Ship Decoration - Crew and Passenger Slots
Ship Module Stats Overhaul - Reactor Power - Cargo - Crew
v1.1 or more recent |
Ship Power Allocation Fix - Revert Unwanted Power Changes
Ship Speed Overhaul
需要此Mod来启用ESM。This Mod is required to enable ESM. |
Ship Storage 9 000 000
Ship Weapon Fixes
Manually add the "*ShipWeaponFixes.esm" line to the plugins.txt file |
Ship Weapons Use Ammo
Needed to use with MO2 or Vortex |
Ship Weapons Use Ammo - German (Schiffswaffen verbrauchen Munition - Deutsch)
Ships for Sale (Sell Frontier and Starborn Guardian)
Follow instructions on this page |
Ships Need Gas and other immersive ship systems
Hard requirement |
Shipshape Sanity
I imagine you'll need this. Use as directed. |
Show Read Books
mandatory |
Show Read Books Russian Loc
Shut Up Sarah
Shut Up You Love Me
Simple Ammo Weight and Weighted Items
mandatory |
Simple Corpse Removal
mandatory |
Simple Deadlier Terrormorph
Follow the installation tutorial for this plugin so I can write down my mod in it or it won't work |
Simple Economy Overhaul
Simple Faster Walk
Simple Needs - Spanish
Simple Puzzle Trigger
mandatory |
Sink that Sink
mandatory |
Sit to Add Ship - Spanish Translation
Sit To Add Ship to Fleet
Sit To Add Ship to Fleet - French Translation
Skimpy Leather - Standalone with VBB Option
SKK Craftable Ship Tools (Hack Call Teleport) - Spanish
Slavers Rule the Universe
Slightly better Adventurous Poncho
Slower AKM (Old Earth Assault Rifle) Cyclic Rate
Plugins.txt is required to load .esm mods correctly. You'll also need SFSE for the Steam version of the game, or the ASI Loader for the Gamepass version |
Smart Outposts
Space Mining - Asteroids and Space Debris Russian Loc
Spaceship Stats Booster Framework
Spacesuit Hazard Restoration
Special Forces Background And Traits
Needed to install this mod! |
Special Forces Weapon Technologies
Needed to install this mod! |
Special Forces Weaponry
Needed to install this mod! |
SSEO Russian Loc
Standalone Accessories
Standalone Ancestral Spirit Headgear - Stelden Ring
STANDALONE beach Towel outfit
Standalone Constellation Uniforms
STANDALONE LumberJack Outfit
Standalone Maid Outfit - 3 variants
Standalone Red Dress
Standalone Sleepwear
Star Wars Bounty Hunter Pack (Boba Fett and Friends)
highly recommended |
Star Wars Clone Wars Outfits (Anakin - Obi-Wan - Padme)
highly recommended |
Star Wars Melee Weapon Replacer
highly recommended |
Star Wars Rebel Leaders
highly recommended |
Starborn Armor Upgrade
And whatever Plugins.txt Enabler needs in order to run. |
Starborn Galactic Armaments - Brand New Master Tech Perk
Needed to install this mod! |
Starborn not Toddborn - Modular Spacesuit and buffed Guardian ship
Starborn Protector Spacesuits
Needed to install this mod! |
Starborn Royalty - A Starfield Mod List 2.70
To allow .esm mods. Manually edit plugins.txt to add any new plugins. |
Starborn Space Suit Visor FX Plus
Required to use .esm mods |
Starborn Space Suit Visor FX Plus - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starborn Supervisor
Needed to install this mod! |
Starborn Trader Overhaul - Drip Harder In NG Plus
Stardevistan - A Cyberpunk Sandevistan Mod - Slow Time - Bullet Time
Necessary for .esm mods made with SF1Edit |
This OR ANY OTHER WORKING plugins.txt ENABLER MOD is required, until Starfield supports mods all by itself. |
Starfield Beards - RTFP
Starfield Credits Mod
Starfield Deleveled
Starfield Extended - Aggressive Leveled NPCs - Chinese
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Armor and Clothing Crafting
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Armor n Clothing Crafting - Craftable Quality Patch
required of all esm plugins made with Xedit |
Starfield Extended - Armor n Clothing Crafting - Legendary Clothing Enabled - Craftable Quality Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Armor n Clothing Crafting - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Armor Naming (VIS-G for Starfield)
all plugins made with xEdit require this |
Starfield Extended - Armor Naming for Craftable Quality Extended (VIS-G for Starfield)
required by all esm plguins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Color Swaps
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality
required by all esm plugin mods made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - Spanish Translation
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - TN's Melee Weapon Modifications Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - TN's Melee Weapon Modifications Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended - LMR Legendary Qualities
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality FR
requis par tous les mods de plugin esm réalisés avec xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Enemy Ships Un-Nerfed
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Freebird Ship Build
Starfield Extended - Game Settings
required for all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Legendary Clothing Enabled
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Leveled Vendor Credits
required for all esm plugin mods made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Mod Armor Distribution
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - More Engines Rebalanced
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - More Medpacks For Sale
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - More Shielded Cargo Bays Rebalanced
required for all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Craftable Quality Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Craftable Quality Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Legendary Clothing Enabled - Craftable Quality Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Legendary Clothing Enabled - Craftable Quality Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - New Outfits - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Craftable Quality Patch
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Craftable Quality Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Legendary Clothing Enabled - Craftable Quality Patch
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Plainclothes Rangers - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starfield Extended - Reactors Rebalanced
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Rolling Deep (Ship Command Rebalance)
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Rolling Deep - TN's Hab Tweaks Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Rolling Deep - TN's Ship Modifications All In One Patch
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Shields Rebalanced
required by all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Short 'n Sweet Armor Naming
required for all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Short 'n Sweet Armor Naming For Craftable Quality Extended
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Short 'n Sweet Weapon Naming
required of all esm plugins created with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Short 'n Sweet Weapon Naming For Craftable Quality Extended
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Extended - Weapon Naming (VIS-G for Starfield)
all plugins made with xEdit require this |
Starfield Extended - Weapon Naming For Craftable Quality Extended (VIS-G for Starfield)
required of all esm plugins made with xEdit |
Starfield Eyewear
Starfield NPC LEDs Russian Loc
Starfield OSHA
Starfield Patch Hub
Starfield Uniform Additions
Needed to install this mod! |
Starless Explorer Suit - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starvegas - Cinematic Killcam
Mandatory Requirement |
Starvegas - Cinematic Killcam - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
Starvival - Immersives Ueberlebens-Addon (Deutsch)
Statues of Starfield
Needed to install this mod! |
Steal Anything
Only if you want to use the ESM |
Stealth and Combat Tweaks
Need the Plugins.txt enabler for Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex |
Stealth Operator
mandatory |
Stealth Run - Move Faster While Sneaking
Follow instructions on this page |
Strap-In - Standalone with VBB Option
Stronger Ragdolls
Needed to install this mod! |
Structural Components add Hull
Highly recommended for installing plugins, as the sTestFile method is risky. |
Summoning of Ship - Lite
Summoning of Ship - Lite (RUS)
Summoning of Ship - Lite Simplified Chinese translation
Summoning of Ship - Ship Remote Control - Land - Take off - Set gravity
Read the god damned instructions in this mod's description. |
Summoning of Ship - Ship Remote Control - Land - Take off - Set gravity - Simplified Chinese Translation
might work without but haven't tested without. |
Survival Patch Hub
mandatory |
Sustenance Enhanced
Swiftly Order Squad - Multiple Followers - Group Commands
T77 7.77mm Pistol 2277
TacSuit - Standalone with VBB Option
Tali's Spacesuit (Standalone)
TCV Heavy Shield
Hard requirement |
Techno Monk Trait
Terraformed Green Mars
Terro Mind Control
To enable it |
Tesla Legendary Effect Tweaks
for the esm, obviously |
TG's Cut Flamethrower Restored - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
The Deep End
The Dome - Standalone (by B.A.S.E.)
Required for all ESM mods |
The Dress - Standalone with VBB Option
The Dusty Cydonian Face
Required if using a mod manager. |
The Elder Star System - Magnus
required |
The Eye Begone
And whatever it requires |
The Gang's All Here - Simplified Chinese Translation
The Naked Spacesuit
Or whatever you use to make Starfield notice your .esm files. |
The VSS We Deserve
Enables .esm plugins |
TheencoGlasses and StarfieldBackpacks Patch
Tier Requirements
TN's Aid and Ammo Crafting Spanish Translation
TN's Hab Tweaks - Starfield Extended Rolling Deep - Ship Combat Overhaul Patch
Needed for ESM Mods |
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications (Enhanced)
Recommended since this is an esm file. |
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications and Tiers - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications and Tiers - Spanish
TN's Modular Starborn Suits - Simplified Chinese Translation
必需 |
TN's Power Tools - Simplified Chinese Translation
目前esm必需 |
TN's Ship Modifications All in One - Spanish
Hard requirement. |
TOM - Tom's Object Modifications - Akila The Stretch Apartment
You always need this to load any mods via the plugins.txt |
TOM - Tom's Object Modifications Akila square table fix
Trade Authority at Outposts
True Power - Moon Form
Required to load ESM |
True Power - Reanimation
Required to load ESM |
Tweak - Balanced Marksmanship Rank 4 Perk (Snipers Only)
Tweak - Nearly Vanilla Stealth
Tweak - Particle Beams Are Kinda Lasers - Particle Beam Weapons Benefit From Rank 4 Lasers Perk (But not 1-3)
Two Tales Two Cities Flanel Shirt No Drop Fix
mandatory |
UC Gear for Sale
Needed for proper .ESM loading |
UC Military Overhaul - UC Antixeno Spacesuit
Only required if using the optional Red Devils HQ Vendor plugin |
UC Navy Fatigues With Gloves
Currently Essential |
UC Pilot Spacesuit Fix
Optional But Recommended |
UC ReUniform - United Colonies Faction Uniform Overhaul
Either use this or edit your StarfieldCustom.ini |
UC Urbanwar Rebalance (Bug Fix)
UC Vanguard pilot simulator Easy Mode
Unarmed Damage Scaling
Follow instructions on this page |
Unarmed Weapon
Unique Covers for Skill Magazines - Base for Modders
Unique Magazines
Hard |
Unique Standalone Crew Member - Astrid
Unique Standalone Crew Member - Sivan
Unity Plus - Background and Trait Changer
Unlimited Range Cutter
Useable World Objects
mandatory |
Useful Bonuses
Use to get rid of "sTestFile"-junk. Add *UsefulBonuses.esm to the plugin list. |
Useful Brigs - Simplified Chinese Translation
Useful UC Uniforms
Va'ruun Devastators
Needed to install this mod! |
Va'ruun Ship Weaponry
Needed to install this mod! |
Va'ruun Viper
Vacuum Tape Resource - Francais
(si vous utilisez cette méthode) |
Vale Armor Standalone
Vanilla Ballistics Automatic Weapon Sounds Fix
Install as instructed, then follow instructions in this mod's description |
Variable Contraband Prices (Sell Price Multiplier Addon)
Varuun Ambassador Outfit
Varuun Cyber Runner
Varuun Spacesuit Remade
Vasco Reperked
Vasco Replacer. Edi from Mass Effect
Very Reasonable Crafting
Vivid Infinity 8K Milky Way Galaxy Stars
required unless you prefer to use your sf custom ini |
vTZv Ultimate Weapon Overhaul - Spanish
w1r3d.au's Faster Ship Turn Speed
w1r3d.au's Low Tier Engine Speed Mods
Watch of the Stars
Needed to install this mod! |
We Care A Lot(ownership fix)
mandatory |
Weak Spot Locational Damage
Weapon Skins Unlocked
Required to make the game load plugins |
Weapons Reverb Fix - Vanilla Ballistics Automatic Weapon Sounds Fix Patch
Weight Lifting Plus (Experimental)
Do NOT use "sTestFile"! It doesn't respect load order and is unsafe! |
Wellness Skill Bugfix
Wooden Mallard
Required to load esm mods |
Xerophthalmia - A Electromagnetic One-shot-sleep gun
Required, For load Non-Vanilla ESM files |
Yamashita Corporation Essential Ship Weapons
ZMD Dark Gothic Flooring Floormat Replacers for Home and Ship Decorator
Required for the esm or use your StarfieldCustom.ini with the ba2 if preffered |
ZMD Jupiter 8k Variation
required unless you prefer to use your sf custom ini |
ZMD New Atlantis Paint Job
required unless you prefer to use your sf custom ini |
ZMD Pink Squid Studios Hacked Transmission - Posters Murals Signs Home Ship Decor Misc Texture Replacers with Extras
required unless you prefer to use your sf custom ini |