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  1. NeoKingArthur
    • premium
    • 138 kudos
    While I like a lot of what this mod does. Since I pretty much make my own BAT files to give all my companions and crew all 41 skills with maxxed out level the same way. There's a few feedback that I'd like to give moving forward in case you want to improve this mod with future versions:

    • I think there needs to be some form of variation in terms of the ordering of the first 4 crew skills. This is so that the display in the crew selection window would at least show some variety between different crew members. If all crew has the exact same order of Leadership, Outpost Management, Xenosciology, Gastronomy + all the remaining skills hidden in the background. Then the crew selection window would show all the same icons everywhere for everyone. My suggestion about this is to keep the first vanilla skills as is, just maxxed it out to rank 4, then any additional skills could be added according to the crew's character and backgrounds. eg. You can put Rosie with Medicine, Botany, Wellness, Chemistry, then followed with the rest of the skills that you have. That way, she will show with those first four skills, while others would have a different list for their first four skills and we can have variety on each of the crew's expertise, even if we still get all the bonuses from their other skills.
    • I think their default outfit/equipment should be left untouched. Having them all wearing starborn venator outfit just doesn't make sense from a lore perspective. Yes, we definitely can use the console command to unequip and equip NPC equipments, but we have to do this all the time every time we meet a new crew to be recruited. And them being starborn just doesn't make sense. I believe keeping them vanilla and just focus this mod simply on their skills, and aggresiveness is all we need. Default crew appearance should be kept out of scope.
  2. reapurmod
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I've finally found the problem I had throughout my first playthru. Every time I meet a named companion for the first time, like lin, or andromeda or sarah, they're in the Starborn Venator armor. 
    On this first NG+ playthrough it happened again and I went thru MO2 and enable/disabled every mod I had and tested it.
    Turns on this mod, LookingGoodCrew.esm is what is causing this. All I do I uncheck it, meet the NPC and then once I have met them, I quit, enable the mod, go back in and it works normally.
    I don't know why this happens, I tried to disable ALL other mods, except of course like sfse and plugin enabler and as I enable this and get the weird result. I tried moving it up and down in the load order and that didn't help
    any ideas?
    1. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      this mods changes all default outfits of all companions to Venator.
      If you dont like them to wear venator you can gift them other clothing and they will wear it.
      for immersion i changed those clothing since i dont want to go through the process of doing this during my gameplay also as you noticed in vanila they npc dont wear the clothing 'always'. you have to issue command lines to basicly undress them and dress them again to force them wearing the clothing you gave them.
      with my mod they wear venator but it could be anything else like if you roleplay some star wars you want to see your companions in stormtrooper outfit at any given time. i like the venator suit with adapted textures so they look i little more ironman-ish.

      also if you read mod description its written there that the mod adapt the clothing.
  3. Xeonc2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I think it will be easier to add these perks to the companions (Lodge members) using the bat file. ( addperk ...)
    P.S. This is my personal opinion.
    P.P.S.I understand that this mod adds perks only to those who are marked on the first screenshot (from the author of the mod) as "Crew_Elite"
    1. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I updated the mod so all recruitable NPC have the 41 Crew-only skills.
      there is no need for console or bat files 'ever' unless thy add perks or new Npc
  4. deleted192212284
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    What will be the difference with your mod, than this one https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5625?tab=posts&BH=0
    from another modder?
    1. sr383
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Looks like Crew Companion Skill Overhaul ensures that every crew member has four skills (many had fewer than four), whereas Dream Team sets all skills to Level 4. Helpful if, say, Sam ticks you off, but you want a crew member with Level 4 piloting.
    2. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      my mod give you all 41 skills in V 3.0.
      All skills are maxed possible recognised by game.
      the other mod is more balanced where all skills are NOT maxed out.
      the other mod is more balanced where all crew have only 4 skills.
    3. sr383
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      So you're saying that, even though the crew view shows only Leadership, Outpost Management, Xenosociology, and Gastronomy, everyone is actually maxed out in everything?
    4. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      yes, look at the posted images. i posted a list of all perks and their level
      #Companion perks - An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console(~) and using your mouse to click on the NPC to reveal their Reference ID. Use the NPCs ref ID before the perk ID.

      Enter multiple times to rank up. The number in () is the max rank.
      (NPC ref ID).addperk (Mod ID)
      (NPC ref ID).removeperk (Mod ID)

      .addperk 22274        EM Weapons(3)
      .addperk 2ce1a0        Piloting(4)
      .addperk 222f83        Aneutronic Fusion(1)
      .addperk 1c06c        Shield Systems(4)
      .addperk 222f84        Payload(4)
      .addperk 0021b8dd    Marksmanship(3)
      .addperk 0021b8dc    Sharpshooting(1)
      .addperk 0021b8de    Sniper Cerification(3)
      .addperk 0021b8df    Shotgun Certification(3)
      .addperk 0021b8e1    Rifle Certification(4)

      .addperk 00220bb6    Ballistic Weapon Systems(3)
      .addperk 0021b8e6    Ballistics(4)
      .addperk 0021b8e0    Particle Beams(4)
      .addperk 00222f85    Particle Beam Weapon Systems(4)
      .addperk 00222f86    Missile Weapon Systems(3)
      .addperk 0021b8c7    Scavenging(1)
      .addperk 0021b8d4    Concealment(1)
      .addperk 0021b8c5    Gastronomy(4)
      .addperk 0021b8cd    Robotics(4)
      .addperk 0021b8c2    Satrship Engineering(3)

      .addperk 0021b8c8    Outpost Engineering(3)
      .addperk 0021b8c3    Outpost Management(3)
      .addperk 0021b8cc    Geology(4)
      .addperk 0021b8ca    Botany(4)
      .addperk 0020e35b    Leadership(4)
      .addperk 0021b8e4    Lasers(4)
      .addperk 0001bf38    Astrodynamics(4)
      .addperk 0021b8da    Stealth(4)
      .addperk 0021b8d9    Weight Lifting(3)
      .addperk 0021b8c6    Theft(4)

      .addperk 0021b8e3    Demolitions(3)
      .addperk 0021b8c9    Chemistry(1)
      .addperk 0021b8d3    Energy Weapon Dissipation(3)
      .addperk 00222f87    Energy Weapon Systems(4)
      .addperk 0021b8d5    Wellness(3)
      .addperk 0021b8e2    Incapacitation(3)
      .addperk 0021b8cb    Medicine(1)
      .addperk 0021b8c4    Xenosociology(1)
      .addperk 0021b8d2    Pain Tolerance(3)
      .addperk 00222f88    Starship Engineering(4)
  5. whiteshark1975
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    im making an update with 41 skills and all to the max documented
    so if you want keep all at lvl4 keep this. if you want according official documentation download v 3.0 ill post it in a few minutes
  6. vexthecollector
    • premium
    • 25 kudos
    By the way, a lot of crew perks do not have any rank 4 at all, xenosociology only has 1 rank total from what I know.
    It might cause issues in the long run to set everything to 4, instead of the max for that perk.
    1. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to flee for a limited time
      You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to stop fighting for a limited time
      You can force a target alien creature up to 10 levels higher than you to attack their allies for a limited time
      You can force a target creature up to 10 levels higher than you to obey commands for a limited time.
    2. sidzero
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So, something to be aware of... Crew skills and Player skills aren't the same. And most levels of Crew skills other than the ones that characters come with may not actually work. Here's some links with what we know about how Crew Skills work:



      Of course, maybe I'm wrong, maybe we're all wrong, and if you've done extensive testing and they work, please, share some of those results.
    3. vexthecollector
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Those are the player perks. Applying the player perks to your crew members can have a lot of unforeseen and bad consequences.
  7. Gantz79
    • premium
    • 1,433 kudos
    Hi very good mod, you will add also the lodge members? now only Vasco enjoy the mod.
    1. Xeonc2
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This is because Vasco is marked as "Crew Elite", but Sam, Sarah, Andreja, Barrett - no (see the first screenshot from the author of this mod)
    2. Gantz79
      • premium
      • 1,433 kudos
      Thanks, I hadn't really watched the screenshots, but it looks like the author has now added them.
  8. OmegaX123
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Everyone except the Constellation people pretty much? If you don't like them, that's a 'you' thing, but a lot of people do (other than their tendency to know when you do something they don't like even when they're at the Lodge, which I've never once experienced but others seem to have), so at least include an optional version that includes them...
    1. Gantz79
      • premium
      • 1,433 kudos
      The mod was already updated before your comment and the lodge characters were added.
  9. whiteshark1975
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    The mod has a weird behaviour when starting a new save, nothing bad but.... Heller and Lin will be headless until they put their helmets on. the starborn spacesuit doesnt have a separated helmet i cant fix this. once you have the artifact and head to the landing platform Heller and Lin will get in their underwear once they go outside to meet Barret.
    this is due to the default spacesuit. to make it stick i removed all their clothes so they are forced to use the spacesuit inside. i played a few hours with it and i didnt notice any other weird behaviour.
  10. BrumMatheus99
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it necessary to recruit crew members or will everyone already be recruited?
    1. whiteshark1975
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      i cant recruite for you.
      at start of a fresh game you can recruite 5 crew members real fast.
      during your gameplay youll recruit the others.i posted the list of all crew so you can do a quick google and see where they are or how to get them.