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About this mod

This mod gives extra stats to all of the structure in the game, adding hull to make them worth armoring your ship with, and some utility to radiators and sensor arrays.

Permissions and credits
  • German
Isn't it a little weird that all of that thick armor plated looking structure (and even the smaller stuff) gives you absolutely no benefit? It takes up mass on your ship, and makes your ship slower or less maneuverable, but it doesn't add anything. Well, say no more. Useful Ship Structure adds hull to all of the structure parts depending on their size and shape. In addition, the radiators you can add also help to boost your shield efficiency (by way of adding to the shield health) by helping bleed off that extra heat. Lastly, the sensor arrays actually have a function, increasing crew capacity and reducing lock on time.

This mod has been created with the experimental xEdit release found on their Discord server.
Caution should be used when using experimental mods, and always back up a save file before using one.

  • Unzip the archive and put TNUsefulShipStructure.esm into your Starfield/Data folder (most likely under Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data), or let your mod manager install the file.
  • Add *TNUsefulShipStructure.esm to your Plugins.txt file. (Ensure it has the * in front of it.)
  • Install Baka Achievement Enabler and SFSE if you don't want achievements disabled.

Structure Stats:
  • All structure parts are given extra hull (up to 40 for the largest pieces) depending on their size.
  • Armored landing gear, armored fuel tanks, all of the dockers, and landing bays get increase hull values.
  • Radiators add health to your shields depending on their size. This includes the deimos spine radiator, and the wings with the small radiators built in.
  • Sensor Arrays reduce lock on time slightly (this effect does not stack) and adds crew capacity (since they would be monitoring those sensors).
  • The cost of the radiators has been slightly increased to account for their increased usefulness.
  • These stats effect all ships, including enemy ships, which may cause enemies to be tankier depending on their size.

My Other Mods:
TN's Ship Modifications All In One
TN's Class M Ship Building
TN's Space Mining and Salvage
TN's Hab Shells
TN's Supplemental Thrusters
TN's Hab Tweaks 
TN's Useful Ship Structure 
TN's Expanded Cargo Holds
TN's Supplemental Reactors
TN's Supplemental Cockpits
TN's Weapon To Module Snapping
TN's Separated Categories
TN's Aid and Ammo Crafting
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications
TN's Power Tools 
TN's Plasma Laredo
TN's Modular Starborn Suits
TN's Outpost Storage
TN's Realistic Oxygen Meter
TN's Textile Perk Restored

Paid Creations:
TN's Out in the Blackness
TN's Targeting HUD
Join my joint Discord The Stuff of Legends. For myself and my "allies in modding".