About this mod
A new standalone trait that enhances melee combat.
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NOTE: This mod has been completely re-written and vastly expanded. It is now available as two separate perk trees rather than as a trait. It hugely expands on the basic functionality explored in this early proof-of-concept, adding teleport strike, placeable melee micro-bombs with advanced mechanics, combat slide time manipulation, Sap (to incapacitate an enemy), and much more.
This is my first attempt to add some interesting new mechanics to the melee aspect of the game which I feel is somewhat lacking in vanilla.
- Move at normal speed in sneak (3rd person isn't quite full run speed but 1st person is very close to no change just due to animation differences).
- Shadowstep when sneak attacking in melee becoming invisible and slowing time briefly (can be configured on/off individually as well as duration).
- Stronger attacks in melee (50% increase to unarmed and melee weapon attacks).
It adds a new standalone trait you can choose at character selection or respec clinic titled "Techno Monk" with the following description:
Adept at manipulating energy fields through mental discipline and advanced biotechnology, your melee attacks are 50% stronger, you move faster in stealth, and when attacking with melee weapons or unarmed while sneaking and undetected (or when your melee attacks are blocked) you gain Shadowstep, becoming completely undetectable and slowing the perception of time for brief periods.
The mod also includes a configuration menu for tweaking various aspects which you can craft at the Chemistry Station (costs 1 water).
Options you can change include:
Shadowstep Invisibility - Enable or disable becoming undetectable when in Shadowstep (default: On).
Shadowstep Slow Time - Enable or disable slowing time while in Shadowstep (default: On).
Shadowstep Duration - Set how long the Shadowstep effect persists (default: 10s).
NOTE: You can completely disable Shadowstep and just keep the sneak speed benefit by disabling both Shadowstep Invisibility and Slow Time.
Additionally, there is a 3s period when the black and white visuals end and you see slightly blurry where you are still undetectable.