About this mod
Dozens of custom new apparel themed for space cowboys, with a new unique spacesuit.
- Permissions and credits

20 new hats, 11 new ponchos, 40+ new outfits, 3 accessories, 1 spacesuit, 1 boostpack, and 1 helmet.
20 variations of the Settler Adventurer Hat with different styles and colors for the material, band, and metal work.
- 1 new cowboy themed spacesuit, with a helmet and boostpack along with it.
- 11 different trenchcoats making up 22 different outfits that can be modified by having the sleeves removed.
- 11 stand-alone ponchos, that can be worn with any other outfit (clipping is likely with bulkier clothing)
- The ranger badge, deputy patch, and poncho mask are all now seperated from the armors by default. (vanilla armors are untouched)
- 8 pairs of pants that can be worn without a top, these can be paired with the ponchos, or just worn alone.
- The armors can be found in bulk at Shepherd's General Store in Akila City, or less commonly at most trade authority vendors.
- Each trenchcoat and vested outfit has new strong enchantments.
- The recipes to remove trenchcoat sleeves are located at the bottom of the industrial workbench. In order to reduce clutter, the recipes will remain hidden if you aren't carrying an outfit to modify. Once removed the sleeves are destroyed, and you will need a new outfit if you want them back.
- Crafting ecipes can be found at the industrial bench. If using NWEF recipes will be found on the Textiler Table instead.
- The pants will also override the pants from most other outfits, so you can wear which ones you want with different outfits as well, though they may not always mesh together well. These will also likely clip if you have a body modifier that enlarges the lower body.
- The accessories normally attached to the vanilla outfits have been separated, and can be worn with any outfit, though they may not look good with all other outfits.
- The debug box is named CowboysPackage, and can be found through the console if you want a quick look.
Future Plans
- Space explorers wearing the armors.
- Additional western themed equipment.
- Ideas welcome, as well as screenshots.
Items are added to leveled list with scripts and should be compatible with everything.
1. Use mod manager to install normally or manually extract the plugin to your mod directory
2. Add "*SpaceCowboys.esm" without quotes to your plugins.txt
Plugin.txt Enabler
- The sleeveless variations and spacesuit have a bit of an issue where the the arm meets the jacket, at certain angles you can see through the gap between them.
- The space suit helmet has clipping issues up top, I can't fix it without replacing another armor right now due to being unable to edit records with reflections, it'll be fixed once the CK is out.
DarthSidious666 and Maxie for Custom Material for Starfield
SesamePaste for Starfield Geometry Bridge
Nyvrak for Scarves and Ponchos - Standalone for the scarf used on the spacesuit.
SF1edit, Nifskope, and Blender.
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