About this mod
A lightweight plugin that overhauls the weapon and armor naming conventions, with the objective of making it easier to find your items based on their type and installed modifications.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
I created this to satisfy my own inventory sorting OCD in my new playthrough of Starfield now that the CK is out. Hopefully it is something you can benefit from as well. If not, thanks for the view and go be a blessing to the world around you. ✌️ ✌️
Also available via Creations for PC and Xbox (Link)
Mod Conflicts
- Any mod that changes the INNR (instance naming rules) records for dn_CommonGun, dn_CommonMelee, or dn_CommonArmor will not work with this mod. Whichever mod is last in the load order will be the one that works.
- To add naming conventions for various weapon modifications not present in the base game (stocks, barrels, sights, etc.) I needed to add keywords to the template omod (object modification) records or individual weapon modification records (stuff like the Kodama's stock that doesn't have a template to work from). As a result, any mod that changes these records will also conflict. Whichever mod is loaded last will override the other, but any unaffected records will have names work dynamically like normal.
Weapons Naming Convention
- Ruleset 0 -- Item Name
- Ruleset 1 -- Quality (streamlined to Mk II, Mk III, Mk IV)
- Ruleset 2 -- Legendary modes (blank if not applicable)
- Ruleset 3 -- Firemode (guns), Handles (melee)
- Ruleset 4 -- Internal modification (guns), blades (melee)
- Ruleset 5 -- Muzzle mods (guns)
- Ruleset 6 -- Sights (guns)
- Ruleset 7 -- Mags/ammo mods (guns)
- Ruleset 8 -- Grips and stocks
- Ruleset 9 -- Barrel mods
Armor Naming Convention
- Ruleset 0 -- Item Name
- Ruleset 1 -- "Pack" (for boost packs only, due to base game ESM naming conventions)
- Ruleset 2 -- Quality (streamlined to Mk II, Mk III, Mk IV, Mk V)
- Ruleset 3 -- Boostpack type (blank if not a boostpack)
- Ruleset 4 -- Legendary modes (blank if not applicable)
- Ruleset 5 -- Armor mod slot 1
- Ruleset 6 -- Armor mod slot 2
- Ruleset 7 -- Armor mod slot 3
- Ruleset 8 -- Armor mod slot 4
- Ruleset 9 -- Unused
- Me: CrimsonPhoenix7 (aka Undyne777 on NexusMods)