- Refine results Found 7 results. 10158 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Starfield High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP)
The High Definition Texture Pack for Starfield is a higher resolution upscaled set of texture packs designed to completely replace and overhaul ALL of the original/vanilla textures with highly detailed, optimized, and improved 2X (4K+) versions. HDTP replaces tens of thousands of textures, effects, and lightmaps for the best Starfield experience!
- 19.2GB
- 1.2k
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Starfield High Definition Texture Pack (HDTP)
The High Definition Texture Pack for Starfield is a higher resolution upscaled set of texture packs designed to completely replace and overhaul ALL of the original/vanilla textures with highly detailed, optimized, and improved 2X (4K+) versions. HDTP replaces tens of thousands of textures, effects, and lightmaps for the best Starfield experience!
Workbench Filter Framework (WFF)
Filter recipes by category with the push of a button! ESM-free patching! No extra workbenches needed! 简体中文! Deutsch! Français! 日本語!
- 6KB
- 354
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Workbench Filter Framework (WFF)
Filter recipes by category with the push of a button! ESM-free patching! No extra workbenches needed! 简体中文! Deutsch! Français! 日本語!
Goodbye Green Tint - Starfield Edition
Removes the green tint, adjust the contrast, game and give more vibrant colors into the game. All this and NO PERFORMANCE LOSS!
- 16KB
- 267
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Goodbye Green Tint - Starfield Edition
Removes the green tint, adjust the contrast, game and give more vibrant colors into the game. All this and NO PERFORMANCE LOSS!
Changes the Default fov for the best option for 16:9 screens (90) (Setting the FOV too low or too high may cause vertigo)
- 0KB
- 102
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Changes the Default fov for the best option for 16:9 screens (90) (Setting the FOV too low or too high may cause vertigo)
Changes the Default fov for the best option for 21:9 screens (110) (Setting the FOV too low or too high may cause vertigo)
- 0KB
- 92
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Changes the Default fov for the best option for 21:9 screens (110) (Setting the FOV too low or too high may cause vertigo)
Starfield Director's Cut Main Menu Mod
Replaces the OG Starfield video Menu with the Alternative Version that i found hidden in THE GAME FILES!
- 298.3MB
- 22
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Starfield Director's Cut Main Menu Mod
Replaces the OG Starfield video Menu with the Alternative Version that i found hidden in THE GAME FILES!
RTFP Translate (Real Time Form Patcher text file (pre-) translator)
This command-line tool uses Google Translate to automatically (pre-) translate text files of mods that use RTFP from English to any language available on Google Translate..
- 10.2MB
- 5
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RTFP Translate (Real Time Form Patcher text file (pre-) translator)
This command-line tool uses Google Translate to automatically (pre-) translate text files of mods that use RTFP from English to any language available on Google Translate..