About this mod
Adds 5,945 thematically-appropriate names to Starsector for the game to use when generating procedural content: 2,925 names for NPCs (i.e. captains and officers), and 3,020 names for stellar objects (i.e. stars, planets, and moons) If you want to see more variety in your star-faring adventures, then this mod is for you!
- Permissions and credits
Thanks to Wispborne, you can now download More ProcGen Names on the official Fractal Works Forum via the following link:
More ProcGen Names adds 5,945 new thematically-appropriate names to Starsector for the game to use when generating procedural content.
These names are used by the game when generating content such as NPCs, star systems, planets, and more!
These include:
- 150 new CONSTELLATION names
- 500 new STAR names
- 2,000 new PLANET names
- 200 new MOON names
- 50 new NEBULAE names
- 30 new ASTEROID FIELD nouns
- 30 new MAGNETIC FIELD / NEBULA nouns
- 300 new FRINGE names
- 200 new FUTURE / MYTH names
- 100 new MODERN names
- 225 new PIRATE names
- 300 new LUDDIC names and surnames
- 150 new OLD ENGLISH / MODERN surnames
- 150 new African WORLD surnames
- 150 new French WORLD surnames
- 150 new German WORLD surnames
- 150 new Greek WORLD surnames
- 150 new Japanese WORLD family names
- 150 new Slavic WORLD surnames
- 150 new Turkish WORLD surnames
- 250 male WORLD international names
- 250 female WORLD international names
Names have been chosen as follows:
CONSTELLATION names are primarily Latin names for animals; STAR names have been taken from Elite: Dangerous (o7, Commanders) from a range of unique star names within 50LY from Sol; PLANET and MOON names are almost entirely from BattleTech lore, which has a staggering number to draw from; NEBULAE names are from a small variety of sources.
STELLAR OBJECTS are things such as asteroid belts, magnetic fields, and accretion disks and are usually named such as $PARENT'S [NOUN]. These nouns have been expanded with additional synonyms, with some sharing nouns (as is the case with vanilla).
FUTURE / MYTH names have been cherry-picked from the new STAR names while also expanding upon the sources of the MYTH names that are found in vanilla.
Similar to STELLAR OBJECTS, WORLD names expand upon the selection of names that are already present in vanilla, with the origin of the names being sourced and then expanded upon.
Examples of the new names include:
CONSTELLATIONS: Arctocephalus, Cynocephalus, Didelphis, Hydrochaerus, Marmota, Neofelis, Paraxerus, Rattus, Setifer, Tragelaphus
STARS: Bhada, Chup Kamui, Fyris Wolds, Karovoy, Orerve, Segais, Sekhemet, Talitha, Tir Peria, Volkova
PLANETS: Arboris, Chaffee, Ganshoren, Ipswich, Kagoshima, Paracale, Roadside, Thraxa, Vestallas, Yeguas
MOONS: Andruyev, Bereich, Coronado, Deons, Foster, Kraygor, Lyris, Reona, Tonegawa, Wrinkle
NEBULAE: Argolis, Betreka, Carina, Friedlich, Hugora, Ionite, Lantar, Mutara, Vasilakis, Yridia
PIRATES: Anansi, Bronco, Hardcore, Lamia, Namazu, Orchid, Proxima, Rebel, Shamrock, Vespid
WORLD (first name): Alejandra, Alvaro, Avigail, Banele, Bastian, Bertalan, Deandre, Delbert, Ichika, Jaclyn, Jozsef, Kamila, Kamile, Larissa, Lorcan, Mahmoud, Malthe, Marya, Nemanja, Patryk, Prakash, Shawna, Sofiya, Sondra, Sondre, Sophia, Sunita, Tatiana, Yaroslav, Zehra
WORLD (surname): Abanda, Amacher, Anderton, Apostolou, Behnken, Bessette, Dumesnil, Homolka, Indongo, Kakehashi, Karadere, Khaimov, Kimmich, Koyamatsu, Levetzow, Massengo, Matsuhisa, Mugabi, Nyombi, Oyadomari, Ragheb, Sabourin, Saleeby, Sandrock, Shirasaki, Skarvelis, Ulusoy, Vasseur, Westhead, Zhtomir
A new game will be required to see the new constellation, star, planet, moon, and nebulae names, as these names are selected when the galaxy map is generated. NPC names should start to appear once the mod is added to an ongoing save as new NPCs (such as officers and bounties) are created.
Manually Upgrading / Downgrading:
If you would like More ProcGen Names to work with newer or older versions of Starsector, open the mod_info.json file and change the "gameVersion": value to the version of Starsector that you're currently using.
For example: "gameVersion":"0.96a-RC10", to "gameVersion":"0.95.1a-RC6".