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About this mod

Replaces Chewbacca with Commander Deviss (MP SAFE)

Permissions and credits
Commander Deviss

"Deviss" was the nickname of a Clone Commander who served in the Grand Army of the Republic, in the Galactic Republic, during the Clone Wars. Deviss was created on the planet of Kamino. As a clone trooper based on the genetic template of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett, He was assigned to Jedi General Tsui Choi in the Jedi General's respective battalion (though, Deviss is often depicted as being a leader of "K Company" of the 327th Star Corps. when it became a brigade towards the end of the Clone Wars).


Replaces Chewbacca

Features Include:
All skins (1st - Visor up, 2nd - Visor down, 3rd - No Visor)
Custom Portrait (with optional alt portraits avaliable)
Audio Overhaul
Custom SVG icon images for weapon and abilities
MP Safe weapon swap to DC15
Custom Starcard images
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