Replaces Obi-Wan Kenobi with Aayla Secura: Features her classic Jedi look and her Jayzaa disguise from the "Star Wars: Republic" comics, as well as voicelines from Disney Infinity and Republic Heroes, a custom Portrait image and custom Text
Sound import by Zenger, Portrait by CosmicDreams, also thanks to Claymaver for being a patien
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Version 1.0
Initial Release
First of all: Huge thanks to Zenger for finding and importing sounds, CosmicDreams for making the beautiful Portrait Render, Claymaver for patiently answering my technical questions, Battlefront Cinematic for the awesome Mod Captures, and of course DICE for this amazing Game.
This Mod brings one of the most unique-looking Jedi onto the Battlefront. Her default appearance is her iconic look from the movies, TV-Shows and most comics. This look can also be used with the classic Jedi Robe or exchanged with her Jayzaa Disguise. For those of you unfamiliar with this name: Aayla was rather prominent in the Legendary "Star Wars: Republic" comic series and there she had to disguise herself as the mechanic Jayzaa to find her master Quinlan Vos (who was on an undercover mission at the time) without blowing his cover.
This mod does not only replace her appearance though: Thanks to Zenger she also uses 100+ voicellines from Disney Infinity 3.0 and Republic Heroes.
Furthermore CosmicDreams made a custom portrait image and I made Text edits and added custom Star Card images.
MP-Compatible All Mods can get you banned but this mod is purely cosmetic and therefore has a very slim chance of getting you banned. I myself have used it online without issues.