About this mod
Makes most star cards Purple for kyber.gg Private Matches.
Vehicles and Hero Vehicles were excluded from this update, in order to focus on Troopers/Reinforcements/Heroes for now.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Must be placed at the top of the load order in order to be compatible with the Battlefront Plus modpack, just before the Gameplay Rework mod, otherwise, it will overwrite some of the Gameplay Rework changes.
Purple Star Cards for:
I had to restart from scratch for this update (there were too many bugs not to). As such, I've chosen to hold off on upgrading Vehicle and Hero Vehicle star cards, until I can get: Troopers, Reinforcements, and Heroes, all working acceptably, those are the priority. I don't want to run ther risk of making changes to vehicles and breaking something there if I don't have time to test them first.
Known issues:
I have tested all Trooper and Reinforcement cards, and the only thing that is not working as intended right now, are the "Resourceful" star cards. It works for the first spawn, but then only applies the common star card value from then on (10%).
I am only half way through testing the hero star cards, thus far everything I've tested works, except for:
"Roll Together" (BB8) does not apply the purple star card value, it is stuck on the Common value (5%)
"Born To Fly" (Boba Fett) applies the Common star card value (5%)
"The Rule Of Two" for Palpatine may not be working, or I just am doing something wrong while testing.
I still need to test the star cards for:
Obi Wan
to verify everything/fix any bugs that I can. If you have any issues with star cards for those heroes, let me know.
Thank you to ScottMemelord for making his "Collection Unlocker" project file available to modders to integrate into their own mods!
NOT MP SAFE!!! For kyber.gg Private Matches Only! Using this online will lead to a ban! There is no reason to use this mod outside of private matches, because Arcade and IA have all the cards unlocked at Epic tier anyways.