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About this mod

Edits the health value of every unit to make them weaker and in turn blaster bolts more powerful, allowing for (subjectively) much quicker and exciting combat scenarios.

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Edits the health value of every unit to make them weaker

The health value edits are not adjusted to fit their battlepoint values, so I suggest you turn "battle points" to fast, also incase you didn't know, this isn't MP safe, use only in singleplayer.
The new health values are low because in all Star Wars media, people have been shown to drop with just 1 blaster bolt, and in vanilla, it takes like 10 shots to drop someone.

Also also, only 2 classes are actually 25 HP, the rest are adjusted to "fit the lore" in my subjective perspective, but still, no class exceeds 150HP (except heroes), so all of them are still relatively low health and drop in 1-4 hits. Hero health is divided by 3, so they're still powerful, but not all powerful.
This was inspired by the 1HP mod on Nexus made by someone else, i like low health fast killing gameplay, but 1HP was just too low, you could die from a single touch of fire, which kinda sucks.

About the gameplay though, one thing to note is DO NOT PLAY WITH EXPERT LEVEL BOTS, if you do you'll get sniped from half way across the map, 180ed by a bot that couldn't have know you were there, and get a 0.1 KDR, normal bots are challenging enough unless you play sniper, in which case go hard bots.

Something to note, is that Heavies have 40HP but slow regen, Specialists have 20HP because their default sniper can 1 shot most reinforcements. Infiltrators generally have fast HP regens, and while there isn't really any cohesive HP plan for Enforcers, many of them have decent HP. Clone Commandos have a "personal shield" that auto regenerates, Droidekas are absolutely busted, insanely OP, and if i knew how to edit battlepoints, they'd be 3000. 

I have nothing more to say I think, hope you have fun with my mod!