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Jukilop and Titan

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About this mod

8 different variations of Luke Skywalker with his pilot outfit. MP safe.

Permissions and credits
Been working on this for a while. Never really liked my old pilot Luke mod tbh, always found that model kinda wack. we remade the mod using squadrons assets and voila, it looks a lot better and I could include both gloves and the helmet. All of the files replace hoth skin.

Note: All of these files are compatible with all of my caped Luke mods (mandalorian, grandmaster, poster, ROTJ), the only one that would affect this would be the hooded mandalorian variant, and what would happen is that pilot Luke (only if you're using a variant with his default hair, not helmet or young) would now have his mandalorian hair. I'd recommend always loading the pilot mod file below whichever caped Luke mod you're using.

Used in screenshots:
Saber hilts:
Maps (not in every picture):
