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AmWhitey - HammieFlap8D

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About this mod

Jaxxon hops into the Battlefront! Happy May 4th!

Permissions and credits

Jaxxon T. Tumperakki, Lepi smuggler who first appeared in 
Star Wars (1977) 8 comic book; making him one of the earliest Star Wars characters still making appearances today. In recent years showing up in April and appeared on comic covers.

Star Wars 8 (1977)

This mod completely overhauls Leia Organa and would not have been possible without the help of FegeeWaters, SatanTheNoScoper, TheSpartanCV, whoever did the blaster

Mod includes:

Five new skins

New Star Card art (Full showcase on Artstation)

New blasters

Jaxxon's blaster was highly accurate though it was not a very powerful one; and although its power diminished over distance, it retained its accuracy, making it a choice for sniping. The blaster has an interesting ability to "charge up" and fire one large blast at the expense of its ammunition.

Jaxxon swaps to someone's blaster he stole which allows him to blast away his enemies with aggressive laser fire.
