- Refine results Found 111 results. 7910 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Step-By-Step Guide to Modding BF2 (online and offline)
A step-by-step guide covering almost everything you need to know about modding Battlefront II with Frosty. Available in English and German.
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Step-By-Step Guide to Modding BF2 (online and offline)
A step-by-step guide covering almost everything you need to know about modding Battlefront II with Frosty. Available in English and German.
Replaces the normal announcer for the clones with Captain rex.
Ortho's 4K Clone Legions Commando Reinstatement
Not sure why Orthohex disabled the other appearances for the clone commando, but this mod reverses that change.
- 14KB
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Ortho's 4K Clone Legions Commando Reinstatement
Not sure why Orthohex disabled the other appearances for the clone commando, but this mod reverses that change.
Turns the frontend into Mos Eisley Cantina, including the cantina band music to replace the frontend medley.
- 43.1MB
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Turns the frontend into Mos Eisley Cantina, including the cantina band music to replace the frontend medley.
Connection failed fix error code 721
This mod automatically re-attempts connecting to the servers when it fails and gets an error, and it prevents the annoying error popup.1.1 Update fixed auto re-connection issue
- 13KB
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Connection failed fix error code 721
This mod automatically re-attempts connecting to the servers when it fails and gets an error, and it prevents the annoying error popup.1.1 Update fixed auto re-connection issue
Ortho's 4K ARC Rex Skin Reinstatement
Reinstates all skins for Ortho's Rex, with both P1 and P2 default skins being the selected ARC Trooper Commander.
- 13KB
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Ortho's 4K ARC Rex Skin Reinstatement
Reinstates all skins for Ortho's Rex, with both P1 and P2 default skins being the selected ARC Trooper Commander.
Removes effects like eye adaptation, color correction, vignette and other filmic effects that just make the game look bad or to dark in some scenerios.
- 1.7MB
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Removes effects like eye adaptation, color correction, vignette and other filmic effects that just make the game look bad or to dark in some scenerios.
This Mod brings Master Chief in his iconic Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor to the Battlefront. It includes voice lines, star cards, localization and weapons.
- 76.3MB
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This Mod brings Master Chief in his iconic Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor to the Battlefront. It includes voice lines, star cards, localization and weapons.
I am once again asking for you to take a seat, young Skywalker. Replaces Darth Maul with the Bernie mittens meme. Online safe.
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I am once again asking for you to take a seat, young Skywalker. Replaces Darth Maul with the Bernie mittens meme. Online safe.
OLDJABBAJABBA has driven me to make this Anakin in its prime launch state mod. Made to bring a little joy back to all those who witnessed and were frustrated due to the massive injust nerf Anakin has experienced back in 2019.
- 1.8MB
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OLDJABBAJABBA has driven me to make this Anakin in its prime launch state mod. Made to bring a little joy back to all those who witnessed and were frustrated due to the massive injust nerf Anakin has experienced back in 2019.
Battlefront II (2017) Modding Tutorial and Troubleshooting Guide
A guide that provides detailed instruction on how to get mods working for Battlefront II!This includes fixing the most common error messages / issues Frosty Toolsuite may throw at you!
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Battlefront II (2017) Modding Tutorial and Troubleshooting Guide
A guide that provides detailed instruction on how to get mods working for Battlefront II!This includes fixing the most common error messages / issues Frosty Toolsuite may throw at you!
Rosario Dawson Ahsoka Star Cards
Replaces Rey's Star Cards with Ahsoka ones.
Replaces all Original Trilogy era infantry with characters from Fall Guys (light side) and Among Us (dark side). Replaces all dark side heroes with characters from Among Us.
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Replaces all Original Trilogy era infantry with characters from Fall Guys (light side) and Among Us (dark side). Replaces all dark side heroes with characters from Among Us.
Mmm, yeah
Adds various LAAT nose art
Replaces the purple color blade in Sirmes darth revan mod to a red color
Overhauls Star Cards and ability descriptions to display specific information and reduce misinformation.
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Overhauls Star Cards and ability descriptions to display specific information and reduce misinformation.
A mod that replaces various things to replace Luke Skywalker with an older version of himself as seen in The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.--No Model Changes Included--
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A mod that replaces various things to replace Luke Skywalker with an older version of himself as seen in The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.--No Model Changes Included--
This mod disables the field of view increase while sprinting for a consistent hipfire sensitivity.
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This mod disables the field of view increase while sprinting for a consistent hipfire sensitivity.
Changes every text mention of Boba Fett to Jango Fett.