Episode 1 - Bracca

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  1. Karna5
    • premium
    • 325 kudos
    Amazing set! :)
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
  2. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 951 kudos
    I can't comment anything about Star Wars, but the images of the game are indeed very cinematic, bro! I think you captured the emotive reactions in the dialogues and scenes very well! The game looks stunning!
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      It would be utterly strange if you commented anything about Star Wars!
      Yes, i tried not to show fights with lightsabers which is very common in this universe. Instead i tried to focus on the story, the chars and their emotions because it was what really stood out for me.
      Thank you kindly for the support sis!!!
  3. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    super shots 
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Many many thanks RT!
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,147 kudos
    Captured scenes looking very cool Michael :))
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 830 kudos
      I fully agree with you Izzy
    2. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Izzy, Frank thank you so much for the kind words my dear friend! :))
  5. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 414 kudos
    Awesome captures.
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Thanks bro!
  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 341 kudos
    Great set, cinematic, and dramatic. But that Prauf sure is ugly.
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Hahaha! Yes, Prauf isn't exactly built for beauty contests!
      Cinematic and dramatic are the 2 main words to go along with this game! Like playing and watching a movie at the same time!
      Many thanks Laird!
  7. MiladyKarina
    • supporter
    • 134 kudos
    Michael, great job and full immersion in the start of the game.
    An expressive hero, stunningly captured shots. I'm absolutely thrilled.
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Your words remind me of my reaction when i first started playing the game!
      Immersion and awesome expressions!
      Thanks a lot for the kind words dear Karina!
  8. Beba
    • supporter
    • 128 kudos
    Awesome pictures. This game looks so interesting. I have special place in my heart for ...well, everything SW
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      Many thanks dear Beba!
      I am so glad i hear you like the SW saga!
      As i told to Banshee if you liked this set, you will surely like the next ones too!
  9. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 131 kudos
    This game is so epic man and I like the rugged look you got for Cal, it fits him much better. 
    This is the start of what's an awesome adventure ;)
    Brilliant stuff bro :)
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      I couldn't agree more bro! And of course much obliged that you proposed this awesome game!
      There aren't many Cal appearance mods in the game's Nexus page but that one hit my eye immediately.
      Thank you so much for the good words bro!
  10. SyddSpartan
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    I dismissed the Star Wars game series as another attempt at milking the franchise and I’ve pretty much just chosen to ignore almost all SW universe stuff that’s come out as of late… that said I agree with Dylan here that this game does look fantastic! 

    notnsure if these required staging or they were cinematic scenes or just photomode captures but eitherways, every capture looks like a scene out of the movie. Very very nice work with these shots and I’m glad you enjoyed the game! 
    1. thesarantis
      • premium
      • 211 kudos
      2015 and the release of the first of the newer SW movies(the New Canon) there was a divide between SW lore fans.
      The newer movies were an attempt to attract more people to the saga but in the eyes of many people including myself that was a violation of the previous lore that's why i stick to the Legends continuum.
      That being said i think the SW PC/platform game series has much more to offer story-wise than the films because they deal mainly with the older history of the saga which is trully fascinating. That's why i don't consider the games an attempt to milk the franchise but quite the opposite.
      This specific game doesn't go back in history but it has an intriguing story nonetheless. A young padawan who survived the Jedi Purge and living in a very difficult era where users of the Light side of the Force were being hunted like rats. Most of them were compelled to a solitary existence for survival.

      The shots were mainly cinematic scenes. Only 17.85% were staged by me. The game doesn't have any poser mod and the photo mode is just adequate. One more reason to catch cinematic scenes is for the emotions they exude!
      But i warn you! It all happens so fast that it is difficult to catch the exact moments!

      Apart from it the game's mechanics are exceptional and of course it has some majestic visuals. In my next sets i will provide some more landscape images and a bit more staging by me!
      Thanks a lot for the visit and the support Josh!!! Much appreciated!