- Refine results Found 49 results. 584 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Faster Startup and Config Tweaks
No Intro fix to start the game slightly faster. Pre-configured config files to do some basic Graphics tweaks. Developer Console Unlock Guide.
- 76KB
- 2.7k
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Faster Startup and Config Tweaks
No Intro fix to start the game slightly faster. Pre-configured config files to do some basic Graphics tweaks. Developer Console Unlock Guide.
This is a save game that has EVERYTHING unlocked right after the prologue. You are in Bogano right after meeting BD-1.Included:Purple Lightsaber from the startAll Outfits (Need to progress in game before they become visible)All PonchosAll Lightsaber Parts (Excluding Color Crystals)All BD-1 SkinsAll Mantis S
- 676KB
- 1.8k
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This is a save game that has EVERYTHING unlocked right after the prologue. You are in Bogano right after meeting BD-1.Included:Purple Lightsaber from the startAll Outfits (Need to progress in game before they become visible)All PonchosAll Lightsaber Parts (Excluding Color Crystals)All BD-1 SkinsAll Mantis S
Ever wanted to begin a new journey, but retain your full power and combat capabilities? It's now possible!
- 16KB
- 1.7k
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Ever wanted to begin a new journey, but retain your full power and combat capabilities? It's now possible!
Hides Cal's Climbing Claws
Me and Proxeuz#0532 (on discord) came together to make Darth Maul, and it even includes a new style for the sith lord and cloth physics! The neck and cloth physics are the two known issues.
- 72.3MB
- 352
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Me and Proxeuz#0532 (on discord) came together to make Darth Maul, and it even includes a new style for the sith lord and cloth physics! The neck and cloth physics are the two known issues.
This mod adds Vader to the Meditation Arena.
A 100% savegame that also includes Meditation training and other "new" update content not included in most other save files.
- 1.1MB
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A 100% savegame that also includes Meditation training and other "new" update content not included in most other save files.
Shader Compliation Stutter and Lag Reduction
Reduces shader compilation stutter by forcing game to load shaders while loading the level.
- 19KB
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Shader Compliation Stutter and Lag Reduction
Reduces shader compilation stutter by forcing game to load shaders while loading the level.
The Clone Wars Lightsaber Colours
Changes the colours of the lightsabers to better reflect those of the 2008 Clone Wars TV Show as well as replacing some game exclusive colours with colours seen in the Clone Wars.
- 1KB
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The Clone Wars Lightsaber Colours
Changes the colours of the lightsabers to better reflect those of the 2008 Clone Wars TV Show as well as replacing some game exclusive colours with colours seen in the Clone Wars.
Replaces the start up video with an opening similar to the movies with the classic soundtrack and a "A long time a go, in a galaxy far far away..."To inistall, just drag default_startup.mp4 to your Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Content\Movies folder and replace the the original file when prompted
- 4.1MB
- 83
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Replaces the start up video with an opening similar to the movies with the classic soundtrack and a "A long time a go, in a galaxy far far away..."To inistall, just drag default_startup.mp4 to your Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Content\Movies folder and replace the the original file when prompted
Intro Rogue One Style (Fast and Epic)
Faster intro with Rogue One's theme. Beautiful and epic!
- 17.2MB
- 75
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Intro Rogue One Style (Fast and Epic)
Faster intro with Rogue One's theme. Beautiful and epic!
Just replace the splash in JediFallenOrder/Swgame/Content/Splash/
Replaces the intro video with my custom one.
Enhanced Startup Video with loop
Replace the startup video with trailer content
The Force may have many paths, but they are to be walked, not run.
Force Unleashed LucasArts Startup
Replaces the vanilla startup
Replaces the boring splash art when you start the game
Im tired of the "Boring" startup screen, I decided it needed more swag. Here it is, in all of its swag.
- 70.2MB
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Im tired of the "Boring" startup screen, I decided it needed more swag. Here it is, in all of its swag.
A startup video combining parts of GLeeM64's "Movie Style Startup Video" and LouiPoui's "Custom Startup Video (Classic Star Wars Opening)"
- 2.6MB
- 35
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A startup video combining parts of GLeeM64's "Movie Style Startup Video" and LouiPoui's "Custom Startup Video (Classic Star Wars Opening)"
Force Unleashed Trailer Start up
Replaces the JFO startup