Don't Worry

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  1. Auslander66
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    I prefer Thumper. Maybe a tiny lagomorph with a 40mm nozzle...?  XD  jk  lol
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    "Everything is going to be allright....." looking into the muzzle of a grenade launcher.......!!!
    Looks like you're out of snow Sorry - but it looks kind of like a snow scooter/mobile to me. Or maybe it'll be at home on Havasu lake. Too bad about the bugs. Hopefully some modders will come to your aid with some bugspray - like they do in Fallout........
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      The speeder does look a little like a snow mobile. It's got some nice upgrades. I just earned the ability to jump over small rocks and boulders. It's been 40-50 years since I watched the Star Wars originals, so I don't remember that speeder very well. There's a scene where Luke rides through a forest at great speed riding one. I remember seeing a behind the scenes documentary on how they filmed it. It was not CGI, but actual movement of the "bike" through the trees slowly. Anyway, I don't know whether this Ubisoft version closely resembles the original or not. The Lucas Films logo appears in the opening credits nonetheless.
      I do hope they patch it and fix the bugs. I think it's a pretty good game, let's say middle tier of the games I've played. I have a feeling that those who do the most complaining about Outlaws are die-hard Star Wars fans and gamers. This game is quite different from the previous versions and maybe not what they expected or had hoped for.
  3. xrayy
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    thank you for the images and trying out. i am far behind. would take me some more time due to fo4
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      yw. I would recommend waiting awhile until some patches come out and maybe a price reduction. I have a feeling that many of the people complaining so much about Outlaws are old Star Wars fans -- and this is not like those games at all. Outlaws plays more like an AC Odyssey or a Cyberpunk mercenary with an emphasis on stealth. The galaxy is still that of Star Wars with the Empire and the Rebels, but don't expect to see Luke, Hans, Lea, etc. I haven't met him yet, but it's been hinted that Jabba the Hut is one of the crime bosses.
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Whoa! I haven't run into a sand worm or a thrasher maw yet. Ride away!
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    The critter on the bike is pretty cute, looks sort of a salamander/monkey tiny dragon blend with fur.   If you're enjoying this game (despite the annoyances I've read below), that's all that matters.  I think BG3 and RDR2 have been the two games I've played without many bugs (although when RDR2 first released, it had some doozies and I spent a great deal of time watching compilations of them and laughing my fool head off), and Larian went out of its way to listen to players and make patches when needed, other studios should take note.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Nix is cute and I haven't seen a name for his species, but you described him pretty well, I listed several of his abilities in my reply to ista3. They did a good job with him. The animations are fun and cute, and yes, he likes to be petted. He growls on occasion at bad guys and makes some kind of chirping noise.
      About bugs and quality, I think etholas nailed it. It's all about budget and schedule. DHPL -- do the hard part later.

      Ah, the vid says Nix is a Merkel?

  6. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,136 kudos
    Looks like a lot of fun to be had :))
    That crazy rocket bike looks so cool and whoever is riding pillion is enjoying the ride too :))
    Great stuff and great Marley song .)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      The bike is pretty cool and a great off road vehicle. The critter on the back is Nix, a four-legged thief, clown, and all round great companion of unknown species. He can sneak ahead to press buttons while you stay hidden, open doors, fetch things and most fun of all pick-pockets. Also can sneak through shafts and tubes, attack guards, or distract them, disarm traps, set off explosives and more.  Nix is by far the best creation of the game and something that Ubisoft did right.
      I had a chance to see Bob Marley once, but something came up. Pity, never had a second chance.

      p.s. See the vid I posted in reply to Pat, FastBlackCat.
  7. pandasteakburger
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    More salt rubbed in my wounds! I may still be stuck with FO4, but at least the end is in sight. Somewhere beyond the horizon. But I'm glad you don't have similar annoyances to keep you from playing. I've been following the arrival of Outlaws with great interest. I can't remember a time when these big games were released without bugs, so I guess it's business as usual. I usually wait for as long as I can before buying a new game, so that I can get it with as many patches as possible. But sometimes waiting doesn't help, as in the case of the Dead Space remake. EA abandoned it when players didn't bring enough money to the table. Now I'm just waiting for them to remove Denuvo so I can finally buy the game at a discount. In the meantime, however, your Outlaws is at least looking very good. I hope they'll fix that stealth problem!
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      I don't know what to say. I'm certainly not a cheerleader for Outlaws. It's giving me some fun challenges in the game play and wanting me to move forward, and I have. A sense of accomplishment there. Enough so that I'm not putting it aside as I did A Plague Tale. However, atm I'm stuck on a main quest that has the console vs. PC problem that hammerscmp referred to. There's a rope swing and jump that you have to get just right to get to the next ledge. The "dungeon" in general had plenty of puzzles and challenges that I could figure out along the way by looking for clever alternative ways to get through, but I'm stuck on getting this "swing and jump" just right. (Did you ever play pitfall with all the alligators?) Far Cry 5 was full of such rope swings that I managed to do, as well as the other similar situations in Outlaws, but this one... *fume* I mainly play these games for the enjoyment, the story, the graphics, the challenges, and the sense of accomplishment. I'm stuck and I can't move the main game forward without completing this quest.
      Sorry for the long-winded answer. So, bottom line comment... with some patches and probably a price reduction coming sooner rather than later, most likely, I think it could be a decent game for you.

      UPDATE: Finally made it past the grapple/swing. I had to have Kim stand in exactly the right spot. Turns out there was a mat on the floor indicating where to stand. Duh. It's always something.
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 56 kudos
      In the good old days game companies released demos to create interest and a quality game that was as bug-free as possible. Today releases are determined by financial budgets and games are fixed and patched after launch. And the execs etc. wonder why there so little faith left on the part of gamers.
  8. arghTease
    • premium
    • 211 kudos

    I like smoke and lightning
    Heavy metal thunder
    Racin' with the wind
    And the feelin' that I'm under
    Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space   😁
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      There you go. One nice thing about that bike is that it can cover a lot of off road terrain like driving over a stream. It can even jump off of some pretty tall cliffs without injury or damage.
  9. Karna5
    • premium
    • 320 kudos
    Gorgeous shots! And thanks for the continued updates and the story :) They were very interesting.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Thanks. It seems that just about everyone is piling on Ubisoft with criticism, and a lot of it is well deserved. In fact their stock price has tanked as a result. I'll leave the major complaining to everyone else. I can't think of a game that was perfect out of the box. Cyberpunk, for example, was pretty bad at first. I imagine they'll fix the bugs. Then there is the game itself. Maybe not the greatest story or game play, but hey, there's a game out there about a girl and her kid brother in the midst of the Bubonic Plague. How do you feel about rats? And it now has a sequel.

      I intend to continue and see how it goes --- at least for now. Maybe everything will be all right.
    2. Karna5
      • premium
      • 320 kudos
      *Nods* We noticed the Ubisoft stock price drop as well, and we bought some stock figuring it's going to bounce up pretty solidly eventually. Ubisoft stocks drop after bad games fairly often *Laughs* but it's still a strong, multi-country company.

      And you're right about a lot of games starting badly but becoming fantastic. I'm always reminded of Mafia 3 which was terrible the first six months, but when they finally cleaned up the bugs and added the DLCs it became one of the best games my girlfriend and I ever played.
  10. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    You just weren't singing the song loud enough when you jumped your speederbike over the gorge, obviously!

    Cool shots, and I didn't know that was the title of the song either... :0
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      What's that nursery tale about the little train that could? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.  We did make it over a smaller gorge to rescue an R2D2 style robot. That only took 2-3 attempts. There's an upgrade to the speeder for a faster rocket and maybe some other tricks that I'll have to look into. 

      That's the way it goes with these songs. I was listening to Roxanne by Sting earlier when Epiphany struck. Oh, those are the words?